[alt.folklore.computers] The Jargon File v2.8.1, 22 MAR 1991, part 6 of 19

eric@snark.thyrsus.com (Eric S. Raymond) (03/23/91)

Submitted-by: jargon@thyrsus.com
Archive-name: jargon/part06

---- Cut Here and feed the following to sh ----
# this is jargon.06 (part 6 of jargon)
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file jargon.ascii continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
	echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
	exit 1
(read Scheck
 if test "$Scheck" != 6; then
	echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
	exit 1
	exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'jargon.ascii' &&
X   1. vi. To disappear or dissolve; the image that goes with it is of
X   an object breaking up into raster lines and static and then
X   dissolving.  Occasionally used of a person who seems to have
X   suddenly `fuzzed out' mentally rather than physically.  Usage:
X   extremely silly, also rare.  This verb was actually invented as
X   *fictional* hacker jargon, and adopted in a spirit of irony by
X   real hackers years after the fact.  2. vt. On a Macintosh, many
X   program structures (including the code itself) are managed in small
X   segments of the program file known as `resources'. The standard
X   resource compiler is Rez.  The standard resource decompiler is
X   DeRez.  Thus decompiling a resource is `derezzing'.  Usage: very
X   common.
Xdead code: n. Routines that can never be accessed because all calls
X   to them have been removed, or code which cannot be reached because
X   it is guarded by a control structure which provably must always
X   transfer control somewhere else.  The presence of dead code may
X   reveal either logical errors due to alterations in the program or
X   significant changes in the assumptions and environment of the
X   program (see also {software rot}); a good compiler should report
X   dead code so a maintainer can think about what it means.  Syn.
X   {grunge}.
XDEADBEEF: n. The hexadecimal word-fill pattern for freshly
X   allocated memory under a number of IBM environments, including the
X   RS/6000.  As in "Your program is...";  if you start from an odd
X   half-word boundary, of course, you have BEEFDEAD.
Xdeadlock: n. 1. [techspeak] A situation wherein two or more
X   processes are unable to proceed because each is waiting for one of
X   the other to do something.  A common example is a program
X   communicating to a server, which may find itself waiting for output
X   from the server before sending anything more to it, while the
X   server is similarly waiting for more input from the controlling
X   program before outputting anything.  (It is reported that this
X   particular flavor of deadlock is sometimes called a `starvation
X   deadlock', though the term `starvation' is more properly used for
X   situations where a program can never run simply because it never
X   gets high enough priority.  Another common flavor is
X   `constipation', where each process is trying to send stuff to
X   the other, but all buffers are full because nobody is reading
X   anything.)  See {deadly embrace}.  2. Also used of
X   deadlock-like interactions between humans, as when two people meet
X   in a narrow corridor, and each tries to be polite by moving aside
X   to let the other pass, but they end up swaying from side to side
X   without making any progress because they always both move the same
X   way at the same time.
Xdeadly embrace: n. Same as {deadlock}, though usually used only when
X   exactly two processes are involved.  This is the more popular term in
X   Europe, while {deadlock} predominates in the United States.
Xdeath star: [from the movie `Star Wars'] The AT&T corporate
X   logo, which appears on computers sold by AT&T and bears an uncanny
X   resemblance to the `Death Star' in the movie.  This usage is
X   particularly common among partisans of {BSD} UNIX, who tend to
X   regard the AT&T versions as inferior and AT&T as a bad guy.  Copies
X   still circulate of a poster printed by Mt. Xinu showing a starscape
X   with a space fighter labelled 4.2BSD streaking away from a broken
X   AT&T logo wreathed in flames.
X   AT&T's internal magazine, `Focus', uses `death star' for
X   an incorrectly done AT&T logo in which the inner circle in the top
X   left is dark instead of light --- a frequent result of dark-on-light
X   logo images.
XDEC Wars: n. A 1983 {USENET} posting by Alan Hastings and Steve Tarr,
X   spoofing the `Star Wars' movies in hackish terms.  Some years
X   later, ESR (disappointed by Hastings/Tarr's failure to exploit a
X   great premise more thoroughly) posted a three-times-longer complete
X   rewrite called `UNIX WARS'; the two are often confused.
XDEChead: /dek'hed/ n. 1. A DEC {field servoid}.  Not flattering.
X   2. [from `deadhead'] A Grateful Dead fan working at DEC.
Xdeckle: [from dec- and {nickle}] /dek'l/ n. Two {nickle}s; 10
X   bits.  Reported among developers for Mattel's GI 1600 (the
X   Intellivision games processor), a chip with 16-bit-wide RAM but
X   10-bit-wide ROM.
Xdeep hack mode: n. See {hack mode}.
Xdeep magic: [poss. from C.S. Lewis's `Narnia' books.] n. An
X   awesomely arcane technique central to a program or system, esp. one
X   not generally published and available to hackers at large (compare
X   {black art}); one which could only have been composed by a true
X   {wizard}.  Compiler optimization techniques and many aspects of
X   {OS} design used to be {deep magic}; many techniques in
X   cryptography, signal processing, graphics, and AI still are.
X   Compare {heavy wizardry}.  Esp. found in comments of the form
X   "Deep magic begins here...".  Compare {voodoo programming}.
Xdeep space: adj. 1. Describes the notional location of any program
X   which has gone {off the trolley}.  Esp. used of programs which
X   just sit there silently grinding long after either failure or some
X   output is expected.  Compare {buzz}, {catatonic},
X   {hyperspace}.  2. The metaphorical location of a human so dazed
X   and/or confused or caught up in some esoteric form of {bogosity}
X   that he/she no longer responds coherently to normal communication.
X   Compare {page out}.
Xdefenestration: [from the traditional Czechoslovak method of
X   assassinating prime ministers, via SF fandom] n. 1. Proper karmic
X   retribution for an incorrigible punster.  "Oh, ghod, that was
X   *awful*!"  "Quick! Defenestrate him!"  2. The act of
X   exiting a window system in order to get better response time from a
X   full-screen program.  This comes from the dictionary meaning of
X   `defenestrate', which is to throw something out a window.  3. Any
X   non-reversible act of removal, usually applied to worthless
X   objects, that improves matters having happened.  "I don't have any
X   disk space left."  "Well, why don't you defenestrate that 100 megs
X   worth of old core dumps?"  4. [proposed] The requirement to support
X   a command-line interface.  As: "It has to run on a VT100."
X   "Curses! I've been defenestrated".
Xdefined as: adj. Currently in the role of, usually in an
X   off-the-organization-chart sense.  "Pete is currently defined as
X   bug prioritizer."  Compare {logical}.
Xdehose: vt. To clear a {hosed} condition.
Xdelint: vt. To modify code to remove problems detected when linting.
X   See {lint}.
Xdelta: n. 1. [techspeak] A quantitative change, especially a
X   small or incremental one (this use is general in physics and
X   engineering).  Example: "I just doubled the speed of my program!"
X   "What was the delta on program size?"  "About thirty percent."
X   (He doubled the speed of his program, but increased its size by
X   only thirty percent.)  2. [UNIX] A {diff}, especially a
X   {diff} stored under the set of version-control tools called SCCS
X   (Source Code Control System).  3. n. A small quantity, but not as
X   small as {epsilon}.  The jargon usage of {delta} and
X   {epsilon} stems from the traditional use of these letters in
X   mathematics for very small numerical quantities, particularly in
X   `epsilon-delta' proofs in limit theory (as in the differential
X   calculus).  The term {delta} is often used once {epsilon} has
X   been mentioned to mean a quantity that is slightly bigger than
X   {epsilon} but still very small.  For example, "The cost isn't
X   epsilon, but it's delta" means that the cost isn't totally
X   negligible, but it is nevertheless very small.  Compare `within
X   delta of', `within epsilon of': that is, close to and even
X   closer to.
Xdemented: adj. Yet another term of disgust used to describe a
X   program.  The connotation in this case is that the program works as
X   designed, but the design is bad.  For example, a program that
X   generates large numbers of meaningless error messages implying it
X   is on the point of imminent collapse.  Compare {wonky},
X   {bozotic}.
Xdemigod: n. Hacker with years of experience, a national reputation,
X   and a major role in the development of at least one design, tool,
X   or game used by or known to more than half of the hacker community.
X   To qualify as a genuine demigod, the person must recognizably
X   identify with the hacker community and have helped shape it.  Major
X   demigods include Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (co-inventors of
X   {UNIX} and {C}) and Richard M. Stallman (inventor of
X   {EMACS}).  In their hearts of hearts, most hackers dream of
X   someday becoming demigods themselves, and more than one major
X   software project has been driven to completion by the author's
X   veiled hopes of apotheosis.  See also {net.god}, {true-hacker}.
Xdemo: /de'moh/ [short for `demonstration'] 1. v. To demonstrate a
X   product or prototype.  A far more effective way of inducing bugs to
X   manifest than any number of {test} runs, especially when
X   important people are watching.  2. n. The act of demoing.
Xdemo mode: [Sun] n. The state of being {heads down} in order to
X   finish code in time for a {demo}, usually due yesterday.
Xdemon: n. 1. [MIT] A portion of a program which is not invoked
X   explicitly, but which lies dormant waiting for some condition(s) to
X   occur.  See {daemon}.  The distinction is that demons are usually
X   processes within a program, while daemons are usually programs
X   running on an operating system.  Demons are particularly common in
X   AI programs.  For example, a knowledge-manipulation program might
X   implement inference rules as demons.  Whenever a new piece of
X   knowledge was added, various demons would activate (which demons
X   depends on the particular piece of data) and would create
X   additional pieces of knowledge by applying their respective
X   inference rules to the original piece.  These new pieces could in
X   turn activate more demons as the inferences filtered down through
X   chains of logic.  Meanwhile, the main program could continue with
X   whatever its primary task was.  2. [outside MIT] Often used
X   equivalently to {daemon}, especially in the {UNIX} world where the
X   latter spelling and pronunciation is considered mildly archaic.
Xdepeditate: /dee-ped'*-tayt/ [by analogy with `decapitate'] vt.
X   Humorously, to cut off the feet of.  When using some computer-aided
X   phototypesetting tools, careless placement of text blocks within a
X   page or above a rule can result in chopped-off letter descenders.
X   Such letters are said to have been depeditated.
Xdeprecated: n. Said of a program or feature that is considered
X   obsolescent and in the process of being phased out, usually in
X   favor of a specified replacement.  Deprecated features can,
X   unfortunately, linger on for many years.
Xdeserves to lose: adj. Said of someone who willfully does the
X   {Wrong Thing}; humorously, if one uses a feature known to be
X   {marginal}.  What is meant is that one deserves the consequences
X   of one's {losing} actions.  "Boy, anyone who tries to use
X   {mess-dos} deserves to {lose}!" (ITS fans used to say this of
X   UNIX; many still do.)  See also {screw}, {chomp}, {bagbiter}.
Xdesk check: n.,v. To {grovel} over hardcopy of source code
X   mentally simulating the control flow; a method of catching bugs.
X   No longer common practice in this age of on-screen editing, fast
X   compiles, and sophisticated debuggers, though some maintain stoutly
X   that it ought to be.  Compare {eyeball search}, {vdiff},
X   {vgrep}.
Xdevo: /dee'voh/ [orig. in-house jargon at Symbolics] n. A person in a
X   development group.  See also {doco} and {mango}.
Xdickless workstation: n. Extremely pejorative hackerism for
X   `diskless workstation', a class of botches including the Sun 3/50
X   and other machines designed exclusively to network with an
X   expensive central disk server.  These combine all the disadvantages
X   of time-sharing with all the disadvantages of distributed personal
X   computers.
Xdiddle: 1. vt. To work with or modify in a not particularly
X   serious manner.  "I diddled a copy of {ADVENT} so it didn't
X   double-space all the time."  "Let's diddle this piece of code and
X   see if the problem goes away."  See {tweak} and {twiddle}.
X   2. n. The action or result of diddling.  See also {tweak},
X   {twiddle}, {frob}.
Xdiff: n. 1. A change listing, especially giving differences between
X   (and additions to) source code or documents (the term is often used
X   in the plural `diffs').  "Send me your diffs for the Jargon
X   File!"  Compare {vdiff}.  2. Specifically, such a listing
X   produced by the `diff(1)' command, esp. when used as
X   specification input to the `patch(1)' utility (which can
X   actually perform the modifications; see {patch}).  This is a
X   common method of distributing patches and source updates in the
X   UNIX/C world.  See also {vdiff}, {mod}.
Xdigit: /dij'it/ n. An employee of Digital Equipment Corporation.
X   See also {VAX}, {VMS}, {PDP-10}, {TOPS-10}, {DEChead},
X   {double DECkers}, {field circus}.
Xdike: vt. To remove or disable a portion of something, as a wire
X   from a computer or a subroutine from a program.  A standard slogan
X   runs: "When in doubt, dike it out."  (The implication is that it
X   is usually more effective to attack software problems by reducing
X   complexity rather than increasing it.)  The word `dikes' is widely
X   used among mechanics and engineers to mean `diagonal cutters', a
X   heavy-duty metal-cutting device; to `dike something out' means to
X   use such cutters to remove something.  Indeed, the TMRC Dictionary
X   defined dike as "to attack with dikes".  Among hackers this term
X   has been metaphorically extended to informational objects such as
X   sections of code.
Xding: /ding/ n.,vi. 1. Synonym for {feep}.  Usage: rare among
X   hackers, but commoner in the {Real World}.  2. `dinged': what
X   happens when someone in authority gives you a minor bitching about
X   something, esp. something you consider trivial.  "I was dinged for
X   having a messy desk".
Xdink: adj. Said of a machine which has the {bitty box} nature; a
X   machine too small to be worth bothering with, sometimes the current
X   system you're forced to work on.  First heard from an MIT hacker
X   (BADOB) working on a CP/M system with 64K in reference to any 6502
X   system, then from fans of 32-bit architectures about 16-bit
X   machines.  "GNUMACS will never work on that dink machine."
X   Probably derived from mainstream `dinky', which isn't sufficiently
X   pejorative.
Xdinosaur: n. 1. Any hardware requiring raised flooring and special
X   power.  Used especially of old minis and mainframes when contrasted
X   with newer microprocessor-based machines.  In a famous quote from
X   the '88 UNIX EXPO, Bill Joy compared the mainframe in the massive
X   IBM display with a grazing dinosaur, "with a truck outside pumping
X   its bodily fluids through it".  IBM was not amused.  Compare
X   {big iron}; see also {mainframe}.  2. [IBM] A very conservative
X   user; a {zipperhead}.
Xdinosaur pen: n. A traditional {mainframe} computer room complete with
X   raised flooring, special power, its own ultra-heavy-duty air
X   conditioning, and a side order of Halon fire extinguishers.  See
X   {boa}.
Xdinosaurs mating: n. Said to occur when yet another {big iron}
X   merger or buyout occurs; reflects a perception by hackers that
X   these signal another stage in the long-drawn-out death throes of
X   the {mainframe} industry.  In its glory days of the Sixties, it
X   was `IBM and the Seven Dwarves': Burroughs, Control Data, General
X   Electric, Honeywell, NCR, RCA, and Univac.  RCA and GE sold out
X   early and it was `IBM and the Bunch' (Burroughs, Univac, NCR,
X   Control Data, and Honeywell) for a while.  Honeywell was bought out
X   by Bull; Burroughs merged with Univac to form Unisys (in 1984, this
X   was when the phrase `dinosaurs mating' was coined), and at time of
X   writing AT&T is attempting to recover from a disastrously bad first
X   six years in the hardware industry by buying NCR.  More such
X   earth-shaking unions of doomed giants seem inevitable.
Xdirty power: n. Electrical mains voltage which is unfriendly to
X   the delicate innards of computers.  Spikes, {drop-outs}, average
X   voltage significantly higher or lower than nominal, or just plain
X   noise can all cause problems of varying subtlety and severity.
XDiscordianism: /dis-kor'di-*n-ism/ n. The veneration of {Eris}, aka
X   Discordia; widely popular among hackers.  Popularized by Robert
X   Anton Wilson's `Illuminatus!' trilogy as a sort of self-subverting
X   dada-Zen for Westerners --- it should on no account be taken
X   seriously but is far more serious than most jokes.  Usually
X   connected with an elaborate conspiracy theory/joke involving
X   millennia-long warfare between the anarcho-surrealist partisans of
X   Eris and a malevolent, authoritarian secret society called the
X   Illuminati.  See Appendix B, {Church of the Sub-Genius}, and {ha ha
X   only serious}.
Xdisk farm: n. (also {laundromat}) A large room or rooms filled
X   with disk drives (esp. {washing machine}s).
Xdisplay hack: n. A program with the same approximate purpose as a
X   kaleidoscope: to make pretty pictures.  Famous display hacks
X   include {munching squares}, {smoking clover}, the BSD UNIX
X   `rain(6)' program, `worms(6)' on miscellaneous UNIXes,
X   and the {X} kaleid program.  Display hacks can also be
X   implemented without programming by creating text files containing
X   numerous escape sequences for interpretation by a video terminal;
X   one notable example displayed, on any VT100, a Christmas tree with
X   twinkling lights and a toy train circling its base.  The {hack
X   value} of a display hack is proportional to the esthetic value of
X   the images times the cleverness of the algorithm divided by the
X   size of the code.  Syn. {psychedelicware}.
XDissociated Press: n. An algorithm for transforming any text into
X   potentially humorous garbage, even more efficiently than passing it
X   through a {marketroid}.  You start by printing any N consecutive
X   words (or letters) in the text.  Then at every step you search for
X   any random occurrence in the text of the last N words (or letters)
X   already printed and then print the next one.  EMACS has a handy
X   command for this.  Here is a short example of word-based
X   Dissociated Press applied to this Jargon File:
X     wart: n. A small, crocky {feature} that sticks out of
X     an array (C has no checks for this).  This is relatively
X     benign and easy to spot if the phrase is bent so as to be
X     not worth paying attention to the medium in question.
X   Here is a short example of letter-based Dissociated Press applied
X   to this Jargon File:
X     window sysIWYG: n. A bit was named aften /bee't*/ prefer
X     to use the other guy's re, especially in every cast a
X     chuckle on neithout getting into useful informash speech
X     makes removing a featuring a move or usage actual
X     abstractionsidered interj. Indeed spectace logic or problem!
X   A hackish idle pastime is to apply letter-based Dissociated Press
X   to a random body of text and {vgrep} the output in hopes of finding
X   an interesting new word.  (In the preceding example, `window
X   sysIWYG' and `informash' show some promise.)  Iterated applications
X   of Dissociated Press usually yield better results.  Similar
X   techniques called `travesty generators' have been employed with
X   considerable satirical effect to the utterances of USENET flamers;
X   see {pseudo}.
Xdistribution: n. 1. A software source tree packaged for
X   distribution; but see {kit}.  2. A vague term encompassing
X   mailing lists and USENET newsgroups; any topic-oriented message
X   channel with multiple recipients.  3. An information-space domain
X   (usually loosely correlated with geography) to which propagation of
X   a USENET message is restricted; a much-underutilized feature.
Xdo protocol: [from network protocol programming] vt. To perform an
X   interaction with somebody or something that follows a clearly
X   defined procedure.  For example, "Let's do protocol with the
X   check." at a restaurant means to ask for the check, calculate the
X   tip and everybody's share, collect money from everybody, generate
X   change as necessary, and pay the bill.  See {protocol}.
Xdoc: /dok/ n. Common spoken and written shorthand for `document'.
X   Often in the plural `docs' and the construction `doc file',
X   documentation available on line.
Xdoco: /do'koh/ [orig. in-house jargon at Symbolics] n. A
X   documentation writer.  See also {devo} and {mango}.
Xdocumentation:: n. The multiple kilograms of macerated, pounded,
X   steamed, bleached, and pressed trees that accompany most modern
X   software or hardware products (see also {tree-killer}).  Hackers
X   seldom read paper documentation and (too) often resist writing it;
X   they prefer theirs to be terse and on-line.  See {drool-proof
X   paper}, {verbiage}.
Xdodgy: adj. Syn. with {flaky}.  Preferred outside the U.S.
Xdogcow: n. See {Moof}.
Xdogwash: [From a quip in the `urgency' field of a very optional
X   software change request, about 1982.  It was something like,
X   "Urgency: Wash your dog first."] 1. n. A project of minimal
X   priority, undertaken as an escape from more serious work.  2. v.
X   To engage in such a project.  Many games and much {freeware} get
X   written this way.
Xdomainist: adj. 1. Said of an {{Internet address}} (as opposed to
X   a {bang path}) because the part to the right of the `@',
X   specifies a nested series of `domains'; for example,
X   `eric@snark.thyrsus.com' specifies the machine called
X   `snark' in the subdomain called `thyrsus' within the
X   top-level domain called `com'.  2. Said of a site, mailer or
X   routing program which knows how to handle domainist addresses.
XDon't do that, then!: [from an old doctor's office joke about a
X   patient with a trivial complaint] interj. Stock response to a user
X   complaint.  "When I type control-S, the whole system comes to a
X   halt for thirty seconds."  "Don't do that, then." (or "So don't
X   do that!").  Compare {RTFM}.
Xdongle: /dong'gl/ n. 1. A security device for commercial
X   microcomputer programs consisting of a serialized EPROM and some
X   drivers in a D-25 connector shell.  Programs that use a dongle
X   query the port at startup and at programmed intervals thereafter,
X   and terminate if it does not respond with the dongle's programmed
X   validation code.  Thus, users can make as many copies of the
X   program as they want but must pay for each dongle.  The idea was
X   clever but initially a failure, as users disliked tying up a serial
X   port this way.  Most dongles on the market today (1991) will pass
X   data through the port and monitor for `magic codes' (and
X   combinations of status lines) with minimal if any interference with
X   devices further down the line (this innovation was necessary to
X   allow daisy-chained dongles for multiple pieces of software).  The
X   devices are still not widely used, as the industry has moved away
X   from copy-protection schemes in general.  2. By extension, any
X   physical electronic key or transferrable ID required for a program
X   to function.  See {dongle-disk}.
Xdongle-disk: /don'gl disk/ n. See {dongle}; a `dongle-disk' is a
X   floppy disk with some coding that allows an application to
X   identify it uniquely.  It can therefore be used as a {dongle}.
X   Also called a "key disk".
Xdonuts: n. Collective noun for any set of memory bits.  This is
X   really archaic and may no longer be live jargon; it dates from the
X   days of ferrite-core memories in which each bit was represented by
X   a doughnut-shaped magnetic flip-flop.  Compare {core}.
Xdoorstop: n. Used to describe equipment that is non-functional and
X   halfway expected to remain so, especially obsolete equipment kept
X   around for political reasons or ostensibly as a backup.  "When we
X   get another Wyse-50 in here, that ADM3 will turn into a doorstop."
X   Compare {boat anchor}.
Xdot file: [UNIX] n. A file that is not visible to normal
X   directory-browsing tools (on UNIX, files named beginning with a dot
X   are normally invisible to the directory lister).
Xdouble bucky: adj. Using both the CTRL and META keys.  "The
X   command to burn all LEDs is double bucky F."
X   This term originated on the Stanford extended-ASCII keyboard, and
X   was later taken up by users of the {space-cadet keyboard} at MIT.
X   A typical MIT comment was that the Stanford {bucky bits} (control
X   and meta shifting keys) were nice, but there weren't enough of
X   them; you could only type 512 different characters on a Stanford
X   keyboard.  An obvious thing was simply to add more shifting keys,
X   and this was eventually done; one problem is that a keyboard with
X   that many shifting keys is hard on touch-typists, who don't like to
X   move their hands away from the home position on the keyboard.  It
X   was half-seriously suggested that the extra shifting keys be
X   pedals; typing on such a keyboard would be very much like playing a
X   full pipe organ.  This idea is mentioned below, in a parody of a
X   very fine song by Jeffrey Moss called `Rubber Duckie', which
X   was published in `The Sesame Street Songbook' (Simon and
X   Schuster 1971, ISBN 671-21036-X).  These lyrics were written on May
X   27, 1978, in celebration of the Stanford keyboard.
X     			Double Bucky
X     	Double bucky, you're the one!
X     	You make my keyboard lots of fun.
X     	    Double bucky, an additional bit or two:
X     	(Vo-vo-de-o!)
X     	Control and meta, side by side,
X     	Augmented ASCII, nine bits wide!
X     	    Double bucky!  Half a thousand glyphs, plus a few!
X     		Oh,
X     		I sure wish that I
X     		Had a couple of
X     		    Bits more!
X     		Perhaps a
X     		Set of pedals to
X     		Make the number of
X     		    Bits four:
X     		Double double bucky!
X     	Double bucky, left and right
X     	OR'd together, outta sight!
X     	    Double bucky, I'd like a whole word of
X     	    Double bucky, I'm happy I heard of
X     	    Double bucky, I'd like a whole word of you!
X     	--- The Great Quux (with apologies to Jeffrey Moss)
X   [This, by the way, is an excellent example of computer {filk} --- ESR]
X   See also {meta bit}, {cokebottle}, and {quadruple bucky}.
Xdouble DECkers: n. Used to describe married couples in which both
X   partners work for Digital Equipment Corporation.
Xdoubled sig: [USENET] n. A {sig block} that has been included
X   twice in a {USENET} article or, less frequently, in an electronic
X   mail message.  An article or message with a doubled sig can be
X   caused by improperly configured software.  More often, however, it
X   reveals the author's lack of experience in electronic
X   communication.  See {biff}, {pseudo}.
Xdown: 1. adj. Not operating.  "The up escalator is down" is
X   considered a humorous thing to say, but "The elevator is down"
X   always means "The elevator isn't working" and never refers to
X   what floor the elevator is on.  With respect to computers, this
X   usage has passed into the mainstream; the extension to other kinds
X   of machine is still hackish.  2. `go down' vi. To stop functioning;
X   usually said of the {system}.  The message every hacker hates to
X   hear from the operator is, "The system will go down in five
X   minutes."  3. `take down', `bring down' vt. To deactivate
X   purposely, usually for repair work.  "I'm taking the system down to
X   work on that bug in the tape drive."  See {crash}; oppose {up}.
Xdownload: vt. To transfer data or (esp.) code from a larger `host'
X   system (esp. a {mainframe}) over a digital comm link to a smaller
X   `client' system, esp. a microcomputer or specialized peripheral
X   device.  Oppose {upload}.
XDP: n. 1. Data Processing.  Listed here because, according to
X   hackers, use of it marks one immediately as a {suit}.  See
X   {DPer}.  2. Common abbrev for {Dissociated Press}.
XDPB: /d*-pib'/ [from the PDP-10 instruction set] vt. To plop
X   something down in the middle.  Usage: silly.  Example: "DPB
X   yourself into that couch, there."  The connotation would be that
X   the couch is full except for one slot just big enough for you to
X   sit in.  DPB means `DePosit Byte', and was the name of a PDP-10
X   instruction that inserts some bits into the middle of some other
X   bits.  This usage has been kept alive by the Common Lisp function
X   of the same name.
XDPer: n. Data Processor.  Hackers are absolutely amazed that {suit}s
X   use this term self-referentially.  "*Computers* process data,
X   not people!"  See {DP}.
Xdragon: n. [MIT] A program similar to a {daemon}, except that it
X   is not invoked at all, but is instead used by the system to perform
X   various secondary tasks.  A typical example would be an accounting
X   program, which keeps track of who is logged in, accumulates
X   load-average statistics, etc.  Under ITS, many terminals displayed
X   a list of people logged in, where they were, what they were
X   running, etc. along with some random picture (such as a unicorn,
X   Snoopy, or the Enterprise) which was generated by the `name
X   dragon'.  Usage: rare outside MIT --- under UNIX and most other OSes
X   this would be called a `background demon' or {daemon}.  The
X   best-known UNIX example of a dragon is `cron(1)'.  At SAIL,
X   they called this sort of thing a `phantom'.
XDragon Book: n. Aho, Sethi, and Ullman's classic text
X   `Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools', so called
X   because of the cover design depicting a knight slaying a dragon
X   labelled `compiler complexity'.  This actually describes the `Red
X   Dragon Book' (1986); an earlier edition (sans Sethi and titled
X   `Principles Of Compiler Design') was the `Green Dragon Book'
X   (1977).  There is now a third edition of the Dragon Book that has
X   the knight sitting in front of what, for all the world, looks like
X   a video-game display of the dragon, with the real dragon behind it.
X   The term `White Dragon Book' has been proposed.  See also
X   {{book titles}}.
Xdrain: [IBM] v. Syn. for {flush} (sense #2).  Has a connotation
X   of finality about it; one speaks of draining a device before taking
X   it offline.
Xdread high-bit disease: n. A condition endemic to PRIME (a.k.a
X   PR1ME) minicomputers which results in all the characters having
X   their high (0x80) bit ON rather than OFF.  This of course makes
X   transporting files to other systems much more difficult, not to
X   mention talking to true eight-bit devices.  It is reported that
X   PRIME adopted the reversed-eight-bit convention in order to save 25
X   cents per serial line per machine.  This probably qualifies as one
X   of the most {cretinous} design tradeoffs ever made.  See {meta
X   bit}.
XDRECNET: /drek'net/ [from Yiddish/German `dreck'] n. Deliberate
X   distortion of DECNET, a networking protocol used in the {VMS}
X   community.  So called because DEC helped write the Ethernet
X   specification and then (either stupidly or as a malignant
X   customer-control tactic) violated that spec in the design of
X   DRECNET in a way that made it incompatible.  See also {connector
X   conspiracy}.
Xdriver: n. 1. The {main loop} of an event-processing program; the
X   code that gets commands and dispatches them for execution.  2. In
X   `device driver', code designed to handle a particular
X   peripheral device such as a magnetic disk or tape.
Xdroid: n. A person (esp. a low-level bureaucrat or service-business
X   employee) exhibiting most of the following characteristics: (a)
X   Naive trust in the wisdom of the parent organization or `the
X   system'; (b) A propensity to believe obvious nonsense emitted by
X   authority figures; blind faith; (c) A rule-governed mentality, one
X   unwilling or unable to look beyond the `letter of the law' in
X   exceptional situations; (d) No interest in fixing that which is
X   broken; an "It's not my job, man" attitude.  Compare {suit},
X   {marketroid}; see {-oid}.
Xdrool-proof paper: n. Documentation that has been obsessively dumbed
X   down, to the point where only a {cretin} could bear to read it, is
X   said to have succumbed to the `drool-proof paper syndrome' or to
X   have been `written on drool-proof paper'.  For example, this is
X   an actual quote from Apple's LaserWriter manual: "Do not expose
X   your LaserWriter to open fire or flame."
Xdrop on the floor: vt. To react to an error condition by silently
X   discarding messages or other valuable data.  Example: "The gateway
X   ran out of memory, so it just started dropping packets on the
X   floor."  Also frequently used of faulty mail and netnews relay
X   sites that lose messages.  See also {black hole}, {bit bucket}.
Xdrop-ins: [prob. by analogy with {drop-outs}] n. Spurious
X   characters appearing on a terminal or console due to line noise or
X   a system malfunction of some sort.  Esp. used when these are
X   interspersed with your own typed input.  Compare {drop-outs}.
Xdrop-outs: n. 1. A variety of `power glitch' (see {glitch});
X   momentary zero voltage on the electrical mains.  2. Missing
X   characters in typed input due to software malfunction or system
X   saturation (this can happen under UNIX, for example, when a bad
X   connect to a modem swamps the processor with spurious character
X   interrupts).  3. Mental glitches; used as a way of describing
X   those occasions when the mind just seems to shut down for a couple
X   of beats.  See {glitch}, {fried}.
Xdrugged: adj. (also `on drugs') 1. Conspicuously stupid,
X   heading towards {brain-damaged}.  Often accompanied by a
X   pantomime of toking a joint (but see Appendix B).  2. Of hardware,
X   very slow relative to normal performance.
Xdrunk mouse syndrome: n. A malady exhibited by the mouse pointing
X   device of some computers.  The typical symptom is for the mouse
X   cursor on the screen to move to random directions and not in sync
X   with the moving of the actual mouse.  Can usually be corrected by
X   unplugging the mouse and plugging it back again.  Another
X   recommended fix is to rotate your optical mouse pad 90 degrees.
X   At Xerox PARC in the 1970s, most people kept a can of copier
X   cleaner (isopropyl alcohol) at their desks.  When the steel ball on
X   the mouse had picked up enough cruft to be unreliable, the mouse
X   was doused in cleaner, which restored it for a while.  However,
X   this operation left a fine residue which accelerated the accumulation
X   of cruft, so the dousings became more and more frequent.  Finally,
X   the mouse was declared "alcoholic" and sent to the clinic to be
X   dried out (in a CFC ultrasonic bath).
Xdumbass attack: /duhm'ass *-tak'/ [Purdue] n. Notional cause of a
X   novice's mistake made by the experienced, especially one made while
X   running as root under UNIX, e.g. typing `rm -r *' or
X   `mkfs' on a mounted file system.  Compare {adger}.
Xdump: n. 1. An undigested and voluminous mass of information about a
X   problem or the state of a system, especially one routed to the
X   slowest available output device (compare {core dump}), and most
X   especially one consisting or hex and octal {runes} describing the
X   byte-by-byte state of memory, mass storage, or some file.  In elder
X   days, debugging was generally done by `grovelling over a dump'
X   (see {grovel}); increasing use of high-level languages and
X   interactive debuggers has made this uncommon, and the term `dump'
X   now has a faintly archaic flavor.  2. A backup.  This usage is
X   typical only at large timesharing installations.
Xdup killer: /d[y]oop killer/ [FidoNet] n. Software which is
X   supposed to detect and delete duplicates of a message which may
X   have reached the FidoNet system via different routes.
Xdup loop: /d[y]oop loop/ (also `dupe loop') [FidoNet] n. An
X   incorrectly configured system or network gateway may propagate
X   duplicate messages on one or more {echo}s, with different
X   identification information that renders {dup killer}s
X   ineffective.  If such a duplicate message eventually reaches a
X   system which it has already passed through (with the original
X   identification information), all systems passed on the way back to
X   that system are said to be involved in a {dup loop}.
Xdusty deck: n. Old software (especially applications) with which
X   one is obliged to remain compatible (or to maintain).  The term
X   implies that the software in question is a holdover from card-punch
X   days.  Used esp. when referring to old scientific and
X   {number-crunching} software, much of which was written in FORTRAN and
X   very poorly documented but is believed to be too expensive to
X   replace.  See {fossil}.
XDWIM: /dwim/ [Do What I Mean] 1. adj. Able to guess, sometimes
X   even correctly, the result intended when bogus input was provided.
X   2. n.,obs. The BBNLISP/INTERLISP function that attempted to
X   accomplish this feat by correcting many of the more common errors.
X   See {hairy}.  3. Occasionally, an interjection hurled at a
X   balky computer, esp.  when one senses one might be tripping over
X   legalisms (see {legalese}).
X   Warren Teitelman originally wrote DWIM to fix his typos and
X   spelling errors, so it was somewhat idiosyncratic to his style, and
X   would often make hash of anyone else's typos if they were
X   stylistically different.  This led a number of victims of DWIM to
X   claim the acronym stood for "Damn Warren's Infernal Machine!"
X   DWIM is often suggested in jest as a desired feature for a complex
X   program; also, occasionally described as the single instruction the
X   ideal computer would have.  Back when proofs of program correctness
X   were in vogue, there were also jokes about `DWIMC': Do What I
X   Mean, Correctly).  A related term, more often seen as a verb, is
X   DTRT (Do The Right Thing), see {Right Thing}.
Xdynner: /din'r/ 32 bits, by analogy with {nybble} and {{byte}}.  Usage:
X   rare and extremely silly.  See also {playte}, {tayste}, {crumb}.
X= E =
Xearthquake: [IBM] n. The ultimate real-world shock test for
X   computer hardware.  Hackish sources at IBM deny the rumor that the
X   Bay Area quake of 1989 was initiated by the company to test quality
X   assurance procedures at its California plants.
XEaster egg: n. 1. A message hidden in the object code of a program
X   as a joke, intended to be found by persons disassembling or
X   browsing the code.  2. A message, graphic, or sound-effect emitted
X   by a program (or, on a PC, the BIOS ROM) in response to some
X   undocumented set of commands or keystrokes, intended as a joke or
X   to display program credits.  One well-known early Easter egg found
X   in a couple of OSes caused them to respond to the command `make
X   love' with `not war?'.  Many personal computers have much more
X   elaborate eggs hidden in ROM, including lists of the developers'
X   names, political exhortations, snatches of music, and (in one case)
X   graphics images of the entire development team.
XEaster egging: [IBM] n. The act of replacing unrelated parts more or
X   less at random in hopes that a malfunction will go away.  Hackers
X   consider this the normal operating mode of {field circus} techs and
X   do not love them for it.  Compare {shotgun debugging}.
Xeat flaming death: imp. A construction popularized among hackers by
X   the infamous {CPU Wars} comic; supposed to derive from a famously
X   turgid line in a WWII-era anti-Nazi propaganda comic which ran
X   "Eat flaming death, non-Aryan mongrels!" or something of the sort
X   (however, it is also reported that the Firesign Theater's 1975
X   album `In The Next World, You're On Your Own' included the
X   phrase "Eat flaming death, fascist media pigs"; this may have been
X   an influence).  Used in humorously overblown expressions of
X   hostility. "Eat flaming death, {{EBCDIC}} users!"
XEBCDIC:: /eb's*-dik/, /eb'see`dik/, or /eb'k*-dik/ [Extended Binary
X   Coded Decimal Interchange Code] n. An alleged character set used on
X   IBM {dinosaur}s.  It exists in six mutually incompatible
X   versions, all featuring such delights as non-contiguous letter
X   sequences and the absence of several ASCII punctuation characters
X   fairly important for modern computer languages (exactly which
X   characters are absent vary according to which version of EBCDIC
X   you're looking at).  IBM adapted EBCDIC from {{punched card}} code
X   in the early 1960s and promulgated it as a customer-control tactic
X   (see {connector conspiracy}), spurning the already established
X   ASCII standard.  Today, IBM claims to be an open-systems company,
X   but IBM's own description of the EBCDIC variants and how to convert
X   between them is still internally classified top-secret,
X   burn-before-reading.  Hackers blanch at the very *name* of
X   EBCDIC and consider it a manifestation of purest {evil}.  See
X   also {fear and loathing}.
Xecho: [FidoNet] n. A topic group on {FidoNet}'s echomail system.  Compare
X   {newsgroup}.
Xeighty-column mind: [IBM] n. The sort said to be employed by
X   persons for whom the transition from card to tape was traumatic
X   (nobody has dared tell them about disks yet).  It is said that
X   these people, like (according to an old joke) the founder of IBM,
X   will be buried `face down, 9-edge first' (the 9-edge is the bottom
X   of the card).  This directive is inscribed on IBM's 1422 and 1602
X   card readers, and referenced in a famous bit of doggerel called
X   `The Last Bug', which ends:
X        He died at the console
X        Of hunger and thirst.
X        Next day he was buried,
X        Face down, 9-edge first.
X   The eighty-column mind is thought by most hackers to dominate IBM's
X   customer base, and its thinking.  See {{punched card}}, {IBM},
X   {fear and loathing}, {card walloper}.
XEl Camino Bignum: /el' k*-mee'noh big'num/ n. El Camino Real.  El
X   Camino Real is the name of a street through the San Francisco
X   peninsula that originally extended (and still appears in places)
X   all the way down to Mexico City.  Navigation on the San Francisco
X   peninsula is usually done relative to El Camino Real, which defines
X   {logical} north and south even though it doesn't really run N/S
X   many places.  El Camino Real runs right past Stanford University
X   and so is familiar to hackers.  The Spanish word `real' (which has
X   two syllables /ray-ahl'/) means `royal'; El Camino Real is `the
X   royal road'.  In the FORTRAN language, a `real' quantity is a
X   number typically precise to seven significant digits, and a `double
X   precision' quantity is a larger floating-point number, precise to
X   perhaps fourteen significant digits (other languages have similar
X   `real' types).  When a hacker from MIT visited Stanford in 1976 or
X   so, he remarked what a long road El Camino Real was.  Making a pun
X   on `real', he started calling it `El Camino Double Precision' ---
X   but when the hacker was told that the road was hundreds of miles
X   long, he renamed it `El Camino Bignum', and that name has stuck.
X   (See {bignum}.)
Xelegant: [from mathematical usage] adj. Combining simplicity, power,
X   and a certain ineffable grace of design.  Higher praise than
X   `clever', `winning', or even {cuspy}.
Xelephantine: adj. Used of programs or systems that are both
X   conspicuous {hog}s (due perhaps to poor design founded on
X   {brute force and ignorance}) and exceedingly {hairy} in source
X   form.  An elephantine program may be functional and even friendly,
X   but (like the old joke about being in bed with an elephant) it's
X   tough to have around all the same (and, like a pachyderm, difficult
X   to maintain).  In extreme cases, hackers have been known to make
X   trumpeting sounds or perform expressive proboscatory mime at the
X   mention of the offending program.  Usage: semi-humorous.  Compare
X   `has the elephant nature' and the somewhat more pejorative
X   {monstrosity}.  See also {second-system effect} and
X   {baroque}.
Xelevator controller: n. Another archetypal dumb embedded-systems
X   application, like {toaster} (which superseded it).  During one
X   period (1983--84) in the deliberations of ANSI X3J11, the C
X   standardization committee, this was the canonical example of its
X   type.  "You can't require `printf(3)' to be part of the
X   default runtime library --- what if you're targeting an elevator
X   controller?"  Elevator controllers became important rhetorical
X   weapons on both sides of several {holy wars}.
XEMACS: /ee'maks/ [from Editing MACroS] n. The ne plus ultra of
X   hacker editors, a program editor with an entire LISP system inside
X   it.  Originally written by Richard Stallman in {TECO} at the
X   MIT-AI lab, but the most widely used versions now run under UNIX.
X   It includes facilities to run compilation subprocesses and send and
X   receive mail; many hackers spend up to 80% of their {tube time}
X   inside it.  Some versions running under window managers iconify as
X   an overflowing kitchen sink, perhaps to suggest the one feature the
X   editor doesn't include.  Indeed, some hackers find EMACS too
X   heavyweight and {baroque} for their taste, and expand the name as
X   `Escape Meta Alt Control Shift' to spoof its heavy reliance on
X   keystrokes decorated with {bucky bits}.  Other spoof expansions
X   include `Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping', `Eventually
X   malloc()s All Computer Storage', and `EMACS Makes A Computer Slow'
X   (see {{recursive acronyms}}).  See also {vi}.
Xemail: /ee'mayl/ 1. n. Electronic mail automatically passed through
X   computer networks and/or via modems common-carrier lines.  Contrast
X   {snail-mail}, {paper-net}, {voice-net}.  See {network
X   address}.  2. vt. To send email to a person.
X   Oddly enough, the word `emailed' is actually listed in the OED; it
X   means "embossed (with a raised pattern) or arranged in a net work"!
X   A use from 1480 is given, and the word is derived from French
X   `emmailleure', network.
Xemoticon: /ee-moh'ti-con/ n. An ASCII glyph used to indicate an
X   emotional state in email or news.  Hundreds have been proposed, but
X   only a few are in common use.  These include:
X     :-) Smiley face (indicates humor, laughter, or friendliness)
X     :-( Frowney face (indicates sadness, anger, or upset)
X     ;-) Half-smiley ({ha ha only serious})
X         Also known as "semi-smiley" or "winkey face".
X     :-/ Wry face
X   It appears that the emoticon was invented by one Scott Fahlman on
X   the CMU {bboard} systems around 1980.  He later wrote "I wish I
X   had saved the original post, or at least recorded the date for
X   posterity, but I had no idea that I was starting something that
X   would soon pollute all the world's communication channels."  (GLS
X   confirms that he remembers this original posting).
X   Of these, the first two are by far the most frequently encountered.
X   Hyphenless forms of them are common on CompuServe, GEnie, and BIX;
X   see also {bixie}.  On {USENET}, `smiley' is often used as a
X   generic synonymous with {emoticon}, as well as specifically for the
X   happy-face emoticon.
X   Note for the {newbie}: overuse of the smiley is a mark of
X   loserhood!  More than one per paragraph is a fairly sure sign that
X   you've gone over the line.
Xempire: n. Any of a family of military simulations derived from a
X   game written by Peter Langston many years ago.  There are 5 or 6
X   multi-player variants of varying degrees of sophistication, and one
X   single-player version implemented for both UNIX and VMS which is
X   even available as MS-DOS freeware.  All are notoriously addictive.
Xengine: n. 1. A piece of hardware that encapsulates some function
X   but can't be used without some kind of {front end}.  Today we
X   have, especially, `print engine': the guts of a laser printer.
X   2. An analogous piece of software; notionally, one that does a lot
X   of noisy crunching, such as a `database engine'.
X   The hackish senses of `engine' are actually close to its original,
X   pre-Industrial-Revolution sense of a skill, clever device, or
X   instrument (the word is cognate to `ingenuity').  This sense had
X   not been completely eclipsed by the modern connotation of
X   power-transducing machinery in Charles Babbage's time, which
X   explains why he named the stored-program computer that
X   he designed in 1844 the `Analytical Engine'.
XEnglish: n.,obs. The source code for a program, which may be in any
X   language, as opposed to the linkable or executable binary produced
X   from it by a compiler.  The idea behind the term is that to a real
X   hacker, a program written in his favorite programming language is
X   at least as readable as English.  Usage: used mostly by old-time
X   hackers, though recognizable in context.
Xenhancement: n. {Marketroid}-speak for a bug {fix}.  This abuse
X   of language is a popular and time-tested way to turn incompetence
X   into increased revenue.  A hacker being ironic would instead call
X   the fix a {feature} --- or perhaps save some effort by declaring
X   the bug itself to be a feature.
XENQ: /enkw/ [from the ASCII mnemonic `ENQuire' for #b0000101] ques.
X   An on-line convention for querying someone's availability.  After
X   opening a {talk mode} connection to someone apparently in heavy
X   hack mode, one might type "SYN SYN ENQ?" (the SYNs representing
X   notional synchronization bytes) expecting a return of {ACK} or
true || echo 'restore of jargon.ascii failed'
echo 'End of part 6, continue with part 7'
echo 7 > _shar_seq_.tmp
exit 0