[comp.sys.ncr] Looking for UNIX diagnosics software

brian@t2ns1.gcs.co.nz (01/19/90)

I'm looking for source/code for diagnostics software to run on
either/both NCR 32 series and Unisys U6000 series.

I mean the type of thing that allows a user to monitor what is
going through the cpu at any one time, various process statistics,
file management utilities, the works.

This could either be a commercial package or a public source.
Any and all help appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

________ Brian Burroughs (I know I have a boring .sig!), GCS Ltd, _________
________ P.O. Box 11-642, Manners Street, Wellington, New Zealand. ________
_____________ Voice: +64 4 801-8000   Fax: +64 4 801-8888 _________________
____________________ Email: brian@t2ns1.gcs.co.nz _________________________