[comp.sys.ncr] Copying from one tape to another tape

steve@pmday_2.Dayton.NCR.COM (Steve Bridges) (01/11/90)

My co-workers and myself are trying to figure something out.  The situation
is, suppose, I have a tape in cpio format, and want to copy it to another
tape (separate drive) using cpio without putting a temporary copy on disk.

A possible scenario follows:  I have a 150mb tape with some files somebody
with another tower wants.  They only have a 45mb tape drive, but I have
both a 150mb and a 45mb tape drive.  I want to copy what is on
the 150mb tape to a 45mb tape without putting a copy in disk.

So far, I have tried:

cpio -idmuvcB < /dev/rtp | cpio -ocvB > /dev/rtp1

It worked, but put a copy of all the files on disk.

I tried cpio -ocvB < `cpio -idmuvcB < /dev/rtp` > /dev/rtp1
but it didn't work

Would  cpio -idmuvcB < /dev/rtp > cpio -ocvB > /dev/rtp1
do what I want without putting a copy on disk?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Steve Bridges                    | NCR - USDPG Product Marketing and Support OLS
Steve.Bridges@Dayton.NCR.COM     | Phone:(513)-445-4182 622-4182 (Voice Plus)
..!ncrlnk!usglnk!pmday_2!steve   | AOPA #916233
..!uunet!ncrlnk!usglnk!pmday_2!steve| PP-ASEL, AMEL

stevem@sauron.Columbia.NCR.COM (Steve McClure) (01/11/90)

In article <812@pmday_2.Dayton.NCR.COM> steve@pmday_2.Dayton.NCR.COM (Steve Bridges) writes:
|A possible scenario follows:  I have a 150mb tape with some files somebody
|with another tower wants.  They only have a 45mb tape drive, but I have
|both a 150mb and a 45mb tape drive.  I want to copy what is on
|the 150mb tape to a 45mb tape without putting a copy in disk.
|Thanks in advance for any responses.

Steve, what about dd if=/dev/150Mtape of=/dev/45Mtape bs=100k    ???

Steve McClure
The above are my opinions, which NCR doesn't really care about anyway!
CAUSER's Amiga BBS! | 803-796-3127 | 8pm-8am 8n1 | 300/1200/2400

bt455s10@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Carl "Art" McIntosh) (01/12/90)

In article <1887@sauron.Columbia.NCR.COM> stevem@sauron.UUCP (Steve McClure) writes:
>In article <812@pmday_2.Dayton.NCR.COM> steve@pmday_2.Dayton.NCR.COM (Steve Bridges) writes:
>|A possible scenario follows:  I have a 150mb tape with some files somebody
>|with another tower wants.  They only have a 45mb tape drive, but I have
>|both a 150mb and a 45mb tape drive.  I want to copy what is on
>|the 150mb tape to a 45mb tape without putting a copy in disk.
>|Thanks in advance for any responses.
>Steve, what about dd if=/dev/150Mtape of=/dev/45Mtape bs=100k    ???
>Steve McClure
>The above are my opinions, which NCR doesn't really care about anyway!
>CAUSER's Amiga BBS! | 803-796-3127 | 8pm-8am 8n1 | 300/1200/2400

I ran across a problem a couple of months back regarding reading 45MB
tapes in a 150MB drive.  Evidently the bytes are *swapped*, so you need
to use dd(1) to do the conversion.  The command below will read a 45MB
tape in a 150MB drive into the filesystem.

dd if=/dev/rstp/34yy conv=swab | cpio -idcmuv

You may have to mess with the -c option to cpio depending if the tape
was created using it or not.  Possibly you need to swap bytes as well
prior to writing to your 45MB tape.

Art Neilson 
Bank of Hawaii Tech Support
ARPA: manapua!pilikia!root@trout.nosc.mil
UUCP: {uunet,ucbvax,dcdwest}!ucsd!nosc!manapua!pilikia!root

roe@sobmips.UUCP (r.peterson) (01/14/90)

From article <1892@sauron.Columbia.NCR.COM>, by wescott@Columbia.NCR.COM (Mike Wescott):
> It is a function of using an Intel bus (mutlibus I) with a 
> big-endian processor (MC68K).  The newer controllers (SCSI) reswap
> the bytes so tapes and other peripherals look right to application
> software.

With an amazing reduction in real I/O speed.  Say you are writing 32K
blocks - the driver has to byte-swab the 32k once before it writes the
data, and then again after the write - since the buffer is in user space,
it has to put your data back the way it came.

This caused the tape driver (on a 600 running 01.03.02) to max out at about
100K per second.  Removing the swab in both directions produces about
220K/sec - more than twice as fast.
One makes strong assumptions delving	       Roe Peterson
into the beginning of the universe...	       {uunet,mcgill-vision}!sobeco!roe
	- Stephen Hawking, Cambridge

wescott@Columbia.NCR.COM (Mike Wescott) (01/14/90)

In article <812@pmday_2.Dayton.NCR.COM> steve@pmday_2.Dayton.NCR.COM (Steve Bridges) writes:
> cpio -idmuvcB < /dev/rtp | cpio -ocvB > /dev/rtp1

What this command line says is "read /dev/rtp and let cpio dearchive (put on
disk) all the files it finds there spitting out the file names as it goes.
The second cpio reads those file names and recreates the archive on /dev/rtp1.

> Would  cpio -idmuvcB < /dev/rtp > cpio -ocvB > /dev/rtp1
> do what I want without putting a copy on disk?

Nope. Not even valid syntax.  You can't redirect stdout twice on the same
command.  The command that the shell parses out looks just the same as:

	cpio -idmuvcB -ocvB < /dev/rtp > cpio > /dev/rtp1

Your best bet is plain old dd(1):

	dd if=/dev/rtp of=/dev/rtp1 bs=100k

should do the trick with reasonable efficiency.
	-Mike Wescott

wescott@Columbia.NCR.COM (Mike Wescott) (01/14/90)

In article <6123@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu> bt455s10@uhccux.UUCP (Carl "Art" McIntosh) writes:
> I ran across a problem a couple of months back regarding reading 45MB
> tapes in a 150MB drive.  Evidently the bytes are *swapped*, so you need
> to use dd(1) to do the conversion.

Actually it is a function of using an Intel bus (mutlibus I) with a 
big-endian processor (MC68K).  The newer controllers (SCSI) reswap
the bytes so tapes and other peripherals look right to application

The dd command:		dd  ... conv=swab
can be used when ever this becomes a problem transporting files
between machines.
	-Mike Wescott