Jack.O'keeffe@p0.f26.n129.z1.fidonet.org (Jack O'keeffe) (06/04/91)
Index Number: 15965
[This is from the Silent Talk Conference]
Hi Annie:
>From time to time there have been questions and discussions
here about dual standard (ASCII/BAUDOT) modems. One of our
sons attended COMDEX in Atlanta recently, and sent me some
information on yet another of these that was demoed at the
show. It comes from Microflip, Inc., 11211 Petsworth Lane,
Glenn Dale, MD 20769. (301)262-6020 v; (301)262-1629 TDD.
Per the literature it had some interesting features, like a
remote access answering machine, auto-detection of Baudot
or ASCII, incoming call flasher and IR xmitter for remote
signaller, etc. Display is full screen and with a color
monitor can display outgoing and incoming text in selectable
colors. Compatability w/ Bell 103 ASCII 110/300 baud, plus
CCITT V.21 (europe) ASCII 300 baud, US-TDD 45.5 Baudot and
International TDD 50 Baudot.
Apparently it is FSK modulated thus can't go above 300 baud,
but it can co-exist w/internal modem @ 1200, 2400 or 9600.
Suggested retail $349, Dealer price $249 (Q10) or $274 (Q1).
Software included.
Anyone with firsthand info on this modem, please post.
... Jack.
Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!26.0!Jack.O'keeffe
Internet: Jack.O'keeffe@p0.f26.n129.z1.fidonet.org