[comp.sys.ncr] Owner of SA/VA

rogers@ofc.Columbia.NCR.COM (HL Rogers) (06/28/91)

>>> | > "We liked sa a lot more than va"
>>>> Did it come from ATT?

>>>> 	an NCR exclusive?

>>>> Do the 3000 machines use va? is it part of V.4?
No.  No.

>>>> Would va give me a head start in any later migration?

>>> Both sa and va are NCR products.

>>WRONG!  sa menus are added by Unisys on their version of the NCR release.
Unisys did add some of their own menues.
>NCR designed and wrote both SA and VA.  Neither AT&T or Unisys were
>parties to the original design.
>Unisys purchased the TOWER and modified the OS (including SA/VA) for
>their own purposes.
I believe Unisys uses only the host comm. portion of the sa menues,
while they inserted their own from another third-party for
routine system administration.
HL Rogers    (hl.rogers@ncrcae.ColumbiaSC.NCR.COM)
These opinions are mine and may not be consistent
with those of my employer.