[alt.folklore.computers] Jargon file v2.1.5 28 NOV 1990 -- part 6 of 6

eric@snark.thyrsus.com (Eric S. Raymond) (11/29/90)

			= T =

T (tee) 1. [from LISP terminology for ``true''] Yes.  Usage: used in
   reply to a question, particularly one asked using the ``-P''
   convention).  See NIL.  2. See TIME T. 3. In transaction-processing
   circles, an abbreviation for the noun ``transaction''.

TALK MODE n. The state a terminal is in when linked to another via a
   bidirectional character pipe to support on-line dialogue between
   two or more users.  Talk mode has a special set of jargon words,
   used to save typing, which are not used orally:

	BCNU	Be seeing you.
	BTW	By the way...
	BYE?	Are you ready to unlink?  (This is the standard way to
		end a com mode conversation; the other person types
		BYE to confirm, or else continues the conversation.)
	CUL	See you later.
	FOO?	A greeting, also meaning R U THERE?  Often used in the
		case of unexpected links, meaning also ``Sorry if I
		butted in'' (linker) or ``What's up?'' (linkee).
	FYI	For your information...
	FYA	For your amusement...
	GA	Go ahead (used when two people have tried to type
		simultaneously; this cedes the right to type to
		the other).
	HELLOP	A greeting, also meaning R U THERE?  (An instance
		of the ``-P'' convention.)
	NIL	No (see the main entry for NIL).
	O	Over to you.
	OO	Over and out.
	OBTW	Oh, by the way...
	R U THERE?	Are you there?
	SEC	Wait a second (sometimes written SEC...).
	T	Yes (see the main entry for T).
	TNX	Thanks.
	TNX 1.0E6	Thanks a million (humorous).
	WTF	The universal interrogative particle. WTF knows what
		it means?
	WTH	What the hell
	<double CRLF>  When the typing party has finished, he types
		two CRLFs to signal that he is done; this leaves a
		blank line between individual ``speeches'' in the
		conversation, making it easier to re-read the
		preceding text.
	<name>:	When three or more terminals are linked, each speech
		is preceded by the typist's login name and a colon (or
		a hyphen) to indicate who is typing.  The login name
		often is shortened to a unique prefix (possibly a
		single letter) during a very long conversation.

   Most of the above ``sub-jargon'' is used at both Stanford and MIT.
   Several of these are also common in EMAIL, esp. FYI, FYA, BTW,
   BCNU, and CUL A few other abbrevs have been reported from
   commercial networks such as GEnie and Compuserve where on-line
   `live' chat including more than two people is common and usually
   involves a more `social' context, notably

	<g>	grin
	BRB	be right back
	HHOJ	ha ha only joking
	LOL	laughing out load
	ROTF	rolling on the floor
	AFK	away from keyboard
	b4	before
	CU l8tr	see you later
	MORF	Male or Female?
	TTFN	ta-ta for now
	OIC	Oh, I see
	rehi	hello again

   These are not used at universities; conversely, most of the people
   who know these are unfamiliar with FOO?, BCNU, HELLOP, NIL, and T.

TANKED adj. Same as DOWN, used primarily by UNIX hackers. See also
   HOSED. Popularized as a synonym for ``drunk'' by Steve Dallas in
   the late lamented ``Bloom County'' comix.

TASTE n. [primarily MIT-DMS] The quality in programs which tends to be
   inversely proportional to the number of features, hacks, and kluges
   programmed into it.  Also, TASTY, TASTEFUL, TASTEFULNESS.  ``This
   feature comes in N tasty flavors.''  Although TASTEFUL and
   FLAVORFUL are essentially synonyms, TASTE and FLAVOR are not.

TCB (tee see bee) [IBM] Trouble Came Back. Intermittent or
   difficult-to reproduce problem which has failed to respond to
   neglect. Compare HEISENBUG.

TELERAT (tel'@-rat) n. Unflattering hackerism for ``Teleray'', a line
   of extremely losing terminals. See also TERMINAK, SUN-STOOLS,

TELNET (telnet) v. To communicate with another ARPAnet host using the
   TELNET program.  TOPS-10 people use the word IMPCOM since that is
   the program name for them.  Sometimes abbreviated to TN.  ``I
   usually TN over to SAIL just to read the AP News.''

TENSE adj. Of programs, very clever and efficient.  A tense piece of
   code often got that way because it was highly bummed, but sometimes
   it was just based on a great idea.  A comment in a clever display
   routine by Mike Kazar: ``This routine is so tense it will bring
   tears to your eyes.  Much thanks to Craig Everhart and James
   Gosling for inspiring this hack attack.''  A tense programmer is
   one who produces tense code.

TERAFLOP CLUB (ter'a-flop kluhb) n. Mythical group of people who
   consume outragous amounts of computer time in order to produce a
   few simple pictures of glass balls with intricate ray tracing
   techniques.  Cal Tech professor James Kajiya is said to be the
   founding member.

TERMINAK (ter'mi-nak) [Caltech, ca. 1979] n. Any malfunctioning
   computer terminal. A common failure mode of Lear-Siegler ADM3a
   terminals caused the ``L'' key to produce the ``K'' code instead;
   complaints about this tended to look like ``Terminak #3 has a bad
   keyboard.  Pkease fix.'' See SUN-STOOLS, TELERAT, HP-SUX.

TERMINAL ILLNESS n. 1. Syn. with RASTER BURN.  2.  The `burn-in'
   condition your CRT tends to get if you don't have a screen saver.

TERPRI (ter'pree) [from the LISP 1.5 (and later, MacLISP) function to
   start a new line of output] v. To output a CRLF (q.v.).

THANKS IN ADVANCE [USENET] Conventional net.politeness ending a posted
   request for information or assistance. Sometimes written
   ``advTHANKSance''. See ``NET.'', NETIQUETTE.

THEOLOGY n. 1. Ironically used to refer to RELIGIOUS ISSUES.  2.
   Technical fine points of an abstruse nature, esp. those where the
   resolution is of theoretical interest but relatively MARGINAL with
   respect to actual use of a design or system. Used esp. around
   software issues with a heavy AI or language design component.
   Example: the deep- vs. shallow-binding debate in the design of
   dynamically-scoped LISPS.

THEORY n. Used in the general sense of idea, plan, story, or set of
   rules.  ``What's the theory on fixing this TECO loss?''  ``What's
   the theory on dinner tonight?''  (``Chinatown, I guess.'')
   ``What's the current theory on letting lusers on during the day?''
   ``The theory behind this change is to fix the following well-known

THINKO (thin'ko) [by analogy with `typo'] n. A bubble in the stream of
   consciousness; a momentary, correctable glitch in mental
   processing, especially one involving recall of information learned
   by rote. Compare MOUSO.

THRASH v. To move wildly or violently, without accomplishing anything
   useful.  Paging or swapping systems which are overloaded waste most
   of their time moving data into and out of core (rather than
   performing useful computation), and are therefore said to thrash.


THUNK n. 1. An expression, frozen together with its environment for
   later evaluation if and when needed. The process of unfreezing a
   THUNK is called `forcing'. 2. People and and activities scheduled
   in a thunklike manner. ``It occurred to me the other day that I am
   rather accurately modelled by a thunk -- I frequently need to be
   forced to completion.'' -- paraphrased from a .plan file.

TICK n. 1. Interval of time; basic clock time on the computer.
   Typically 1/60 second.  See JIFFY.  2. In simulations, the discrete
   unit of time that passes ``between'' iterations of the simulation
   mechanism.  In AI applications, this amount of time is often left
   unspecified, since the only constraint of interest is that caused
   things happen after their causes.  This sort of AI simulation is
   often pejoratively referred to as ``tick-tick-tick'' simulation,
   especially when the issue of simultaneity of events with long,
   independent chains of causes is handwaved.

TIME T (tiem tee) n. 1. An unspecified but usually well-understood
   time, often used in conjunction with a later time T+1.  ``We'll
   meet on campus at time T or at Louie's at time T+1.''  2. SINCE (OR
   AT) TIME T EQUALS MINUS INFINITY: A long time ago; for as long as
   anyone can remember; at the time that some particular frob was
   first designed.

TIP OF THE ICE-CUBE [IBM] n. The visible part of something small and
   insignificant. Used as an ironic comment in situations where ``tip
   of the iceberg'' might be appropriate if the subject were actually

TIRED IRON [IBM] n. Hardware that is perfectly functional but enough
   behind the state of the art to have been superseded by new
   products, presumably with enough improvement in bang-per-buck that
   the old stuff is starting to look a bit like a DINOSAUR.

TLA (tee el ay) [Three-Letter-Abbreviation] n. 1. Self-describing
   acronym for a species with which computing terminology is infested.
   2. Any confusing acronym at all.  Examples include MCA, FTP, SNA,
   CPU, MMU, SCCS, DMU, FPU, TLA, NNTP.  People who like this looser
   usage argue that not all TLAs have three letters, just as not all
   four letter words have four letters.

TOAST 1. n. Any completely inoperable system, esp. one that has just
   crashed; ``I think BUACCA is toast.'' 2. v. To cause a system to
   crash accidentally, especially in a manner that requires manual
   rebooting. ``Rick just toasted harp again.''

TOASTER n. 1. The archetypal really stupid application for an embedded
   microprocessor controller esp. `toaster oven'; often used in
   comments which imply that a scheme is inappropriate technology.
   ``DWIM for an assembler?  That'd be as silly as running UNIX on
   your toaster!'' 2.  A very very dumb computer. ``You could run this
   program on any dumb toaster.'' See BITTY BOX, TOASTER, TOY.

TOOL 1. n. A program primarily used to create other programs, such as
   a compiler or editor or cross-referencing program. Oppose APP,
   OPERATING SYSTEM. 2. [UNIX] An application program with a simple,
   ``transparent'' (typically text-stream) interface designed
   specifically to be used in programmed combination with other tools
   (see FILTER).  3. [MIT] v.i. To work; to study.  See HACK (def #9).

TOPS-10 (tops-ten) n. DEC's proprietary OS for the fabled PDP-10
   machines, long a favorite of hackers but now effectively extinct. A
   fountain of hacker folklore; see Appendix B. See also ITS, TOPS-20,

TOPS-20 (tops-twen'tee) n. See TWENEX.

TOURIST [from MIT's ITS system] n. A guest on the system, especially
   one who generally logs in over a network from a remote location for
   games and other trivial purposes. One step below LUSER. TOURISTIC
   is often used as a pejorative, as in ``losing touristic scum''.

TOY (toy) n. A computer system; always used with qualifiers. 1. NICE
   TOY One which supports the speaker's hacking style adequately. 2.
   JUST A TOY A machine that yields insufficient COMPUTRONS for the
   speaker's preferred uses (this is not condemnatory as is BITTY BOX,
   toys can at least be fun). See also GET A REAL COMPUTER, BITTY BOX.

TOY PROBLEM [AI] n. A deliberately simplified or even oversimplified
   case of a challenging problem used to investigate, prototype, or
   test algorithms for the real problem. Sometimes used pejoratively.
   See also GEDANKEN.

TRAP 1. n. A program interrupt, usually used specifically to refer to
   an interrupt caused by some illegal action taking place in the user
   program.  In most cases the system monitor performs some action
   related to the nature of the illegality, then returns control to
   the program.  See UUO.  2. v. To cause a trap.  ``These
   instructions trap to the monitor.''  Also used transitively to
   indicate the cause of the trap.  ``The monitor traps all
   input/output instructions.''

TRASH v. To destroy the contents of (said of a data structure). The
   most common of the family of near-synonyms including MUNG, MANGLE
   and SCRIBBLE.

TRIVIAL adj. 1. In explanation, too simple to bother detailing. 2. Not
   worth the speaker's time. 3. Complex, but solvable by methods so
   well-known that anyone not utterly CRETINOUS would have thought of
   them already. Hackers' notions of triviality may be quite at
   variance with those of non-hackers. See NONTRIVIAL, UNINTERESTING.

TROGLODYTE [Commodore] n. A hacker who never leaves his cubicle.  The
   term `Gnoll' (from D&D) is also reported.

TROGLODYTE MODE [Rice University] n. Programming with the lights
   turned off, sunglasses on, and the (character) terminal inverted
   (black on white) because you've been up for so many days straight
   that your eyes hurt. Loud music blaring from a stereo stacked in
   the corner is optional but recommended. See LARVAL STAGE, MODE.

TROJAN HORSE n. A program designed to break security or damage a
   system that is disguised as something else benign, such as a
   directory lister or archiver. See VIRUS, WORM.

TRUE-HACKER [analogy with ``trufan'' from SF fandom] n.  One who
   exemplifies the primary values of hacker culture, esp.  competence
   and helpfulness to other hackers. A high complement.  ``He spent
   six hours helping me bring up UUCP and netnews on my FOOBAR 4000
   last week -- unequivocally the act of a true-hacker.''  Compare

TTY (tee-tee-wie [UNIX], titty [ITS]) n. 1. Terminal of the teletype
   variety, characterized by a noisy mechanical printer, a very
   limited character set, and poor print quality.  Usage: antiquated
   (like the TTYs themselves).  2. [especially UNIX] Any terminal at
   all; sometimes used to refer to the particular terminal controlling
   a job.

TUBE n. A CRT terminal. Never used in the mainstream sense of TV; real
   hackers don't watch TV, except for Loony Toons and Bullwinkle &
   Rocky and the occasional cheesy old swashbuckle movie.

TUNE [from automotive or musical usage] v. To optimize a program or
   system for a particular environment. One may `tune for time'
   (fastest execution) `tune for space' (least memory utilization) or
   `tune for configuration' (most efficient use of hardware). See BUM,

TWEAK v. To change slightly, usually in reference to a value.  Also
   used synonymously with TWIDDLE.  See FROBNICATE and FUDGE FACTOR.

TWENEX (twe-neks) n. The TOPS-20 operating system by DEC.  So named
   because TOPS-10 was a typically crufty DEC operating system for the
   PDP-10.  BBN developed their own system, called TENEX (TEN
   EXecutive), and in creating TOPS-20 for the DEC-20 DEC copied TENEX
   and adapted it for the 20.  Usage: DEC people cringe when they hear
   TOPS-20 referred to as ``Twenex'', but the term seems to be
   catching on nevertheless.  Release 3 of TOPS-20 is sufficiently
   different from release 1 that some (not all) hackers have stopped
   calling it TWENEX, though the written abbreviation ``20x'' is still

TWIDDLE n. 1. tilde (ASCII 176, ``~'').  Also called ``squiggle'',
   ``sqiggle'' (sic--pronounced ``skig'gul''), and ``twaddle'', but
   twiddle is by far the most common term.  2. A small and
   insignificant change to a program.  Usually fixes one bug and
   generates several new ones.  3. v. To change something in a small
   way.  Bits, for example, are often twiddled.  Twiddling a switch or
   knob implies much less sense of purpose than toggling or tweaking
   it; see FROBNICATE.

TWINK (twink) [UCSC] n. Equivalent to READ-ONLY USER.

TWO-TO-THE-N quant. Used like N, but referring to bigger numbers. ``I
   have two to the N things to do before I can go out for lunch''
   means you probably won't show up.

TWO-PI q. The number of years it takes to finish one's thesis.  Occurs
   in stories in the form: ``He started on his thesis; two pi years

			= U =

UNINTERESTING adj. 1. Said of a problem which, while NONTRIVIAL, can
   be solved simply by throwing sufficient resources at it. 2. Also
   said of problems for which a solution would neither advance the
   state of the art nor be fun to design and code. True hackers regard
   uninteresting problems as an intolerable waste of time, to be
   solved (if at all) by lesser mortals. See WOMBAT, SMOP.

U*IX, UN*X n. Used to refer to the Unix operating system (trademark
   and/or copyright AT&T) in writing, but avoiding the need for the
   ugly (tm) typography.  Also used to refer to any or all varieties
   of Unixoid operating systems. Ironically, some lawyers now claim
   (1990) that the requirement for superscript-tm has no legal force,
   but the asterisk usage is entrenched anyhow.

UNWIND THE STACK v. 1. During the execution of a procedural language
   one is said to `unwind the stack' from a called procedure up to a
   caller when one discards the stack frame and any number of frames
   above it, popping back up to the level of the given caller.  In C
   this is done with longjmp/setjmp; in LISP with THROW/CATCH.  This
   is sometimes necessary when handling exceptional conditions.  See
   also SMASH THE STACK. 2. People can unwind the stack as well, by
   quickly dealing with a bunch of problems ``Oh hell, let's do lunch.
   Just a second while I unwind my stack''.

UNWIND-PROTECT [MIT, from the name of a LISP operator] n. A task you
   must remember to perform before you leave a place or finish a
   project.  ``I have an unwind-protect to call my advisor.''

UNIX (yoo'nix) [In the authors' words, ``A weak pun on MULTICS''] n. A
   popular interactive time-sharing system originally invented in 1969
   by Ken Thompson after Bell Labs left the MULTICS project, mostly so
   he could play SPACEWAR on a scavenged PDP7. The turning point in
   UNIX's history came when it was reimplemented almost entirely in C
   in 1974, making it the first source-portable operating system.
   Fifteen years and a lot of changes later UNIX is the most widely
   used multiuser general-purpose operating system in the world. This
   fact probably represents the single most important victory yet of
   hackerdom over industry opposition. See VERSION 7, BSD UNIX, USG

UP adj. 1. Working, in order.  ``The down escalator is up.''  2.
   BRING UP: v. To create a working version and start it.  ``They
   brought up a down system.''

UPLOAD [uhp'lohd] v. 1. To transfer code or data over a digital comm
   line from a smaller `client' system to a larger `host' one. Oppose
   DOWNLOAD. 2.  [speculatively] To move the essential patterns and
   algorithms which make up one's mind from one's brain into a
   computer.  Only those who are convinced that such patterns and
   algorithms capture the complete essence of the self view this
   prospect with aplomb.


USENET (yooz'net) n. A distributed bulletin board system supported
   mainly by UNIX machines, international in scope and probably the
   largest non-profit information utility in existence. As of early
   1990 it hosts over 300 topic groups and distributes up to 15
   megabytes of new technical articles, news, discussion, chatter, and
   FLAMAGE every day. See NEWSGROUP.

USER n. A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.  One who
   asks annoying questions.  Identified at MIT with ``loser'' by the
   spelling ``luser''.  See REAL USER.  [Note by GLS: I don't agree
   with RF's definition at all.  Basically, there are two classes of
   people who work with a program: there are implementors (hackers)
   and users (losers).  The users are looked down on by hackers to a
   mild degree because they don't understand the full ramifications of
   the system in all its glory.  (A few users who do are known as real
   winners.)  It is true that users ask questions (of necessity).
   Very often they are annoying or downright stupid.]

USER FRIENDLY adj. Programmer-hostile. Generally used by hackers in a
   hostile tone, to describe systems which hold the user's hand so
   obsessively that they make it painful for the more experienced and
   knowledgeable to get any work done. See MENUITIS, DROOL-PROOF

USER-OBSEQUIOUS adj. Emphatic form of USER FRIENDLY. Connotes a system
   so verbose, inflexible, and determinedly simple-minded that it is
   nearly unusable. ``Design a system any fool can use and only a fool
   will want to use it''.

USG UNIX (yoo-ess-jee yoo'nix) n. Refers to AT&T UNIX versions after
   VERSION 7, especially System III and System V releases 1, 2 and 3.
   So called because at that time AT&T's support crew was called the
   `Unix Support Group' See BSD UNIX.

			= V =

VADDING (vad'ing) [from VAD, a permutation of ADV (i.e. ADVENT
   (q.v.)), used to avoid a particular sysadmin's continual
   search-and-destroy sweeps for the game] n. A leisure-time activity
   of certain hackers involving the covert exploration of the
   ``secret'' parts of large buildings -- basements, roofs, freight
   elevators, maintenance crawlways, steam tunnels and the like. A few
   go so far as to learn locksmithing in order to synthesize vadding
   keys. The verb is `to vad'. The most extreme and dangerous form of
   vadding is ELEVATOR RODEO, aka ELEVATOR SURFING, a sport played by
   wrasslin' down a thousand-pound elevator car with a three-foot
   piece of string, and then exploiting this mastery in various
   stimulating ways (such as elevator hopping, shaft exploration,
   rat-racing and the ever-popular drop experiments).  Kids, don't try
   this at home!

VANILLA adj. Ordinary flavor, standard.  See FLAVOR.  When used of
   food, very often does not mean that the food is flavored with
   vanilla extract!  For example, ``vanilla-flavored wonton soup'' (or
   simply ``vanilla wonton soup'') means ordinary wonton soup, as
   opposed to hot and sour wonton soup.  Applied to hardware and
   software. As in ``Vanilla Version 7 UNIX can't run on a vanilla

VANNEVAR (van'@-var) n. A bogus technological prediction or foredoomed
   engineering concept, esp. one which fails by implicitly assuming
   that technologies develop linearly, incrementally, and in isolation
   from one another when in fact the learning curve tends to be highly
   nonlinear, revolutions are common, and competition is the rule. The
   prototype was Vannevar Bush's prediction of ``electronic brains''
   the size of the Empire State Building with a
   Niagara-Falls-equivalent cooling system for their tubes and relays,
   at a time when the semiconductor effect had already been
   demonstrated. Other famous vannevars have included commercial LISP
   machines and a paper from the late 1970s that purported to prove
   maximum achievable areal densities for ICs less than those
   routinely achieved five years later.

VAPORWARE n. Products announced far in advance of any shipment (which
   may or may not actually take place).

VAR (veir, vahr) n. Short for ``variable''. Compare ARG, PARAM.

VAX n. (vaks) [from Virtual Address eXtended] 1. The most successful
   minicomputer design in industry history, possibly excepting its
   immediate ancestor the PDP-11. Between its release in 1978 and
   eclipse by KILLER MICROS after about 1986 the VAX was probably the
   favorite hacker machine of them all, esp. after the 1982 release of
   4.2BSD UNIX (see BSD UNIX). Esp. noted for its large,
   assembler-programmer-friendly instruction set, an asset which
   became a liability after the RISC revolution following about 1985.
   2. A major brand of vacuum cleaner in Britain. Cited here because
   its alleged sales pitch, ``Nothing sucks like a VAX!'' became a
   sort of battle-cry of RISC partisans. Ironically, the slogan was
   actually that of a rival brand called Electrolux.

VAXEN (vak'sn) [from ``oxen'', perhaps influenced by ``vixen''] n. pl.
   The plural of VAX (a DEC machine). See BOXEN.

VEEBLEFESTER (vee'b@l-fes-tr) [from the ``Born Loser'' comix via
   Commodore; prob originally from Mad Magazine's ``Veeblefeetzer'' c.
   1960] n.  Any obnoxious person engaged in the alleged professions
   of marketing or management.  Antonym of HACKER. Compare SUIT,

VENUS FLYTRAP (vee'n:s flie'trap) [after the plant] n. See FIREWALL.

VERBIAGE (ver'bee-@j) [IBM] n. Documentation.

VERSION 7 alt. V7 (vee-se'v@n) n. The 1978 unsupported release of UNIX
   (q.v.) ancestral to all current commercial versions. Before the
   release of the POSIX/SVID standards V7's features were often
   treated as a UNIX portability baseline.  See BSD, USG UNIX, UNIX.

VIRGIN adj. Unused, in reference to an instantiation of a program.
   ``Let's bring up a virgin system and see if it crashes again.''
   Esp. useful after contracting a VIRUS (q.v.) through SEX (q.v.).
   Also, by extension, unused buffers and the like within a program.

VIRUS [from SF] n. A cracker program that propagates itself by
   `infecting' (embedding itself in) other trusted programs,
   especially operating systems. See WORM, TROJAN HORSE.

VMS (vee em ess) n. DEC's proprietary operating system for their VAX
   minicomputer; one of the seven or so environments that looms
   largest in hacker folklore.  Many UNIX fans generously concede that
   VMS would probably be the hacker's favorite commercial OS if UNIX
   didn't exist; though true, this makes VMS fans furious. See also
   TOPS-10, TOPS-20, UNIX.

VIRTUAL adj. 1. Common alternative to LOGICAL (q.v.), but never used
   with compass directions.  2.  Performing the functions of.  Virtual
   memory acts like real memory but isn't.

VIRTUAL REALITY n. A form of network interaction incorporating aspects
   of role-playing games, interactive theater, improvisational comedy
   and ``true confessions'' magazines. In a ``virtual reality'' forum
   (such as USENET's alt.callahans newsgroup or the MUD experiments on
   Internet) interaction between the participants is written like a
   shared novel complete with scenery, ``foreground characters'' which
   may be personae utterly unlike the people who write them, and
   common ``background characters'' manipulable by all parties. The
   one iron law is that you may not write irreversible changes to a
   character without the consent of the person who ``owns'' it.
   Otherwise anything goes. See BAMF.

VISIONARY n. One who hacks vision (in an AI context, such as the
   processing of visual images).

VULCAN NERVE PINCH n. [From the old Star Trek TV series via Commodore
   Amiga hackers] The keyboard combination that forces a soft-boot or
   jump to ROM monitor (on machines that support such a feature). On
   many micros this is Ctrl-Alt-Del. Also called THREE-FINGER SALUTE.

			= W =

WABBIT (wabb'it) [almost certainly from Elmer Fudd's immortal line
   ``you wascal wabbit!''] n. 1. A legendary early hack reported on
   the PDP-10s at RPI and elsewhere around 1978. The program would
   reproduce itself twice every time it was run, eventually crashing
   the system.  2. By extension, any hack that includes infinite
   self-replication but is not a VIRUS or WORM. See also COOKIE

WALDO (wahl'doh) [probably taken from the story ``Waldo'', by
   Heinlein, which is where the term was first used to mean a
   mechanical adjunct to a human limb] Used at Harvard, particularly
   by Tom Cheatham and students, instead of FOOBAR as a meta-syntactic
   variable and general nonsense word.  See FOO, BAR, FOOBAR, QUUX.

WALKING DRIVES An occasional failure mode of magnetic-disk drives back
   in the days when they were 14'' wide WASHING MACHINES. Those old
   DINOSAURS carried terrific angular momentum; the combination of a
   misaligned spindle or worn bearings and stick-slip interactions
   with the floor could cause them to ``walk'' across a room, lurching
   alternate corners forward a couple of millimeters at a time. This
   could also be induced by certain patterns of drive access (a fast
   seek across the whole width of the disk, followed by a slow seek in
   the other direction). It is known that some bands of old-time
   hackers figured out how to induce disk-accessing patterns that
   would do this to particular drive models and held disk-drive races.
   This is not a joke!

WALL [shortened form of HELLO WALL, apparently from the phrase ``up
   against a blank wall''] [WPI] interj. 1. An indication of
   confusion, usually spoken with a quizzical tone.  ``Wall??''  2. A
   request for further explication. Compare OCTAL FORTY.

WALL TIME n. 1. `Real world' time (what the clock on the wall shows)
   as opposed to the system clock's idea of time. 2. The real running
   time of a program, as opposed to the number of CLOCKS required to
   execute it (on a timesharing system these will differ, as no one
   program gets all the CLOCKS).

WALLPAPER n. A file containing a listing (e.g., assembly listing) or
   transcript, esp. a file containing a transcript of all or part of a
   login session.  (The idea was that the LPT paper for such listings
   was essentially good only for wallpaper, as evidenced at SAIL where
   it was used as such to cover windows.)  Usage: not often used now,
   esp. since other systems have developed other terms for it (e.g.,
   PHOTO on TWENEX).  The term possibly originated on ITS, where the
   commands to begin and end transcript files were :WALBEG and
   :WALEND, with default file DSK:WALL PAPER.

WASHING MACHINE n. Old-style hard disks in floor-standing cabinets. So
   called because of the size of the cabinet and the ``top-loading''
   access to the media packs. See WALKING DRIVES.

WEASEL [Cambridge University] A ``naive user'', one who deliberately
   or accidentally does things which are stupid or ill-advised.
   Roughly synonymoius with LUSER.

WEDGED [from ``head wedged up ass''] adj. 1. To be in a locked state,
   incapable of proceeding without help.  (See GRONK.)  Often refers
   to humans suffering misconceptions.  ``The swapper is wedged.''
   This term is sometimes used as a synonym for DEADLOCKED (q.v.).  2.
   [UNIX] Specifically used to describe the state of a TTY left in a
   losing state by abort of a screen-oriented program or one that has
   messed with the line discipline in some obscure way.

WEEBLE (weeb'l) [Cambridge University] interj. Use to denote
   frustration, usually at amazing stupidity.  ``I stuck the disk in
   upside down.'' ``Weeble...'' Compare GURFLE.

WEEDS n. Refers to development projects or algorithms that have no
   possible relevance or practical application.  Comes from ``off in
   the weeds''.  Used in phrases like ``lexical analysis for microcode
   is serious weeds...''

WELL BEHAVED adj. Of software: conforming to coding guidelines and
   standards.  Well behaved software uses the operating system to do
   chores such as keyboard input, allocating memory and drawing
   graphics. Oppose ILL-BEHAVED.

WETWARE n. 1. The human brain, as opposed to computer hardware or
   software (as in ``Wetware has at most 7 +/- 2 registers'').  2.
   Human beings (programmers, operators, administrators) attached to a
   computer system, as opposed to the system's hardware or software.

WHAT n. The question mark character (``?'').  See QUES.  Usage: rare,
   used particularly in conjunction with WOW.

WHEEL [from Twenex, q.v.] n. A privileged user or WIZARD (sense #2).
   Now spreading into the UNIX culture. Privilege bits are sometimes
   called WHEEL BITS. The state of being in a privileged logon is
   sometimes called WHEEL MODE.

WHEEL WARS [Stanford University] A period in LARVAL STAGE during which
   student wheels hack each other by attempting to log each other out
   of the system, delete each other's files, or otherwise wreak havoc,
   usually at the expense of the lesser users.

WHITE BOOK, THE n. Kernighan & Ritchie's _The_C_Programming_Language_,
   esp. the classic and influential first edition. Also called simply

WIBNI [Bell Labs, Wouldn't It Be Nice If] n. What most requirements
   documents/specifications consist entirely of. Compare IWBNI.

WIDGET n.  1. A meta-thing.  Used to stand for a real object in
   didactic examples (especially database tutorials).  Legend has it
   that the original widgets were holders for buggy whips.  2. A user
   interface object in X Window System GUIs.

WIMP ENVIRONMENT n. [acronymic from Window, Icon, Mouse, Pointer] A
  graphical-user-interface based environmend, as described by a hacker
  who prefers command-line interfaces for their superior flexibility

WIN [from MIT jargon] 1. v. To succeed.  A program wins if no
   unexpected conditions arise.  2. BIG WIN: n. Serendipity.  Emphatic
   forms: MOBY WIN, SUPER WIN, HYPER-WIN (often used interjectively as
   a reply).  For some reason SUITABLE WIN is also common at MIT,
   usually in reference to a satisfactory solution to a problem.  See

WINNAGE (win'@j) n. The situation when a lossage is corrected, or when
   something is winning.  Quite rare.  Usage: also quite rare.

WINNER 1. n. An unexpectedly good situation, program, programmer or
   person.  2. REAL WINNER: Often sarcastic, but also used as high

WINNITUDE (win'i-tood) n. The quality of winning (as opposed to
   WINNAGE, which is the result of winning).  ``That's really great!
   Boy, what winnitude!''

WIREHEAD n. 1. A hardware hacker, especially one who concentrates on
   communications hardware.  2. An expert in local area networks.  A
   wirehead can be a network software wizard too, but will always have
   the ability to deal with network hardware, down to the smallest
   component.  Wireheads are known for their ability to lash up an
   Ethernet terminator from spare resistors, for example.

WIZARD n. 1. A person who knows how a complex piece of software or
   hardware works; someone who can find and fix his bugs in an
   emergency.  Rarely used at MIT, where HACKER is the preferred term.
   2. A person who is permitted to do things forbidden to ordinary
   people, e.g., a ``net wizard'' on a TENEX may run programs which
   speak low-level host-imp protocol; an ADVENT wizard at SAIL may
   play Adventure during the day. 3. A UNIX expert. See GURU.

WIZARD MODE [from nethack] n. A special access mode of a program or
   system, usually passworded, that permits some users godlike
   privileges.  Generally not used for operating systems themselves
   (ROOT MODE or WHEEL MODE would be used instead).

WOMBAT [Waste Of Money, Brains and Time] adj. Applied to problems
   which are both profoundly UNINTERESTING in themselves and unlikely
   to benefit anyone interesting even if solved. Often used in
   fanciful constructions such as WRESTLING WITH A WOMBAT. See also

WONKY (won'kee) [from Australian slang] adj. Yet another approximate
   synonym for BROKEN. Specifically connotes a malfunction which
   produces behavior seen as crazy, humorous, or amusingly perverse.
   ``That was the day the printer's font logic went wonky and
   everybody's listings came out in Elvish.'' Also in WONKED OUT. See

WORM [from `tapeworm' in John Brunner's _Shockwave_Rider_, via XEROX
   PARC] n. A cracker program that propagates itself over a network,
   reproducing itself as it goes. See `VIRUS'. Perhaps the best known
   example was RTM's `Internet Worm' in '87, a `benign' one that got
   out of control and shut down hundreds of Suns and VAXen nationwide.

WOUND AROUND THE AXLE adj. In an infinite loop.  Often used by older
   computer types, along with ``out in the WEEDS''.


WRONG THING, THE n. A design, action or decision which is clearly
   incorrect or inappropriate. Often capitalized; always emphasized in
   speech as if capitalized. Antonym: THE RIGHT THING (q.v.).

WUGGA WUGGA (wuh'guh wuh'guh) n. Imaginary sound that a computer
   program makes as it labors with a tedious or difficult task.

			= X =

X Used in various speech and writing contexts in roughly its algebraic
   sense of ``unknown within a set defined by context'' (compare `N').
   Thus: the abbreviation 680x0 stands for 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030
   or 68040, and 80x86 stands for 80186, 80286 80386 or 80486 (note
   that a UNIX hacker might write these as 680[01234]0 and 80[1234]86
   or 680?0 and 80?86 respectively; see GLOB).

XYZZY (exs-wie-zee-zee-wie) [from the ADVENT game] adj. A magic word.
   This has actually been implemented as an undocumented no-op command
   on several OSs; in Data General's AOS, for example, it would
   respond ``Nothing happens.'' just as ADVENT did before a player had
   performed the action that enabled the word. See PLUGH.

			= Y =

YABA (ya'buh) [Cambridge University] n. Yet Another Bloody Acronym.
   Whenever some program is being named, someone invariably suggests
   that it be given a name which is acronymic. The response from those
   with a trace of originality is to remark ironically that the
   proposed name would then be ``YABA-compatible''. Also used in
   response to questions like ``What is WYSIWYG?'' ``YABA.'' See also

YOW! (yow) [from Zippy the Pinhead comix] interj. Favored hacker
   expression of humorous surprise or emphasis. ``Yow! Check out what
   happens when you twiddle the foo option on this display hack!''

YOYO MODE n. State in which the system is said to be when it rapidly
   alternates several times between being up and being down.

YU-SHIANG WHOLE FISH (yoo-shyang hohl fish) n. The character gamma
   (extended SAIL ASCII 11), which with a loop in its tail looks like
   a fish.  Usage: used primarily by people on the MIT LISP Machine.
   Tends to elicit incredulity from people who hear about it

			= Z =

ZEN v. To figure out something by meditation, or by a sudden flash of
   enlightenment. Originally applied to bugs, but occasionally applied
   to problems of life in general. ``How'd you figure out the buffer
   allocation problem?'' ``Oh, I zenned it''.  Contrast GROK, which
   connotes a time-extended version of zenning a system.

ZERO v. 1. To set to zero.  Usually said of small pieces of data, such
   as bits or words.  2. To erase; to discard all data from.  Said of
   disks and directories, where ``zeroing'' need not involve actually
   writing zeroes throughout the area being zeroed.  See SCRIBBLE.

ZIPPERHEAD [IBM] n. A person with a closed mind.

ZOMBIE [UNIX] n. A process which has been killed but has not yet
   relinquished its process table slot. These show up in ps(1)
   listings occasionally.

ZORK (zork) n. Second of the great early experiments in computer
   fantasy gaming; see ADVENT. Originally written on MIT-DMS during
   the late seventies, later distributed with BSD UNIX and
   commercialized as ``The Zork Trilogy'' by Infocom.

==================== MAIN TEXT ENDS HERE ===================================

			a cautionary tale

   The following, modulo a couple of inserted commas and capitalization
changes for readability, is the exact text of a famous USENET message.
The reader may wish to review the definitions of PM and MOUNT in the main
text before continuing.

Date: Wed 3 Sep 86 16:46:31-EDT
From: "Art Evans" <Evans@TL-20B.ARPA>
Subject: Always Mount a Scratch Monkey

My friend Bud used to be the intercept man at a computer vendor for
calls when an irate customer called.  Seems one day Bud was sitting at
his desk when the phone rang.
    Bud:	Hello.			Voice:	YOU KILLED MABEL!!
    B:		Excuse me?		V:	YOU KILLED MABEL!!

This went on for a couple of minutes and Bud was getting nowhere, so he
decided to alter his approach to the customer.

Well, to avoid making a long story even longer, I will abbreviate what had
happened.  The customer was a Biologist at the University of Blah-de-blah,
and he had one of our computers that controlled gas mixtures that Mabel (the
monkey) breathed.  Now, Mabel was not your ordinary monkey.  The University
had spent years teaching Mabel to swim, and they were studying the effects
that different gas mixtures had on her physiology.  It turns out that the
repair folks had just gotten a new Calibrated Power Supply (used to
calibrate analog equipment), and at their first opportunity decided to
calibrate the D/A converters in that computer.  This changed some of the gas
mixtures and poor Mabel was asphyxiated.  Well, Bud then called the branch
manager for the repair folks:

    Manager:	Hello
    B:		This is Bud, I heard you did a PM at the University of
    M:		Yes, we really performed a complete PM.  What can I do
		for you?
    B:		Can you swim?

The moral is, of course, that you should always mount a scratch monkey.


There are several morals here related to risks in use of computers.
Examples include, ``If it ain't broken, don't fix it.''  However, the
cautious philosophical approach implied by ``always mount a scratch
monkey'' says a lot that we should keep in mind.

Art Evans
Tartan Labs



   The following terms appeared in the main listing of the original
Jargon File, but have been rendered obsolescent by the passage of
time, the march of technology, the death of the DEC PDP-10, and the
May 1990 shutdown of the ITS machines. They are collected here for
possible historical interest.

AOS (aus (East coast) ay-ahs (West coast)) [based on a PDP-10
   increment instruction] v. To increase the amount of something.
   ``Aos the campfire.''  Usage: considered silly, and now
   obsolescent.  See SOS. Now largely supplanted by BUMP.

BIG BLT, THE (big belt, th:) n., obs. Shuffling operation on the
   PDP-10 under some operating systems that consumes a significant
   amount of computer time. See BLT in the main listing.

BIN (bin) [short for BINARY; used as a second file name on ITS] 1. n.
   BINARY.  2. BIN FILE: A file containing the BIN for a program.
   Usage: used at MIT, which runs on ITS.  The equivalent term at
   Stanford was DMP (pronounced ``dump") FILE.  Other names used
   include SAV ("save") FILE (DEC and Tenex), SHR ("share") and LOW
   FILES (DEC), and COM FILES (CP/M), and EXE ("ex'ee") FILE (DEC,
   Twenex, MS-DOS, occasionally UNIX).  Also in this category are the
   input files to the various flavors of linking loaders (LOADER,
   LINK-10, STINK), called REL FILES. See EXE in main text.

COM[M] MODE (kom mohd) [from the ITS feature for linking two or more
   terminals together so that text typed on any is echoed on all,
   providing a means of conversation among hackers; spelled with one
   or two Ms] Syn. for TALK MODE in main text.

DIABLO (dee-ah'blow) [from the Diablo printer] 1. n. Any letter-
   quality printing device.  2. v. To produce letter-quality output
   from such a device. See LASE in main listing.

DMP (dump) See BIN.

DPB (duh-pib') [from the PDP-10 instruction set] v., obs. To plop
   something down in the middle.

ENGLISH (ing'lish) n. The source code for a program, which may be in
   any language, as opposed to BINARY.  Usage: obsolete, used mostly
   by old-time hackers, though recognizable in context.  On ITS,
   directory SYSENG was where the ``English'' for system programs is
   kept, and SYSBIN, the binaries.  SAIL had many such directories,
   but the canonical one is [CSP,SYS].

EXCH (ex'chuh, ekstch) [from the PDP-10 instruction set] v., obs. To
   exchange two things, each for the other.

IMPCOM (imp'kahm) See TELNET. This term is now nearly obsolete.

IRP (erp) [from the MIDAS pseudo-op which generates a block of code
   repeatedly, substituting in various places the car and/or cdr of
   the list(s) supplied at the IRP] v. To perform a series of tasks
   repeatedly with a minor substitution each time through.  ``I guess
   I'll IRP over these homework papers so I can give them some random
   grade for this semester.'' Usage: rare, now obsolescent.

JFCL (djif'kl or djafik'l) [based on the PDP-10 instruction that acts
   as a fast no-op] v., obs. To cancel or annul something.  ``Why
   don't you jfcl that out?"

JRST (jerst) [based on the PDP-10 jump instruction] v., obs. To
   suddenly change subjects.  Usage: rather rare.  ``Jack be nimble,
   Jack be quick; Jack jrst over the candle stick.''

JSYS (jay'sis), pl. JSI (jay'sigh) [Jump to SYStem] v.,obs. See UUO.

LDB (lid'dib) [from the PDP-10 instruction set] v. To extract from the

MOBY (moh'bee) n.  This term entered the world of AI with the Fabritek
   256K moby memory of MIT-AI. Thus, classically, 256K words, the size
   of a PDP-10 moby.  (The maximum address space means the maximum
   normally addressable space, as opposed to the amount of physical
   memory a machine can have.  Thus the MIT PDP-10s each have two
   mobies, usually referred to as the ``low moby'' (0-777777) and
   ``high moby'' (1000000-1777777), or as ``moby 0'' and ``moby 1''.
   MIT-AI had four mobies of address space: moby 2 was the PDP-6
   memory, and moby 3 the PDP-11 interface.)  In this sense ``moby''
   is often used as a generic unit of either address space (18. bits'
   worth) or of memory (about a megabyte, or 9/8 megabyte (if one
   accounts for difference between 32- and 36-bit words), or 5/4

PHANTOM (fan'tm) [Stanford] n. The SAIL equivalent of a DRAGON (q.v.).
   Typical phantoms include the accounting program, the news-wire
   monitor, and the lpt and xgp spoolers. UNIX and most other
   environments call this sort of program a background DEMON or

PPN (pip'in) [DEC terminology, short for Project-Programmer Number] n.
   1. A combination `project' (directory name) and programmer name,
   used to identify a specific directory belonging to that user.  For
   instance, ``FOO,BAR'' would be the FOO directory for user BAR.
   Since the name is restricted to three letters, the programmer name
   is usually the person's initials, though sometimes it is a nickname
   or other special sequence.  (Standard DEC setup is to have two
   octal numbers instead of characters; hence the original acronym.)
   2.  Often used loosely to refer to the programmer name alone.  ``I
   want to send you some mail; what's your ppn?''  Usage: not used at
   MIT, since ITS does not use ppn's.  The equivalent terms would be
   UNAME and SNAME, depending on context, but these are not used
   except in their technical senses.

REL (rel) See BIN in the main listing. Short for `relocatable', used
   on the old TOPS-10 OS.

SAV (sayv) See BIN.

SHR (sheir) See BIN.

SOS 1. (ess-oh-ess) n. A losing editor, SON OF STOPGAP.  2. (sahss) v.
   Inverse of AOS, from the PDP-10 instruction set.

STY (pronounced ``stie'', not spelled out) n. A pseudo-teletype, which
   is a two-way pipeline with a job on one end and a fake keyboard-tty
   on the other.  Also, a standard program which provides a pipeline
   from its controlling tty to a pseudo-teletype (and thence to
   another tty, thereby providing a ``sub-tty").  This is MIT
   terminology; the SAIL, DEC and UNIX equivalent is PTY (see main

SUPDUP (soop'doop) v. To communicate with another ARPAnet host using
   the SUPDUP program, which is a SUPer-DUPer TELNET talking a special
   display protocol used mostly in talking to ITS sites.  Sometimes
   abbreviated to SD.

TECO (tee'koh) [acronym for Text Editor and COrrector] 1. n. A text
   editor developed at MIT, and modified by just about everybody.  If
   all the dialects are included, TECO might well be the single most
   prolific editor in use.  Noted for its powerful pseudo-programming
   features and its incredibly hairy syntax.  2. v. obs. To edit using
   the TECO editor in one of its infinite forms; sometimes used to
   mean ``to edit'' even when not using TECO!  Usage: rare at SAIL,
   where most people wouldn't touch TECO with a TENEX pole.

   [Historical note, c. 1982: DEC grabbed an ancient version of MIT
   TECO many years ago when it was still a TTY-oriented editor.  By
   now, TECO at MIT is highly display-oriented and is actually a
   language for writing editors, rather than an editor.  Meanwhile,
   the outside world's various versions of TECO remain almost the same
   as the MIT version of the early 1970s.  DEC recently tried to
   discourage its use, but an underground movement of sorts kept it
   alive. -- GLS]

   [Since this note was written I found out that DEC tried to force
   their hackers by administrative decision to use a hacked up and
   generally lobotomized version of SOS instead of TECO, and they
   revolted. -- MRC]

   [1990 update: TECO is now pretty much one with the dust of history,
   having been replaced (both functionally and psychologically) almost
   everywhere by GNU EMACS -- ESR]

UUO (yoo-yoo-oh) [short for ``Un-Used Operation"] n. A PDP-10 system
   monitor call.  The term ``Un-Used Operation'' comes from the fact
   that, on PDP-10 systems, monitor calls are implemented as invalid
   or illegal machine instructions, which cause traps to the monitor
   (see TRAP).  The SAIL manual describing the available UUOs has a
   cover picture showing an unidentified underwater object.  See YOYO.
   [Note: DEC sales people have since decided that ``Un-Used
   Operation" sounds bad, so UUO now stands for ``Unimplemented User
   Operation''.]  Tenex and Twenex systems use the JSYS machine
   instruction (q.v.), which is halfway between a legal machine
   instruction and a UUO, since KA-10 Tenices implement it as a
   hardware instruction which can be used as an ordinary subroutine
   call (sort of a ``pure JSR").

WORMHOLE (werm'hohl) n. A location in a monitor which contains the
   address of a routine, with the specific intent of making it easy to
   substitute a different routine.  The following quote comes from
   ``Polymorphic Systems'', vol. 2, p. 54:

   ``Any type of I/O device can be substituted for the standard device
   by loading a simple driver routine for that device and installing
   its address in one of the monitor's `wormholes.'* ---------- *The
   term `wormhole' has been used to describe a hypothetical
   astronomical situation where a black hole connects to the `other
   side' of the universe.  When this happens, information can pass
   through the wormhole, in only one direction, much as `assumptions'
   pass down the monitor's wormholes.''

   This term is now obsolescent. Modern operating systems use clusters
   of wormholes extensively (for modularization of I/O handling in
   particular, as in the UNIX device-driver organization) but the
   preferred jargon for these clusters is `device tables', `jump
   tables' or `capability tables'.

XGP (eks-jee-pee) 1. n. Xerox Graphics Printer.  2. v. To print
   something on the XGP.  ``You shouldn't XGP such a large file.''

YOYO (yoh'yoh) n. DEC service engineers' slang for UUO (q.v.).  Usage:
   rare at Stanford and MIT, has been found at random DEC



Here are some other books you can read to help you understand the hacker

Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Hofstadter, Douglas
Basic Books, New York 1979
ISBN 0-394-74502-7

This book reads like an intellectual Grand Tour of hacker
preoccupations. Music, mathematical logic, programming, speculations on
the nature of intelligence, biology, and Zen are woven into a brilliant
tapestry themed on the concept of encoded self-reference. The perfect
left-brain companion to _Illuminatus_.

Illuminatus (three vols)
1. The Golden Apple
2. The Eye in the Pyramid
3. Leviathan
Shea, Robert & Wilson, Robert Anton
Dell Books, New York 1975
ISBN 0-440-{14688-7,34691-6,14742-5}

This work of alleged fiction is an incredible berserko-surrealist
rollercoaster of world-girdling conspiracies, intelligent dolphins,
the fall of Atlantis, who really killed JFK, sex, drugs, rock and roll
and the Cosmic Giggle Factor. First published in 3 volumes, but
there's now a one-volume trade paperback carried by most chain
bookstores under SF. The perfect right-brain companion to Hofstadter's
_Godel_Escher,_Bach:_An_Eternal_Golden_Braid_. See ERIS, DISCORDIANISM,

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Douglas Adams
Pocket Books 1981, New York
ISBN 0-671-46149-4

This Monty-Python-in-Space spoof of SF genre traditions has been
popular among hackers ever since the original British radio show.
Read it if only to learn about Vogons (see BOGONS) and the
significance of the number 42 (see RANDOM NUMBERS) -- also why the
winningest chess program of 1990 was called DEEP THOUGHT.

The Tao of Programming
James Geoffrey
Infobooks 1987, Santa Monica,
ISBN 0-931137-07-1

This gentle, funny spoof of the _Tao_Te_Ching_ contains much that is
illuminating about the hacker way of thought. ``When you have learned
to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you
to leave.''

Steven Levy
Anchor/Doubleday 1984, New York
ISBN 0-385-19195-2

Levy's book is at its best in describing the early MIT hackers at the
Model Railroad Club and the early days of the microcomputer revolution.
He never understood UNIX or the networks, though, and his enshrinement of
RMS as ``the last hacker'' turns out to have been quite misleading.

The Cuckoo's Egg
Clifford Stoll
Doubleday 1989, New York
ISBN 0-385-24946-2

Clifford Stoll's absorbing tale of how he tracked Marcus Hess and the
Chaos Club cracking-ring nicely illustrates the difference between `hacker'
and `cracker'. And Stoll's portrait of himself and his lady Barbara and his
friends at Berkeley and on the Internet paints a marvelously vivid picture
of how hackers and the people around them like to live and what they think.

======================= END OF THE JARGON FILE ================================
# The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS
# Local Variables:
# mode:text
# case-fold-search:nil
# fill-prefix:"   "
# fill-column:70
# End:

marauder@diku.dk (Stephan Dahl) (11/30/90)

Hey! what happened to entries A-B? Could someone please repost them?
Or (pleeze) EMail'em me?

							TNX 1.0E+6,
cute quote:		     |standard disclaimer:
			     |  My Opinions are Mine, and only opinions
  Convictions Cause Convicts |  (Obvious really, isn't it?)
	       R.A.Wilson (?)|	                       marauder@freja.diku.dk

smith@sctc.com (Rick Smith) (12/01/90)

Concerning TENEX... (Twenex, ad nauseum)

Suffice it to say, Twenex may be a more jargon-y and colloquial word, but
BBN's Tenex deserves the notice. BBN gave Tenex to DEC in exchange for some
hardware. DEC called it TOPS-20, after filing down the rough edges.
Classic Tenex felt more hacker friendly.

Having just flamed at length about Multics, I lack the energy to winnow
out the chaff about Tenex.

smith@sctc.com   Arden Hills, Minnesota

eonu24@castle.ed.ac.uk (I Reid) (12/02/90)

What happened to the other two parts of this posting (2 & 4).... did
anyone get these bits? If so could some kind soul repost them.

