(Tom Keller) (12/14/89)
Repost. I must sell this!! I'm asking $250 for the whole lot (I'd hate to give it away for less). Don't miss your chance at a good deal (make an offer if you like). Hardware: Commodore C64 + 1541 Disk Drive Panasonic KX-P1091 Printer (with Cardco/?+G interface for the C64) Fast Load Cartridge Commodore Modem 1600 Software: Geos TRIO (Word Processing + Spreedsheet + Database) Games + Games + Games (Primarily what it was used for!) Hundreds of disks Books and Magazines: Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide Inside Commodore DOS Commodore 64 Troubleshooting & Repair Guide Mapping the Commodore 64 and 64C Compute!'s Gazette ( July-Dec. 1983 Jan., June, July, Nov., Dec. 1984 Jan.-Sept., Dec. 1985 Jan.-June, Nov., Dec. 1986 Jan., Feb., May, June 1987 Jan., May 1988 ) Commodore Magazine ( June, July 1987 ) I will consider selling the printer separately (for a reasonable price). It has never given me any problems and has spent the last 6 months in a box (ever since it was usurped by an Amiga). =============================================================================== Tom Keller Work: Home: Oregon Graduate Institute 13409 S.W. Electric St. of Science and Technology Beaverton, Oregon 97005 19600 N.W. Von Neumann Drive (503)626-9051 Beaverton, Oregon 97006-1999 (503)690-1121 ext. 7303 Internet UUCP/Usenet -------- ----------- ogicse!tkeller (If either of these don't work try using the old addresses & ogccse)