(Al Hoffman) (06/25/91)
Index Number: 16410 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] To anyone looking for a good stable job in programming, with lots of potential for more. If you are interested in a computer programming/analyst job, you are in luck. You can get a job with Internal Revenue, after some training. IRS is looking actively for visually impaired people for all kinds of jobs, so please let us hear from you--there are lots of job sites, and lots of jobs available. Don't just write this off, there are lots of "handicapped," people working full time now because they took the time to check this out and are now well on their way to a above average income bracket. If you want information or just have questions, you can call me, Al Hoffman at 202-535-4720 from 7:00 to 5:30 Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Thursday, or home at 703-765-9294 (reasonable hours). I am putting this here because I'd like to help you get a job if I can. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!109!143.0!Al.Hoffman Internet: