[bionet.molbio.genome-program] GENOME SEQUENCING CONFERENCE II

jcventer@HELIX.NIH.GOV (J. Craig Venter) (09/04/90)

Following is the prelimianry agenda for the upcoming Genome Sequencing
Conference II, to be held September 30-October 3, 1990, at the Hyatt Regency,
Hilton Head, South Carolina.  A limited number of places are still available forattendees. We also have limited space for companies who wish to exhibit.  If
you would be interested in further information, contact Susan Wallace, 
Conference Administrator, at (301) 480-0634 or via internet at 


Chairmen:  J. Craig Venter (NIH) and W. Gilbert (Harvard)

Rapporteur:  Robert Cook-Deegan (NIH)

PRELIMINARY AGENDA (Final agenda will be available at the conference)

Sunday, September 30, 1990

7:00-10:00 p.m.	Registration and Opening Reception

Monday, October 1, 1990

7:30-8:25 a.m.	Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:25-8:30	Welcoming Remarks			J.C. Venter 									(NIH)
							W. Gilbert 									(Harvard)

8:30-9:00	Introductory Remarks			E. Jordan (NIH)
							D. Galas (DOE)

9:00-12:20	Results from Large Scale Sequencing Projects
	Chair:  J.C. Venter (NIH) and W. Gilbert (Harvard U.)

9:00-9:25	The Human Genome Project:		J. Watson (NIH)
	  	Sequencing Goals-5 year plan 
	  	The Importance of Test Projects
9:25-10:00	The C. elegens Genome			J. Sulston (MRC)
							R. Waterston 									(Wash U)
10:00-10:25	Micoplasma Genome			W. Gilbert 									(Harvard)
10:25-10:40	Coffee Break
10:40-11:05	T-Cell Receptor Domains			L. Hood 									(CalTech)
11:05-11:30	Human Brain cDNA Project and Human	J.C. Venter 	
	  	19q Sequencing Collaboration		(NIH)
11:30-11:55	Human Chromosome 4p16.3			W.R. McCombie 									(NIH)

11:55-1:30	Lunch

1:30-3:30	Results from Large Scale Sequencing Projects (Continued)

1:30-1:55	E. Coli Genome				F. Blattner
1:55-2:20	E. Coli Genome				G. Church 									(Harvard)
2:20-2:55	TBA					D. Cohen (CEPH)
2:55-3:20	Yeast Chromosome			B. Barrell (MRC)

3:20-4:00 	Panel Discussion			Chairs and 									Speakers

3:45-6:30	Poster Session

7:00		Dinner

			Tuesday, October 2, 1990

8:30-12:10	Hardware and Software:  Similarity Searches and
	  	Sequence Assembly
	Chairs:  C. Burks (Los Alamos) and M. Kanehisa (Kyoto U.)

8:30-8:55	FDF Technology				C. Zamudio (ABI)
8:55-9:20	New Chip Design				T. Hunkapiller 									(CalTech)
9:20-9:45	DAP Technology				A. Coulson 
9:45-10:10	Algorithms on the Connection Machine	R. Jones
							(Thinking Mach)
10:10-10:30	Coffee Break
10:30-10:55	Sequence Assembly/Blast			E. Myers 									(U. of Arizona)
10:55-11:20	Suffix Tree Applications to		P. Powell 				Sequence Searching			(U. of Minn)
11:20-11:45	A New Approach to Sequence Assembly	G. Church 									(Cornell)
11:45-12:10	Detecting Coding Regions		C. Fields (CRL)
12:10-12:35	Required Software Solutions for		A. Kerlavage 	  			Sequence Assembly and Analysis		(NIH)

12:35-1:45	Lunch

1:45-5:00	Errors and Ambiguities in Sequence Data
		Chair: E. Chen (Genetech) and M. Pearson (DuPont)

1:45-2:10	General Overview of Problems at		E. Chen 		 		all Stages				(Genentech)
	  	From Experiment to Database
2:10-2:35	Sequence Validation			P. Gilna 									(GenBank)
2:35-3:00	Post Facto Analysis of Data in		S. Krawetz
	   	Databases to Determine Error Rates	(Wayne St.)
		Between Labs
3:00-3:15	Coffee Break
3:15-3:40	Anaysis of Sources of Sequencing Errors	D. States (NIH)
3:40-4:05	Sequencing Errors			TBA

4:05-5:00	Panel Discussion			Chairs and 									Speakers

6:00-7:30	Buffet Dinner

7:30-9:00	Workshops

Wednesday, October 3, 1990

8:30-12:20	New Methods
		Chair:  L. Hood (CalTech) and C. Cantor (DOE)

8:30-8:55	New Vectors				P. Youderian 									(CIBR)
8:55-9:20	Creating Cosmid Contigs			D. McElligott
							(Salk Inst)
9:20-9:45	Automated Cosmid Mapping		A. Carrano 									(LANL)
9:45-10:10	Automated Solid Phase and 		R. Cathcart 				Micro Sequencing			(ABI)
10:10-10:25	Coffee Break
10:25-10:50	Mass Spectrometry			T. Brennan 									(Genomyx)
10:50-11:15	Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry	B. Jacobson 	 			Using Stable Isotopes			(ORNL)
11:15-11:40	Sequencing Using Reusable Libraries of	W. Studier (BNL)
	 	Oligonucleotide Primers
11:40-12:05	DNA Sequencing by Hybridization:	R. Crkvenjakov 	 			First 100 Bases Ready by a Non-Gel Method  (IMGGI)
12:05-12:30	Towards Sequencing Several Kb Long	L. Ulanovsky 	 			Fragments by DNA Trapping		(Harvard)
12:30-2:00	Lunch

2:00-5:10	PCR Sequencing
		Chair:  C.T. Caskey (Baylor)

2:00-2:25	Introduction				K. Mullis
							(La Jolla, CA)
2:25-2:50	Strategies for Full Automation of	L. McBride (ABI)
	 	DNA Sequencing	
2:50-3:15	Automated Solid Phase Sequencing of	M. Uhlen 				Plasmid and Genomic DNA			(Royal Inst)
3:15-3:30	Coffee Break
3:30-3:55	Diagnostic Sequencing			R. Gibbs 									(Baylor)
3:55-4:20	New Reagents for Mapping, Sequencing	TBA
	 	and Therapeutics
4:20-4:45	Review of DNA Polymerase for Sequencing	TBA
	 	and PCR					

6:30		Conference Dinner
		Keynote Speaker:  TBA