[comp.groupware] Xanadu Conference

consensus@cdp.UUCP (06/03/90)

The following topic is from the Groupware SIG on America Online.

For more information, or to reply to an individual on America
Online, contact:

* Christopher Allen - Consensus Development
* P.O. Box 2836, Union City, CA 94587-7836
* AT&T:            (415) 487-9206
* America Online:  AFL MacDev
* AppleLink:       D3516
* Internet:        cdp!consensus@arisia.xerox.com
* UUCP:            uunet!pyramid!cdp!consensus

:: topic "Xanadu Conf 5/17" from America Online ::

Subj:  Xanadu Conf 5/17                      90-05-17 14:43:03 EDT
From:  AFL MacDev                            Msgs:  4 (90-05-25)

Tonight at 10 PM EDT (7 PM PDT) we will be a discussion on "Project
Xanadu" in the Mac Developers Forum (Keyword: MDV). Our special
guest will be Bob Perez, of Xanadu Operating Company.  He will be
discussing Xanadu Technologies and the Xanadu Developer Program.

More Info on Project Xanadu from Bob Perez [XanaduDev]:

After nearly 15 years of telling the world about Ted Nelson's
Project Xanadu, we at Xanadu Operating Company are finally  nearing
completion of the Xanadu Information Server.

Often referred to as the world's oldest startup, XOC, Inc. has been
quietly working on a new technology for information processing, and
will shortly enter the beta-test stage of the long-awaited Xanadu
Server. Earlier demonstrations of this technology resulted in the
company's purchase in 1988 by AutoDesk, Inc.

Although most people think of Xanadu as primarily a hypertext
product, the real story is that Xanadu uses state-of-the-art
hypertext technology to deliver the foundation for the next
generation of collaborative software. Having a Xanadu Server on
your network will enable you to share and track information in ways
not previously possible, and will enable powerful new applications
that specialize in workgroup productivity.

We see our market as any site that has spent the time and the money
to install a local area network, and we're making the Server
available for Macintosh, Sun and PC-compatible workstations. The
Macintosh version should be available by the end of this calendar
year, followed shortly by the Sun and somewhat later by the PC

The Xanadu system is based on a client/server architecture that
segments its work into two components: the BackEnd and the
FrontEnd. We are developing the Server itself (the BackEnd), and
will NOT be competing with the Developer community by going into
the FrontEnd business. For this product to be successful, of
course, we must have a good supply of FrontEnd applications
supporting the full range of application possibilities. That's
where the Xanadu Developer Program comes in.

My name is Bob Perez and I'm manager of the Xanadu Developer
Program. I came from two years as manager of the Macintosh Software
Evangelism group for Apple Computer, Inc., and I've applied the
lessons I learned there to help get insanely great Xanadu FrontEnds
written in time for our product launch later this year.

I'll be available in the forum to discuss the components of the
Xanadu Developer Program, the Xanadu Server, or any related
subjects. See you there!

-- Bob Perez

consensus@cdp.UUCP (06/03/90)

The following file is from the Groupware SIG on America Online.

For more information, or to reply to an individual on America
Online, contact:

* Christopher Allen - Consensus Development
* P.O. Box 2836, Union City, CA 94587-7836
* AT&T:            (415) 487-9206
* America Online:  AFL MacDev
* AppleLink:       D3516
* Internet:        cdp!consensus@arisia.xerox.com
* UUCP:            uunet!pyramid!cdp!consensus

:: file "MDV CO 900517.txt" from America Online ::

Mac Developer's Forum Conference on America Online

XanaduDev : Ahem.

AFL MacDev: Ok...
            Our guest tonight is Bob Perez, of the...
            Xanadu Operating Company (affectionately called 
            Before his stint at Xanadu...
            Bob was an evangelist at Apple Computer...
            thus is advocate...
            of the Macintosh.  Tonight Bob will....
            be talking about the status of Project Xanadu...
            and a little about the Xanadu Developer Program.
            Afterwards we will have a Q&A.
            Bob, why don't you first start with a little 
            background on Xanadu. ga

XanaduDev : Ok...
            First, I want to say that Guy was right. America 
            Online is a slick place to be...

XanaduDev:  Most people who've heard about Project Xanadu have 
            either heard Ted Nelson speak about it,
            or read his books. Unfortunately, he's been telling 
            the world about it for so many years now,
            a lot of people have wondered if it's real, and if 
            so, where it is. I'm here to tell you that ...
            after nearly 15 years of design and development, we 
            are finally nearing light at the end of the tunnel
            Our current schedule has us delivering beta software 
            this summer (!), and shipping the first...
            actual Server later in the year. It is real, it does 
            work, and it really is going to change the ...
            way people use their computers over a network. After 
            a round of prototype demonstrations,
            a majority interest in XOC was purchased by Autodesk, 
            Inc. The resulting funding has had a ...
            amazing effect on our product delivery plans. ...
            I'm curious how many people here know roughly what 
            the Xanadu Server is/will be?

YETI1     : ?

ECooper   : !

AFL MacDev: (I have your question in queue, Yeti)
            ECooper, ga

XanaduDev : Gee, if we were using VMCO we'd see a show of hands.

ECooper   : My associates and I had been considering developing 
            on the NeXT with it.

AFL MacDev: (Type 'yes' if you generally know what a Xanadu 
            Server is)

SteveFolta: yes
YETI1     : yes
AFL MacDev: yes
ECooper   : Yes
AFC Zobkiw: yes
XanaduDev : Ok...
SAWYERS   : no
Habberdude: no
AFC Donald: no
Orch      : no
MakHak    : no
TPokh Qul : no

AFL MacDev: ok, Bob, continue. ga

XanaduDev : XOC is developing an information server product that 
            will use hypertext technology to...
            create new ways of sharing information over computer 
            networks. The Xanadu system is a 
            client/server architecture that segments its work 
            into two components: presenting information to...
            end users (through the Frontend), and manipulating 
            and storing that information (thru the BackEnd).
            XOC is developing the BackEnd portion, called the 
            Xanadu Server, ...
            and we are working with 3rd parties to have a 
            comprehensive suite of Frontend applications ...
            developed to take advantage of the Server. Let me 
            briefly describe the things which distinguish ...
            the Xanadu Server from other applications of 
            hypertext technology. ...
            Links. Links are of course a key component to any 
            hypertext system, and Xanadu's links are ...
            uniquely powerful in 3 respects: Variable 
            granularity, omnidirectionality, and typing ...
            Variable Granularity: links can attach to any portion 
            of a document; a byte, a bit, a paragraph,
            even non-contiguous sections of a document. 
            Omni-directionality: this is key. Whereas most ...
            HT systems use links to take you *forward* to further 
            references, Xanadu links can be traversed...
            in any direction. HyperCard, for example, uses simple 
            links that do a GoTo another card (this is
            an example of unidirection, coarse-grained linking). 
            Xanadu links, on the other hand, can
            be used to ask "what other documents in the docuverse 
            refer to this thing that I am now reading?
            Finally, link typing can be used to filter the kinds 
            of links you see in a document. For example,
            there may be hundreds (thousands) of links that point 
            to a popular document, yet you may only be...
            interested in some subset of these. Links can be 
            arbitrarily typed by users to provide a filter on...
            what links are seen .For example, you could create a 
            link of type "Criticism", to designate that your
            (I'll break for Q&A soon...)
            link is critical of the piece linked to. Or you could 
            ask to see links from a certain author, etc.
            Putting all of these features together enables you to 
            pose the following search request:
            "Show me any link from a member of the Executive 
            staff that is critical of paragraph 3 of my report."
            And there's more. Perhaps I can take some questions 
            at this point.

AFL MacDev: Can you give us an example of what types of 3rd party 
            front-ends could be built? That you want built? ga

XanaduDev : Well, we see Xanadu as a powerful enabling technology 
            for collaborative software in general, ...
            so we're looking closely at things like collaborative 
            writing tools, ...

AFC Donald: ?

XanaduDev : and when I say that, I'm thinking of applications 
            that allow users to EASILY attach comments ...

YETI1     : How will Xanadu aid a "groupware" situation...seems 
            pretty single-user oriented (sorry I sound crabby)

XanaduDev : to portions of documents, and to promote the notion 
            of issue-processing across the net. ...
            Xanadu promotes information sharing in a number of 
            There's no redundant data storage. When you enter a 
            document into Xanadu, it is stored and maintained.

ECooper   : !

XanaduDev : such that anyone with access to the document can 
            extract portions of it without replicating any ...
            of the underlying data. We use the notion of "virtual 
            documents" to allow users to construct. ..
            documents from pieces of other documents. Currently, 
            when you copy a PICT from 1 document ...
            into another, you wind up with 2 copies of the same 
            data. With Xanadu, you would only store 1 copy, 
            and all future "copies" would be virtual copies. The 
            effect is completely transparent to the end ...

YETI1     : I see...  <--less crabby now!

XanaduDev : user, but the efficiency is greatly improved.
            In this sense, documents are like "frames" that can 
            be attached in various ways around data.
            One of the most interesting differences between our 
            system and other HT systems is that ...
            we don't use a mutual exclusion principle to 
            arbitrate editing conflicts. Let me explain...
            Any multi-user editing system must arbitrate editing 
            conflicts, where one user tries to edit a...
            document that's currently being edited by someone 
            else. The usual approach locks out subsequent editor
            until the first editor gives up the document. This 
            creates "lockout frustration. With Xanadu, ...
            we use a "diverge/converge" model, that gives all 
            subsequent editors a virtual copy of the desired...
            document, allowing them to immediately spin off 
            variants of the document in question, and then ...
            we provide a powerful version compare facility that 
            allows editors to negoatiate the convergence of ..
            their work later. Nobody gets locked out.    ga

AFL MacDev: ECooper, your comment is up. ga

ECooper   : What we saw was an opportunity to reduce time and 
            paper generation by our clients who are ...
            subcontractors with the EPA.  Their work must be 
            reviewed by many other subcontractors as well as...
            the EPA themselves; and naturally edited by almost 
            every party.  GA

XanaduDev : Ok...

ECooper   : !

XanaduDev : Xanadu clearly provides a means for reducing paper 
            generation by making it much easier to exchange...
            commentary on a given work in progress. Whether this 
            results in a net time savings is another ...
            question. Email has had very profound effects on 
            business productivity, e.g. ga

AFL MacDev: ECooper, another comment. ga

ECooper   : I would like to say that the NeXT would have been our 
            preferred choice but the EPA is not going to...
            invest any time soon.  Neither is our client, so we 
            must look to the favored platform and portability. GA

AFL MacDev: AFC Donald your question is up. ga

AFC Donald: my question was already answered -- ga

XanaduDev : ok...

AFL MacDev: For those of us who read Nelson's books, Xanadu 
            seemed somewhat "altruistic"...
            How has this vision changed now that Autodesk is 
            financing XOC? ga

XanaduDev : Ted's vision of a world library accessible to anyone 
            with a computer is still being devleoped...
            But it's really Ted's own project now, under the name 
            PAX (Public Access Xanadu). In order to ...
            deliver his system, he will of course need the Xanadu 
            Server we are developing, so his ...
            relationship to XOC is rather like any other 3rd 
            party developer. As for Autodesk, not many people...
            realize that the company was founded by a group of 
            guys who didn't set out to get into the CAD market.
            The company has a rich history of software 
            development and is now starting to diversify into ...
            other market areas (witness their recent acquisition 
            of the Animator product). Their ...
            purchase of XOC was a commitment to the technology 
            that we're developing for collaborative sw.
            They see a BIG market opportunity obviously, but we 
            at XOC also see this as an opporunity to ...
            fulfill the original vision for the product. ga

SteveFolta: ?
MakHak    : !

AFL MacDev: MakHak, your comment, ga

MakHak    : My company is involved in interactive news broadcast 
            / retrieval ...
            We have chosen to use various platforms to access the 
            x.25 network...
            and store the news and info in a local database 
            system not yet chosen ...
            Can XOC help in dealing with randomly accessing the 
            info? ga

XanaduDev : Yes. The Xanadu Server deals with any kind of digital 
            data and can be used to ...
            create a rich set of retrieval criteria for any given 
            data set. The neat thing that distinguishes...
            a Xanadu search from a typical dbms search is that 
            you can use arbitrarily defined relationships to...
            extract your data. Links are really an asertion that 
            a relationship exists between various data,
            and with flexible link typing, you can create any 
            arbitrary search request with appropriate ...
            relevancy filters to boot. In practice this works 
            better (and more intuitively) than Boolean searches
            The trick, of course, is being able to do all of this 
            efficiently. Our breakthroughs come from ...
            the 15 years of design work that went into the 
            product. The underlying data structures behind...
            Xanadu are very proprietary and the thing that makes 
            it all possible. ga

AFL MacDev: Steve Folta, your question is up. ga

SteveFolta: I would like to know about the Xanadu Developer 
            Program.  E.g. are ...
            individual hackers working in their spare time going 
            to be able to 
            develop front ends, or is the XDC limited to 
            corporations with large resources ($ & time)? ga

XanaduDev : ok,
            As Chris mentioned, I was manager of Macintosh 
            Software evangelism at Apple for two years, and one
            thing I learned in that position was that the best 
            software comes from some of the smalled dev'ers ...
            At XOC, I'm trying to give as many dev'ers access to 
            our system as possible, and that will include
            a lot of sample source code, a BackEnd to work with, 
            lots of technical documentation and support,
            and even a fullscale training program in our 
            Sausalito facilities. Some of this will cost $,
            but I'm committed to creating programs that allow 
            small developers inexpensive access, perhaps thru
            the notion of scholarships or the like. This was a 
            big issue at the time I left Apple, when the 
            cost of becoming an Apple Partner suddenly 
            skyrocketed. As you can see from that experience,
            there are justifications for the costs. But we need 
            to have the flexibility to bring in those dev'ers.
            who are the real backbone of this business, and most 
            of them don't live in Redmond. ga

AFL MacDev: yeah!
            Voorsanger, your question is next. ga

VOORSANGER: Will all database retrieval within Xanadu be based 
            upon the Xanadu retrevial constructs?...
            e.g. If I have a preconstructed medical knowledge 
            will I have to rewrite it's retrieval structure to 
            utilize Xanadu? Go Ahead.
XanaduDev : ok,
            It's a fairly trivial job to bring in pre-existing 
            document sets and create the links necessary for...
            immediate use in the Xanadu environment. We're 
            betting that once people start using Xanadu, and
            given the rapid build up of new information over 
            time, most Xanadu users will be creating their ...
            documents from scratch in the Xanadu environment. We 
            don't really think of the job as information ...
            retrieval -- for that, databases will probably always 
            be used as effectively. What we provide ..
            is something that dbms can't, however, and that's the 
            arbitrary linking of unstructured information...
            Most of the interesting data in the world is 
            unstructured. Tools like Xanadu will free people ...
            from having to reorganize it into a structured format 
            suitable for dbms. ga

AFL MacDev: Bob, how can dev'ers get in touch with you? When? ga

XanaduDev : We're currently accepting applications for beta 
            testers of the Server. If you're interested, 
            contact Sue Shumacker at 415-856-4112. You can also 
            call me at extension x132, or reach me here....
            When the beta program gets going in full swing, we 
            will be announcing several online support options. ga

AFL MacDev: I want to remind folks that we have a Groupware SIG 
            here in the forum...


AFL MacDev: and Bob will be available to answer questions and 
            chat with you all.
            Voorsanger, ga with your question. ga

VOORSANGER: Will Xanadu allow the monitoring of revisions to...
            the retrieval structures? ga
XanaduDev : Hmmm. I'm not sure I understand your question, V.

AFL MacDev: Voor, elaborate. ga

VOORSANGER: E.g.  I have a knowledge base...
            I like the way I've structured the retrieval...
            But Dr. So and So doesn't...
            Dr. So and So suggests that the really important...
            relationships can be seen better with a different 
            approach to the retrieval...
            Will Xanadu tract the revisions to the retrieval 
            systems we each suggest...
            like it will with simple text bases? Whew.. ga

XanaduDev : Ahh. That's a classic example of how Xanadu can help. 
            Let me mention the version compare issue. ...
            Most version tracking systems use one of two 
            approaches: either they save every version of a ...
            document (this provides rapid retrieval but is 
            manifestly inefficient storage-wise), or they ...
            save changes to a single version. This delta-storage 
            technique is much more effiecient at...
            storage, but makes branching through versions 
            expensive, time consuming and decidedly un-fun. ...
            Xanadu's use of virtual documents uses a completely 
            different approach. All versions of all documents 
            are equally retrievable, making it very easy and 
            cheap to store all changes to any document ...
            The result is more freedom to experiment with 
            different linking strategies, or different ...
            substantive content in general, confident of the 
            ability to quickly and easily revert. ga
AFL MacDev: Bob, what can WE tell you, or offer you that would 
            help you the most? ga

ECooper   : !

XanaduDev : I'm anxious to hear what kinds of collaborative 
            application ideas people have. ga

AFL MacDev: ECooper, your comment, ga

ECooper   : I would like to reiterate some of what Bob said in 
            terms of graphics archival.  One of our main goals
            is to be able to store various unrelated but similar 
            graphic images (in various versions)...
            and pull them up at any time for proposal and 
            documentation projects.  This makes for...
            a super, VERY SMART 'scrapbook'.  GA

AFL MacDev: Bob, care to elaborate? ga

XanaduDev : Right. When you have a powerful data engine driving 
            your multimedia data, the effects are stunning. ..
            Xanadu supports ALL forms of data, btw; bit images, 
            vector drawings, sound clips, anything.
            Linking sound as annotations to text is an exciting 
            new field of interest to us. ga
AFL MacDev: One of the things I'd like to see is a meeting 
            management system...
            not a tool to eliminate meetings, but...
            one that helps make meetings more efficient, and 
            reduce ...
            the time taken up by redundant meetings.

ECooper   : Agreed!

AFL MacDev: Bob, what about issue of cross-platform data?  All 
            the types of data you describe...

XanaduDev : Yes. Redundancy will become redundant.

AFL MacDev: have machine specific versions. ga

XanaduDev : Well,all the Server knows is bytes (bits, actually), 
            and so native formats aren't important. ...
            We will have versions of the Server running on 
            Macintosh, Sun, and PC-compatible workstations. ...
            We are supporting FrontEnd development on all major 
            personal computers, although we think some of the 
            best applications will naturally emerge in the Mac 
            market first.

AFL MacDev: ;)

XanaduDev : Because of the way the Server stores data, 
            cross-platform issues will not be a problem. ga

AFL MacDev: Ok...

ECooper   : !

AFL MacDev: Bob, I want to thank...
            coming by tonight.  One last chance for people to 
            make comments...
            or ask questions, then we will wrap up.
            ECooper, ga

ECooper   : Gonna put the bite on Oracle, eh?

XanaduDev : Actually, we see ourselves as compilmentary to 
            traditional DBMSs and think that the ...

AndrewWelc: ?

XanaduDev : office of the future will have both a Xanadu system 
            and a DBMS. DBMS's will always be useful for ...
            dealing with structured information and handling 
            requests such as "show me the sales in each of ...
            the following regions, and sort them by salesman". 
            Xanadu will always be better at asking this kind of
            Q: "Let me know if anyone has ever had anything 
            favorable to say about this idea".
            Or "Show me everything critical that my boss has ever 
            had to say about this proposal.
            and so on. ga

AFL MacDev: Andrew Welch, with the last question. ga

AndrewWelc: Can anyone take the time to give a (very) brief 
            overview of WHAT Xanadu is to a late-comer?? Thanx

AFL MacDev: Wow...
AndrewWelc: :)  ga
AFL MacDev: I better put a hold on that question...
XanaduDev : :->
AFL MacDev: the first 20 minutes covered that one.
AFC Zobkiw: Andrew...the log will be available soon. :)
AndrewWelc: Ah well...  I'll ask around (feeling stupid) ga

AFL MacDev: The log will be available...
            and Bob will be around on th esystem for more 
            specific questions.
            Ok, bob, you have any closing comments? ga

XanaduDev : Well let's see. I have this editor I'm using that 
            pops up even under modal dialogs...
            I can go offline later with Andrew. ...anyway,

AndrewWelc: (FlashWrite??)

XanaduDev : (Right) ...

AndrewWelc: :)!

AFL MacDev: ;)

XanaduDev : I'm actively looking for developers who are 
            interested in leading the way into the next ...
            generation of collaborative sw development. We are 
            currently working with many of the obvious ...
            developers in this field, but I'm convinced that the 
            best software will emerge from the ...
            smaller, independent developers. Please help prove me 
            right by contacting us and letting us help ...
            you get up to speed on Xanadu. The marketing muscle 
            of Autodesk will soon be behind this product ...
            in a BIG way. Lots of opportunity to get in early. 
            Thanks for having me here, Chris! ga

AFL MacDev: Well, you'll find some of those best developers here, 
            bob.  Glad to have you online!
            Ok, we officially close here...

ECooper   : Thanks, Bob, for being here tonight. I hope we'll be 
            talking to you again soon.  ...

XanaduDev : My pleasure, E.

AFC Zobkiw: ::: log is off :::

consensus@cdp.UUCP (06/05/90)

Bob Perez's internet address is bobp@xanadu.com if you wish to direct
mail to him regarding Xanadu's developer program

-- Chris

* Christopher Allen - Consensus Development
* P.O. Box 2836, Union City, CA 94587-7836
* AT&T:            (415) 487-9206
* America Online:  AFL MacDev
* AppleLink:       D3516
* Internet:        cdp!consensus@arisia.xerox.com
* UUCP:            uunet!pyramid!cdp!consensus