[misc.handicap] Sticks Club

Rob.Falvey@p0.f207.n640.z3.fidonet.org (Rob Falvey) (05/30/91)

Index Number: 15873

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

To anyone who uses mouthsticks.

I am at present a mouthstick user, due to my disability, I need to
use mouthsticks to type, turn on and off lights, etc. I am a C4
Quad and about a year after my accident I found an organisation
called 'T.A.D', you may have heard of them. T.A.D stands for
Technical Aids for the Disabled. They have people who volenteer
there time to make things for disabled people, that you just can't
buy from a shop, and only charge you for materials.

I told them about how I needed to have a couple of mouthsticks made
up.  They found a person to make the mouthsticks, he is a retired
professor of engineering, I think. Anyway after months of testing
he made a full set of  very functional sticks. I reckon they must
be the best quality sticks around. There's one for typing, which is
about 2 foot long, this means I don't have to sit so close to the
desk to type. Another one is a mouthstick with a pen on the end,
used for writing. He also made up a stick which makes it possible
to pick up things like an audio tape to put in the cassette player,
or a floppy  to put into a drive.  All the sticks are fairly strong
and go on a stand  attached to the desk where they can be picked up
and put down.

The professor asked me the other day what I thought about getting
a  national Mouthstick Users Club going. Maybe government might
assist with   funding.

If you're a mouthstick user, and think it's a good idea, please
reply and  tell what you think.

Bye for now ROB.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!3!640!207.0!Rob.Falvey
Internet: Rob.Falvey@p0.f207.n640.z3.fidonet.org