[bionet.molbio.genome-program] new subscription

BI0311@primeb.dundee.ac.uk (Michael Diffin) (10/06/90)

Snail-Mail : Molecular Genetics Laboratory  E-Mail : BI0311@Uk.Ac.Dundee.PrimeB
             Department of Biochemistry
             University of Dundee
             Dundee DD1 4HN

Could you please subscribe me to your bulletin board service,


arnold%gandal.dnet@SERVER.UGA.EDU (11/20/90)

Please add me to the human-genome-program bulletin
board. Thanks in advance,

overt@antony (Christian Overton) (11/21/90)

I am posting the following comments on why we need a Chromosome 22
bulletin board for Bob Nussbaum, one of the orginators of the proposal
for the bulletin board.  He can be contacted at

The volume of data that is and will be generated as the human genome 
initiative gathers steam will be so great for each chromosome that it is 
clearly justifiable to have a separate bulletin board for each chromosome.  
The bulletin board is meant to provide a very high level of detail about 
specific mapping reagents and data, and not just as a method of announcing 
meetings, etc.  We want the bulletin board to be a research tool.  
Furthermore, we are piloting using the bulletin board in this way on 
chromosome 22; human geneticists are not very well versed in computer 
matters and it will take a lot of effort to get them accustomed to 
communicating this way.
					Bob Nussbaum
					Dept of Human Genetics
					University of Pennsylvania
						School of Medicine

| G. Christian Overton                        || Telephone: (215) 648-2420      |
| Center for Advanced Information Technology  || Internet: overt@prc.unisys.com |
| Unisys                                      || FAX: (215) 648-2288            |