[bionet.molbio.genome-program] HGMP-RC notes 9 & 10

gwilliam@crc.ac.uk (Gary Williams x3294) (03/02/91)

                    MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL
                    ONE-DAY COMPUTING COURSES

Winter 1991                                                HGMP Note 9

The computing service of the HGMP Resource Centre at Northwick Park, which is
fully operational, offers a wide variety of software and databases of relevance
to human gene mapping and sequencing.  In particular, the Genome Data Base
(GDB) is now mounted at the Resource Centre.

We are continuing the programme of one day computing courses intended to
introduce new users to the facility.  Note that there are also five-day courses
in April and July 1991 (see HGMP Note 10).

The one-day courses being offered are as follows:-

Alex Telford and Gary Williams (MRC CRC)

   11th March
   13th May
   10th June

Mary Jennings and Julia White (ICRF)

   12th March
   14th May
   11th June

A brief description of these two courses is given below.  They will be held at
the Resource Centre and will start at 10.30 and finish at 17.00.  Lunch may be
purchased at the Northwick Park Hospital canteen.  The courses are subject to
cancellation in the case of insufficient demand.  If you wish to stay overnight
to attend both courses you will have to make your own arrangements.  A list of
possible accommodation in the area is available from Christine Bates on

To register for the courses please apply to:-

				Mrs Christine Bates
				HGMP Resource Centre
				Watford Road
				Middlesex.  HA1 3UJ
				Tel:	081 869 3446
				Fax:	081 869 3807

These courses are free to registered HGMP users.  There is a charge of 200
Pounds per course for others.  For details of HGMP registration please apply to
Christine Bates.



The course assumes no prior knowledge of computing; the material is presented
at a level related to the previous experience of the students in each class.
The object is to raise the skill of the student so that he or she can
comfortably use the computing facilities of the HGMP-RC.  The module has a
practical bias, with each topic illustrated by examples the students perform
themselves.  Although the subject is Unix familiarity, the examples have a
biological, genetics flavour.

The day's topics will cover:

	a) Introduction Course objectives - the special keys of the terminal or
workstation keyboard which will be required through the day are identified and
located; keyboard variants are discussed.

	b) Menu Mail - the value of electronic mail is introduced in the
context of the international networks available through the UK network Janet.
Sending, reading and saving e-mail messages are covered.

	c) Unix, Operating systems - the reason for a Unix knowledge
requirement is explained: the Genetics programs have a very basic user
interface.Unix is introduced, examples of Unix commands are shown and the five
Unix commands required for using the Genetics programmes are reviewed.

	d) Disk Organisation - the need for proper organisation of a user's
file is set out.  The creation of a sub-directory and the copying of files to
and from it is described.  Commands for changing the working directory and
returning to the user's home directory are introduced.  Help with the Unix
commands is available by means of the 'man' facility.  Experience with this and
with subdirectories is practised.

	e) File Editors - Users' files can be created or modified by a file
editor.  The advantages of EMACS editor are described and experienced.


The Genome Database (GDB) is an international on-line database of human genetic
data.  It contains information on genes, DNA segments and fragile sites with
associated literature references.  Probe and polymorphism data are also
available, as are contact addresses for researchers in the field.

GDB is linked to the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database.  OMIM
is the full-text database of McKusick's Mendelian Inheritance in Man and
contains information on genetic disorders and inherited traits.

The GDB/OMIM seminar aims to give attendees a practical introduction to the
databases.  Attendees are encouraged to explore the databases for their own
research interests.  Suggested exercises are provided to illuminate the finer
points of database use.

Attendees are assumed to be familiar with genetics but only a minimal level of
computing knowledge is required.  Hands-on assistance is provided with the
practical aspects of database use.

                      MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL
                     FIVE-DAY COMPUTING COURSES

Winter 1991                                                 HGMP Note 10

The computing service of the HGMP Resource Centre at Northwick Park, which is
fully operational, offers a wide variety of software and databases of relevance
to human gene mapping and sequencing.

In 1991, we are offering comprehensive five day courses aimed at giving an
understanding of what the major packages can provide.  We are continuing also,
the programme of one day computing courses intended to introduce new users to
the facility (see HGMP Note 9).

	The five-day course programme is:

		Alex Telford and Gary Williams (MRC CRC)

		A general introduction to the HGMP Computing Facility.

		Martin Bishop, Cyrus Chottina, Michelle Ginsburg,
		Charlie Hodgman, David Judge, Sarah McQuay, Roger Staden

		Topics to be covered will include sequence database
		searching; multiple sequence alignment and evolutionary
		studies; prediction of function from DNA and protein

		John Attwood, Steve Bryant, Martin Evans, Mary Jennings,
		Sue Povey, Elaine Ross, Julia White, John Yates

		This module's syllabus will cover human genetic linkage
		analysis, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM); Genome
		Data Base (GDB: human chromosome mapping); GBASE (mouse
		chromosome mapping); Microbial Strain Data Network (MSDN)

Dates of the five-day course in the first half of 1991 are:-

			2nd - 5th  April (no introductory module)
			8th - 12th April
			1st - 5th  July
			8th - 12th July
			15th -19th July

Course participants, in the past, have found it useful to attend all modules.
However, there may be some flexibility with regard to attendance at selected
modules only.

The courses will start at 09.30 and finish at 17.30.  Lunch may be purchased at
Northwick Park Hospital canteen.  Participants will need to make their own
arrangements for accommodation but a list of possible places to stay in the
Harrow area is available from Christine Bates on request.

		To register for the courses, please apply to:-

			Mrs Christine Bates
			HGMP Resource Centre
			Watford Road
			Middlesex.  HA1 3UJ
			Tel:	081 869 3446
			Fax:	081 869 3807

These courses are free to registered HGMP users.  There is a charge of 200
Pounds per day for other people.

For details of HGMP Registration please apply to Christine Bates.