[misc.handicap] spasms

Harry.London@f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org (Harry London) (02/27/91)

Index Number: 13693

In a recent post I can't recall to whom...you refer to spasms due to your
spinal injury that cause you to lose use of your legs sometimes. If you
don't mind, would you please say what your basic spinal cord problem is?
In my case there was a vascular problem, maybe a stroke, inside the
spinal cord at T-10 level which has caused me apparently permanent loss
of strength and sensation in my legs. The exact cause has never been
pinned down. So my spinal cord problem was not literally an injury, in
the sense of trauma, but a process within the cord. I'd appreciate
hearing from you on this. Maybe there are some ideas we can exchange at
some point. Thanks very much.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!261!1000!Harry.London
Internet: Harry.London@f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org

Mike.Johnson@f610.n260.z1.fidonet.org (Mike Johnson) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14907

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

Have any of you out there come across anything that is good for
getting rid of muscle spasms besides a stiff drink or a good joint?
I'm a c-4 quad and have reacently been getting more and more spasms
I've been in the chair for 12 years now and besides spasms
depression is starting to take it's toll.  HELP

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!260!610!Mike.Johnson
Internet: Mike.Johnson@f610.n260.z1.fidonet.org

Kevin.Williams@f809.n104.z1.fidonet.org (Kevin Williams) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14912

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

I am a C-5, C8-6 quad (5 years), and have had periodic bouts w/
muscle spasms that have prohibited me from doing what I can for
myself.  I've tried all the normal stuff--including 80 mg of valium
per day, which worked, but made me consciously comatose.  Try
Dantrium (effective as valium w/o the side effects) combined w/
Lioresal.  You can adjust the dose slightly w/ an effective result
when spasticity worsens.  Works for me, but not for all.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!104!809!Kevin.Williams
Internet: Kevin.Williams@f809.n104.z1.fidonet.org

Alan.Hess@f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org (Alan Hess) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14913

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

In a message of <Mar 28 20:59> Mike Johnson (1:260/610@fidonet)
writes to All:

 MJ> Have any of you out there come across anything that is good for
 MJ> getting rid of muscle spasms besides a stiff drink or a good
 MJ> joint? I'm a c-4 quad and have reacently been getting more and
 MJ> more spasms I've been in the chair for 12 years now and besides
 MJ> spasms depression is starting to take it's toll.  HELP
 MJ> ---
Please, let's not talk depression!  10 years of paralysis, increasing pain, and
scoliosis have driven me bats!  And it is getting worse.  Fortunately, the
spasms aren't too bad.
My opinion?  Paralysis sucks, big time.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!261!1000!Alan.Hess
Internet: Alan.Hess@f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org

Jack.Hotchkiss@f10.n130.z1.fidonet.org (Jack Hotchkiss) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14915

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

Baclofen works very well for me, and it doesn't dull my brain the way
valium did. I'm a c4 c5 c6 quad and have been since 1966. Depression is
something everyone has to deal with at one time or another, regardless of
health. Do something you enjoy, read a good book, go to the museum, hit
the hay with a hot lady. Watch some W.C. Fields movies. As Roger Miller
once sang...You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd...BUT YOU CAN BE
HAPPY IF YOU'VE A MIND TO... all you gotta do is put your mind to
it..knuckle down and buckel down and DO IT DO IT DO IT."
                  good luck

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!130!10!Jack.Hotchkiss
Internet: Jack.Hotchkiss@f10.n130.z1.fidonet.org

Ruthie.Hoffman@f223.n260.z1.fidonet.org (Ruthie Hoffman) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14916

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

 > Have any of you out there come across anything that is good for
 > getting rid of muscle spasms besides a stiff drink or a good
 > joint? I'm a c-4 quad and have reacently been getting more and
 > more spasms I've been in the chair for 12 years now and besides
 > spasms depression is starting to take it's toll.  HELP

Heya Mike.....  funny seeing you here (grin)

Have you tried Bacoflen??  I notice a number of folks here in the echo
take it and I know one friend of mine who took it for quite awhile
and said it helped.  My spasms are not as bad, so just the valium
does the trick for me.

depression stinks, doesn't it.

hang in there kiddo...  seeya later!


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!260!223!Ruthie.Hoffman
Internet: Ruthie.Hoffman@f223.n260.z1.fidonet.org

Douglas.Zachary@p0.f10.n137.z1.fidonet.org (Douglas Zachary) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14917

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

  I too find the spasms to be one of the worst aspects of my injury.
They frustrate and embarras me and seem to happen at the least
opportune times, like when trying to take my dinner to the table or
when I'm trying to navagate a steep ramp.  The most embarrasing one
ever was when a girl sat in my lap and my legs and back arched like I
was trying to ram it home.
  The two best things I've found is to drink lots of water and get
ranged out good and regular.  The drinking will cause the spasms to be
worse the next day, baclophen did nothing for me. The joint works the
best and I really wish they would research this better and medicaid
would pay for it and LOCATE it.
  I once had a long list of things to help but lost it but some of the
things were, comfortable pants, good cushion, good care of toe nails,
make sure genetals are not pinched or being sat on after transfers and
make sure that you have a good cover on your cushion so heat build up
is at its least.  A good diet helps me some and avoiding foods that
cause gas.
  Whenever I ask doctors about new ways of treating spasms they just
act embarrassed that nothing is being done in this area as far as new
medications.  There is the baclophen pump and they have a surgical
procedure for snipping nerves.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!137!10.0!Douglas.Zachary
Internet: Douglas.Zachary@p0.f10.n137.z1.fidonet.org

Douglas.Zachary@p0.f10.n137.z1.fidonet.org (Douglas Zachary) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14918

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

I would take the time to read the rather lengthly warnings about
Dantrium before considering it, I would rather have the spasms.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!137!10.0!Douglas.Zachary
Internet: Douglas.Zachary@p0.f10.n137.z1.fidonet.org

Jean.Prophet@f33.n371.z1.fidonet.org (Jean Prophet) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14920

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

 > I would take the time to read the rather lengthly warnings about
 > Dantrium before considering it, I would rather have the spasms.

      Be very careful with Dantrium ... one of the side effects is
that it can cause liver damage.  Frequent blood tests will help watch
out for this.

      It worked for Buddy (helped with the spazms) but we became
afraid of the side effects and Buddy's doctor took him off of it.

      An Anestesiologist (sp) friend of ours told us that they had
used this drug in anestology (sp) for sometime.  They will use it when
they are not sure if a patient has had anything to eat before surgery
(like an emergency situation).  He was surprised taht Buddy's doctor
had prescribed it for a long term situation and HE was the one that
told us to ask Buddy's doctor about the side effects and told us to
ask for the frequent blood tests.


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!371!33!Jean.Prophet
Internet: Jean.Prophet@f33.n371.z1.fidonet.org

Jean.Prophet@f33.n371.z1.fidonet.org (Jean Prophet) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14921

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

 > Have any of you out there come across anything that is good for
 > getting rid of muscle spasms besides a stiff drink or a good
 > joint? I'm a c-4 quad and have reacently been getting more and
 > more spasms I've been in the chair for 12 years now and besides
 > spasms depression is starting to take it's toll.  HELP

      Hasn't your doctor prescribed some kind of anti-spazmatic
medication ???  My hubby (Buddy) has taken quite a few differnet
medications for the spazms but we have found that the Baclofen works
the best.

      Right now his new doctor over in Ft. Myers (we recently moved
from the Miami area) has him on a drug called Robflex ....
Unfortunately, it doesn't work as well as Baclofen ... we intend to
tell that to this new doctor on our next visit too !!

      Take care and good luck.


PS.  Sometimes Buddy's spazms are worse than other days ... it just
seems to depend on the weather and on if he over exerts himself the
day before.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!371!33!Jean.Prophet
Internet: Jean.Prophet@f33.n371.z1.fidonet.org

The.Ranger@p0.f477.n104.z1.fidonet.org (The Ranger) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14926

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

JC>        Go for the joint.  The booze is bad for you.  However, an
JC>increase in the severity of spasms could be linked to a bladder
JC>or kidney infection, a stone, and a variety of other things.
JC>Maybe it's time for a good checkup and an IVP
JC>in a sunny window in the afternood.  Watch little children play.
JC>Answer their questions.  They are the most honest people in the
JC>world and will cheer you up.

        Well as a incomplete break the pot used to make me hyper sensitive
to what little I had left.  (One of those who think's the pad on the chair
is melting from the burning feeling.)  So I never did mush of that though it
does wounders if your haveing trouble sleeping....
        As for the IVP, I'm one of those lucky folks that get stones often
but as a incomplete c4-c5, the hyper-reflexia is almost as bad.  Nothing
like a Blood pressure of 180/140 from a normal of 90/70.  And I do drink
lot's of fluids, though some are of the 12oz varity. ;-)

Terry Kline

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!104!477.0!The.Ranger
Internet: The.Ranger@p0.f477.n104.z1.fidonet.org

Keith.Jones@p0.f15.n114.z1.fidonet.org (Keith Jones) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14931

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

 I too have tried pot for spasms and since my injury is incomplete
I experienced the same increrased sensation. I did not like it at
all. It felt as though boners and tendons and ligaments were all grinding
together and I was going to snap. If pot works (and many claim it
does) great but that was my experience too.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!114!15.0!Keith.Jones
Internet: Keith.Jones@p0.f15.n114.z1.fidonet.org

Frank.Whitney@p0.f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org (Frank Whitney) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14935

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

> JC>         Ahhhh, yes.  The pounding headaches and cold sweats.
>To quote the medical profession:  "But you can't feel it anyway, so why
>worry about it?"  *adh*

What always ticks me off is when my blood pressure is higher then
normal for myself but within tolerable limits for other people.  Of
course when they are taking my pressure the headache has almost gone
away.  My last episode was at Good Samaritan Hospital.  That was
several years ago but my pressure was about 150/90 whenever they would
take it.  Finally I got them to take it when the headache was still
pretty high and it was 200+/100+ and they said well I guess we might
have to give you some medication.  It must have been divine province
because they put me on the rehabilitation floor and after about 3 days
there was a new patient admitted that had just come from another
hospital.  He was in a bad way and put his call button on and there
was no response.  Finally, I put my call button on and when they asked
what I wanted I told them that I had been around enough people that
had died to know when someone was ready to go and if they didn't get
their ass in there pretty damn quick they wouldn't be needed but could
send for the stretcher to take him to the cooler.  They came in
immediately and all hell broke loose.  They transferred him up into
ICU so I don't know if he made it or not.  All I can say is when I had
to have a surgical procedure done there I'm happy that I stayed on the
surgical ward.
>--- msged 2.06
> * Origin: Nerve Center: Rolling toward a cure for SCI!

-- Via Opus Msg Kit v1.12

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!261!1000.0!Frank.Whitney
Internet: Frank.Whitney@p0.f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org

Alan.Hess@f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org (Alan Hess) (04/15/91)

Index Number: 14937

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

In a message of <Apr 05 18:35> Frank Whitney (1:261/1000@fidonet)
writes to Alan Hess:

 FW> What always ticks me off is when my blood pressure is higher then
 FW> normal for myself but within tolerable limits for other people.
 FW> Of
 FW> course when they are taking my pressure the headache has almost
 FW> gone

Naturally.  Mine has hit 220/140 while my bladder was releasing when I had a
whopping infection.  I thought my head would split!  Every time it started, I'd
call someone over to squeeze my temples until it stopped.  It worked, sort of.
However, since it is a transient phenonmenon, I really can't take blood pressure
medication, since I'm normally low-normal.

 FW> ICU so I don't know if he made it or not.  All I can say is when
 FW> I had
 FW> to have a surgical procedure done there I'm happy that I stayed
 FW> on the
 FW> surgical ward.

You were expecting proper care from the medical profession?  :-)  *adh*

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!261!1000!Alan.Hess
Internet: Alan.Hess@f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org

Joe.Chamberlain@f140.n150.z1.fidonet.org (Joe Chamberlain) (04/20/91)

Index Number: 15040

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

TR>         Yeah even as a incomplete, some feeling is more than enoughn! I
TR> just love that totaly burt out feeling after wards.  Great way to go to
TR> sleep atleast.  Oh well atleast we know were not alone in this!

        According to this mornings newspaper Willie Shoemaker,
ex-jockey has joined our ranks following a auto accident.

        Life's a bitch.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!150!140!Joe.Chamberlain
Internet: Joe.Chamberlain@f140.n150.z1.fidonet.org

Joe.Chamberlain@f140.n150.z1.fidonet.org (Joe Chamberlain) (04/24/91)

Index Number: 15118

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

 AH> In a message of <Apr 09 06:08> Bob Howard @ 995/18 (1:10/8@fidonet)
 AH> writes to Alan Hess:

 BH>> Can scoliosis be induced by use of steroids? Especially in
 BH>> puberty age children? My deepest sympathy for your pains with
 BH>> this disease. My only suggestion is deep and frequent prayers.

 AH> I have no idea.  Besides, I never took steroids as a child. *adh*

        It will be nearly impossible to prove that the scoliosis
was caused by steroids.  There is tons of literture stating that
children of purberty age are prime candidates for this problem.

        To quote


      Scoliosis occurs in 1 - 4% of adults, and can be identified in up to
4% of children during the rapid growth years.

      Rapid Growth Years are critical, because it is in this period that
abnormal curvatures can progress rapidly to the point of requiring advanced
treatment, where earlier diagnosis and correctional treatment might have
been sufficient otherwise.

      About 4% of all children, ages 10 to 14 will show some variation from
normal spinal alignment, and about half of those (2%) will need either
treatment or close medical observation.

      Adults with wasting or degenerative conditions may have to be
more at risk than others for scoliosis (or kyphosis), and should be
screened a
little more carefully.  Persons with osteoporosis or osteomalacia, for
example, might be considered for special screening.

During Rapid Growth Years,
show about equal incidence
of significant variations of spinal alignment,
but the girls are eight times more likely
to develop serious problems related to


     Scoliosis is not at all a well-understood clinical entity.  Some 85%
cases have no attributable causative factors, and so are described in the
literature as "idiopathic" -- in other words, the person's got it, and we
don't know how.
     Idiopathic scoliosis most often develops during the growth years,
and it is rare for it to develop de novo in mature adults.

     Some authors identify hereditary factors in up to 20% of cases,
but the influences and mechanisms of those factors are also unknown.

     Congenital scoliosis may be a definable entity, based on the way the
vertebrae develop before birth, in a particular individual.

     Adult onset scoliosis usually develops in persons over the age of 50,
and is most often related to such bone diseases as osteoporosis (porous or
thinning bone) or osteomalacia (bone softening).  It can also be related to
degenerative arthritis (based on "wear and tear").

     Other suggested causative factors of scoliosis are: muscle and nerve
diseases, spinal column trauma, after-effects of radiation treatment of
spinal tumors, bone infections, neurofibromatosis, and metabolic disorders.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!150!140!Joe.Chamberlain
Internet: Joe.Chamberlain@f140.n150.z1.fidonet.org

Joe.Chamberlain@f140.n150.z1.fidonet.org (Joe Chamberlain) (04/24/91)

Index Number: 15124

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

 AJ> It should be noted that the news media claims that Willie Shoemaker
 AJ> suffered his injuries because of the involvement of alcohol.  What a

        A broken neck is a broken neck.  I have known people with
cord injuries resultant from gunshot, sking, swimming, motor
vehicles, rodeo, alcohol, mini-bikes, skateboards, wrestling, and
horseback riding.

        The bottom line is that they all were equal in a
wheelchair.  In surgery, the surgeon only sees the damaged cord,
not the face of the victim.  The blood is red, the babinski is
negative, and colnus is absent.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!150!140!Joe.Chamberlain
Internet: Joe.Chamberlain@f140.n150.z1.fidonet.org

Alan.Hess@f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org (Alan Hess) (04/24/91)

Index Number: 15125

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

In a message of <Apr 20 07:46> Joe Chamberlain (1:150/140@fidonet)
writes to Anton Johnson:

 JC>         A broken neck is a broken neck.  I have known people with
 JC> cord injuries resultant from gunshot, sking, swimming, motor
 JC> vehicles, rodeo, alcohol, mini-bikes, skateboards, wrestling, and
 JC> horseback riding.

 JC>         The bottom line is that they all were equal in a
 JC> wheelchair.  In surgery, the surgeon only sees the damaged cord,
 JC> not the face of the victim.  The blood is red, the babinski is
 JC> negative, and colnus is absent.

And any post-injury pain below the level of injury is "all in your head", and
any dream of a future cure is unrealistic.  *adh*

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!261!1000!Alan.Hess
Internet: Alan.Hess@f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org

Keith.Jones@f3.n157.z1.fidonet.org (Keith Jones) (06/18/91)

Index Number: 16209

[This is from the Spinal Injury Conference]

   I recently found something that helps my spasticity. I lay in the sun
for a couple hours until I am too hot (careful not to overheat). I then
take an ice cold shower. My legs and back go from being terribly rigid
to flacid in no time. This usually lasts for several hours. Anyone else
ever experienced anything similar. If you've never tried it, I would
highly recommend it. Just be careful not too overheat. One more thing
--the heat will increase the spasticity but the reward of the cold
shower and no spasticity makes it all worthwhile.


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!157!3!Keith.Jones
Internet: Keith.Jones@f3.n157.z1.fidonet.org

Fred.Kreitzer@p0.f10.n137.z1.fidonet.org (Fred Kreitzer) (06/21/91)

Index Number: 16328

Hi Girl
well I have had my first bad reaction to the "new" mucsle relaxant. I
have had several attacks of stomach upset, which for me is fairly
uncommon. All other of my meds have been ruled out and I was placed on
Soma last monday and the upset subsided. I am to start up the "new"
stuff again coming monday and have been told to take a mild anti-acid
every am and pm as a rule and dont wait for discomfort to start. This
side effect is not felt to be a stumbling block if in fact it  is found
to be common. What realy gets me is that we dont know who is in fact in
this study and we have been asked not to seek each other out and discuss
the medication.
Well by now you must have read that MacDill was left on the list for
posible closure at a future date. The head of the congressional subcom.
is due at MacDill on Monday to review and make further remarks on the
Base's status for the future.
This wont hurt me alot, if they close it, I will recieve my medical
treatment at a local hosp. and go to Homestead AFB, Homestead, Fla for
checkups 4 time ayear. Using I-75 which is 1/4 mile from my home, I can
get to Homestead in about 3 hours, that realy sailing, but we find that
it is rare to get stopped heading south on I-75 and my tag on the car
shows that I am retired military so we never get stopped and if we do,
we are issued a warning, thats all.
When and if closure is set, I will place my home on the market and move
back to Texas, so I can get treatment and benifits at Ft Hood. The
benifits are a major part of my income and for me come to about 10,000
ayear, including dependant care, dental care, eye exams and food
, clothing and other purchases. My land that I own In Killeen, Tx is
only a short trip into Hood and we would shop more and save alot more.
I wont have a problem selling here in Sarasota, but I do feel sorry for
the military near MacDill, there will be so many homes on the market, it
is posible tM3
tha  that the area will lose about 30% of its population.
bought a small boat for lake fishing, gat go in gulf much, chop to hard
on the back, lake here are small, sheltered and calm.
later Girl                    Sarasota Fred

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!137!10.0!Fred.Kreitzer
Internet: Fred.Kreitzer@p0.f10.n137.z1.fidonet.org