[misc.handicap] ECMO parents

Ed.Madara@f12.n266.z1.fidonet.org (Ed Madara) (06/19/91)

Index Number: 16229

[This is from the Rare Disorders Conference]

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, or ECMO for short, is a last-ditch
surgical procedure usually used to save the lives of full-term babies
born with serious lung problems (like respiratory distress syndrome or
persistant fetal circulation).  The treatment involves inserting tubes in
the neck, jugular vein, and carotid artery.  Blood is then removed,
circulated through an artificial lung and returned to the baby - giving
the baby's lungs a chance to mature and heal.
To help families through this difficult time and provide continued
information and support following it, the national ECMO Moms & Dads
support network was developed.  For more information on their work,
newsletters, regional organizers, etc., send a stamped self-addressed
envelope to:
  ECMO Moms & Dads
  c/o Blair and Gayle Willson
HCR 1 Box 255
Plainview, TX  79072
or phone them at (806) 889-3877.
      -     Ed at the American Self-Help Clearinghouse

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!266!12!Ed.Madara
Internet: Ed.Madara@f12.n266.z1.fidonet.org