[comp.sys.ncr] NNTP on NCR Tower 32 SysV.3

nick@toro.MTS.ML.COM (Nicholas Jacobs) (06/08/91)

Hi. I've been trying to get nntp up and running on a Tower 32/600
running SysV.3.00.01, WIN-TCP 4.00.01. Has anybody done this? If you have,
I would greatly appreciate any information you can supply. In particular, I'm
having problems actually reading from the socket connection (which
by the way has been dup'ed onto stdin...).

Please email, I'll summarize if people are interested.

Thanks in advance,

Nicholas Jacobs
nick@toro.MTS.ML.COM, uunet!toro!nick, (212) 236-3230
I have something to say! It's better to burn out than to fade away!
My statements are my own (not Merrill Lynch's). Any resemblance to a reality
that you know is purely coincidental.

nick@toro.MTS.ML.COM (Nicholas Jacobs) (06/11/91)

Hi. I got quite a bit of mail on NNTP. The consensus seemed to be that
it doesn't work (as originally written) on the Tower and there was even
one person who suggested that WIN-TCP was to blame...

On the bright side, one person said that NNTP 1.6 was supposed to work on the
Tower (out Real Soon Now). At any rate, I'm going to rewrite the socket
code (it's a very small part of the program actually) to be a little less
BSD-ish (read "less elegant...") and see if I can get it to work. It can't
be that difficult (hah!).

Merrill Lynch Municipal Analytics & Systems, NY
nick@toro.MTS.ML.COM, uunet!toro!nick, (212) 236-3230
I have something to say! It's better to burn out than to fade away!
My statements are my own (not Merrill Lynch's). Any resemblance to a reality
that you know is purely coincidental.