[comp.groupware] ********************FREE SOFTWARE************

garau@uni2a.unige.ch (12/13/90)

Baiardi Fabio
11, route de Ferney
1202 GENEVA Switzerland

tel. : 0041 22 733 81 16

Format : MSDOS & MAC
Thank you in advance for sending free software

In article <7795.2752fdf3@jetson.uh.edu>, elee6wk@jetson.uh.edu writes:
> Here's an update on my earlier FREE Software posting.
> Todate, 308 people have responded.  To me, this is GREAT!  You will be getting
> your software in the mail by the end of next week.
> To recapitulate:
> Telemagic, from Remote Control International, is having its 4th quarter
> marketing blitz, and as a direct result, they are giving away a free personal
> edition (1.0) of their software.  I work for a vertical systems integration
> house here in Houston, and we are an authorized reseller of this software.  You
> can't get it from Babbages or Egghead discount software.  You can only get it
> from an authorized Telemagic Reseller, like the company I work for.
> What it is:  A Sales and Marketing Software Tool primarily designed for Sales
> Activities.  It has an appointment scheduler, pop-up calculator, word
> processor, database for contacts with notepad for each contact, auto-dialer,
> scripting functions, fax support and much, much more.  It is designed for
> salespeople, executives, secretaries, customer server people, brokers, dealers,
> agents, receptionists, clerks - and anyone else who deals with people over the
> phone.  Form letters are generated with the touch of ONE key! This package
> gives people more TIME to do other things, like spend time with your family,
> leave early on Fridays to go camping, etc., etc..
> This software is also useful for computer support desks, where consultants are
> on the phone helping people.  Usually managers want to know, at the end of each
> week, what type of problems their consultants have addressed and solved for the
> week.  That usually means digging out the notebook and preparing a report on a
> computer.  Not with Telemagic!  The consultant would normally input his notes
> immediately into the memo fields of the database.  If it is a new consultant
> and this person doesn't know all of the answers to the questions being asked, a
> senior consultant can write the scripts for him/her to assist with answers over
> the phone.
> Now, there is really no reason for a computer person involved in any capacity
> in the computer marketplace to NOT have a personal edition of this software.
> For your free copy, email back to me the following information:
> Name
> Company Name or Affiliation (this is optional)
> Address
> City State Zip
> Telephone Number (this is optional)
> and (this is very important)  which format you require:  
> 		msdos or mac
> There are other formats available in the Professional Version:
>   Unix/Xenix, IBM AS/400, MSDOS Networks  (Please note we are not giving 
> 	these away, jyst the msdos and mac)
> If you would like it a bit sooner (as I have a two day delay via USENET),
> please feel free to call the office at 1-800-468-5507 and ask for me (Bill
> Sanders), or if I'm not there, tell the person you are affiliated with USENET
> and that you would like the FREE Personal Edition of Telemagic.  This promotion
> will be going on until the end of December, and after that time, the price for
> the personal version is $195.00.  The regular price for the professional
> version is $495.00
> William Sanders, University of Houston
> Electrical Engineering Student at Large
> Again, thanks for your interest.  Keep those responses coming!
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |    Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human.  At        |
> |    best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes,         |
> |    bathe, and not make messes in the house  ---- Lazarus Long via         |
> |    Robert Anson Heinlein.                                                 |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,     |
> |    butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet,         |
> |    balance account, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take     |
> |    orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze    |
> |    a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal,    |
> |    fight efficiently, die gallantly.,.Specialization is for insects.      |
> |    -------- Lazarus Long via Robert Anson Heinlein. [standard disclaimer] |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |William Sanders, University of Houston     elee6wk@jetson.uh.edu           |
> |Electrical Engineering Student at Large    elee6wk@judy   [Programming     |
> |Voice-H# 713-666-2533^W#464-0210 Box 270539, Houston, TX 77277  done in the|
> |Modem (2400B) 713-666-6853 (11PM - 8AM Central Time M-F)  wee hours of the |
> |Fax           713-666-6853 (8:01 AM - 8PM Central Time M-F)  morning]      |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------