[alt.folklore.computers] The Jargon File v2.8.1, 22 MAR 1991, part 14 of 19

eric@snark.thyrsus.com (Eric S. Raymond) (03/23/91)

Submitted-by: jargon@thyrsus.com
Archive-name: jargon/part14

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# file jargon.ascii continued
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	exit 1
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) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
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sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'jargon.ascii' &&
X   Mel' in Appendix A.
XReal Soon Now: [orig. from SF's fanzine community, popularized by
X   Jerry Pournelle's BYTE column] adj. 1. Supposed to be available
X   (or fixed, or cheap, or whatever) real soon now according to
X   somebody, but the speaker is quite skeptical.  2. When one's
X   gods/fates/other time commitments permit one to get to it (in other
X   words don't hold your breath).  Often abbreviated RSN.
Xreal time: adv. Doing something while people are watching or waiting.
X   "I asked her how to find the calling procedure's program counter
X   on the stack and she came up with an algorithm in real time."
Xreal user: n. 1. A commercial user.  One who is paying `real' money
X   for his computer usage.  2. A non-hacker.  Someone using the system
X   for an explicit purpose (research project, course, etc.).  See
X   {user}.  Hackers who are also students may also be real users.  "I
X   need this fixed so I can do a problem set.  I'm not complaining out
X   of randomness, but as a real user."  See also {luser}.
XReal World: n. 1. In programming, those institutions at which
X   programming may be used in the same sentence as FORTRAN, {COBOL},
X   RPG, {IBM}, DBASE, etc.  Places where programs do such
X   commercially necessary but intellectually uninspiring things as
X   compute payroll checks and invoices.  2. To programmers, the
X   location of non-programmers and activities not related to
X   programming.  3. A bizarre dimension in which the standard dress
X   is shirt and tie and in which a person's working hours are defined
X   as 9 to 5 (see {code grinder}).  4. The location of the status
X   quo.  5. Anywhere outside a university.  "Poor fellow, he's left
X   MIT and gone into the real world."  Used pejoratively by those not
X   in residence there.  In conversation, talking of someone who has
X   entered the real world is not unlike speaking of a deceased
X   person.  See also {fear and loathing}, {mundane}, and
X   {uninteresting}.
Xreality check: n. 1. The simplest kind of test of software or
X   hardware; doing the equivalent of asking it what `2 + 2'
X   is and seeing if you get `4'.  The software equivalent of a
X   {smoke test}.  2. The act of letting a {real user} try out
X   prototype software.  Compare {sanity check}.
Xreaper: n. A {prowler} that {GFR}s files.  A file removed in
X   this way is said to have been `reaped'.
Xrectangle slinger: n. See {polygon pusher}.
Xrecursion: n. See {recursion}.  See also {tail recursion}.
Xrecursive acronyms:: pl.n. A hackish (and especially MIT) tradition
X   is to choose acronyms that refer humorously to themselves or to
X   other acronyms.  The classic examples were two MIT editors called
X   Initially").  More recently, there is a Scheme compiler called
X   LIAR (Liar Imitates Apply Recursively), and {GNU} (q.v., sense
X   #1) is said to stand for "GNU's Not UNIX!"  See also {mung},
X   {EMACS}.
XRed Book: n. 1. Informal name for one of the three standard
X   references on PostScript (`PostScript Language Reference
X   Manual', Adobe Systems, Addison-Wesley 1985 QA76.73.P67P67, ISBN
X   0-201-10174-2); the others are known as the {Green Book} and {Blue
X   Book}.  2. Informal name for one of the three standard references
X   on Smalltalk (`Smalltalk-80: The Interactive Programming
X   Environment', Adele Goldberg, Addison-Wesley 1984, QA76.8.S635G638,
X   ISBN 0-201-11372-4; this is also associated with blue and green
X   books).  3. Any of the 1984 standards issued by the CCITT 8th
X   plenary assembly.  Until now, these have changed color each review
X   cycle (1988 was {Blue Book}, 1992 will be {Green Book}); however,
X   it is rumored that this convention is going to be dropped before
X   1992.  These include, among other things, the X.400 email spec and
X   the Group 1 through 4 fax standards.  4. The new version of the
X   {Green Book} (sense #4), IEEE 1003.1-1990, aka ISO 9945-1,
X   is (because of the color and the fact that it is printed on A4
X   paper), known in the USA as "The Ugly Red Book That Won't Fit On
X   The Shelf", and in Europe as "The Ugly Red Book That's A Sensible
X   Size".  See also {{book titles}}.
Xregexp: /reg'eksp/ [UNIX] n. (alt. `regex' or `reg-ex')
X   1. Common written and spoken abbreviation for `regular
X   expression', one of the wildcard patterns used, e.g., by UNIX
X   utilities such as `grep(1)', `sed(1)', and `awk(1)'.
X   These use conventions similar to but more elaborate than those
X   described under {glob}.  For purposes of this lexicon, it is
X   sufficient to note that regexps also allow complemented character
X   sets using `^'; thus, one can specify any non-alphabetic
X   character with `[^A-Za-z]'.  2. Name of a well-known PD
X   regexp-handling package in portable C, written by revered USENETter
X   Henry Spencer (henry@zoo.toronto.edu).
Xreincarnation, cycle of: n. See {cycle of reincarnation}.
Xreinvent the wheel: v. To design or implement a tool equivalent to
X   an existing one or part of one, with the implication that doing so
X   is silly or a waste of time.  This is frequently a valid criticism;
X   however, automobiles don't use wooden rollers, and some kinds of
X   wheel have to be re-invented many times before you get it right. On
X   the other hand, it has often been pointed out that people
X   reinventing the wheel tend to come up with the moral equivalent of
X   a trapezoid with an offset axle....
Xreligious issues: n. Questions which seemingly cannot be raised
X   without touching off {holy wars}, such as "What is the best
X   operating system (or editor, language, architecture, shell, mail
X   reader, news reader)?" and "What about that Heinlein guy, eh?".
X   See {holy wars}; see also {theology}, {bigot}.
X   This term is an example of {ha ha only serious}.  People
X   actually develop the most amazing and religiously intense
X   attachments to their tools, even when the tools are intangible.
X   The most constructive thing one can do when one stumbles into the
X   crossfire is mumble {Get a life!} and leave --- unless of course
X   one's *own* unassailably rational and obviously correct
X   choices are being slammed....
Xreplicator: n. Any construct that acts to produce copies of itself;
X   this could be a living organism, an idea (see {meme}), a program
X   (see {worm}, {wabbit}, and {virus}), a pattern in a cellular
X   automaton (see {life}, sense #1), or (speculatively) a robot or
X   {nanobot}.  It is even claimed by some that {UNIX} and {C}
X   are the symbiotic halves of an extremely successful replicator; see
X   {UNIX conspiracy}.
Xreply: n. See {followup}.
Xrestriction: n. A {bug} or design error that limits a program's
X   capabilities, and which is sufficiently egregious that nobody can
X   quite work up enough nerve to describe it as a {feature}.  Often
X   used (esp. by {marketroid} types) to make it sound as though
X   some crippling bogosity had been intended by the designers all
X   along, or was forced upon them by arcane technical constraints of a
X   nature no mere user could possibly comprehend (these claims are
X   almost invariably false).
X   Old-time hacker Joseph M. Newcomer (jn11+@andrew.cmu.edu) passes
X   along this wisdom: "Whenever choosing a quantifiable restriction,
X   make it either a power of 2 or a power of 2 minus 1.  If you impose
X   a limit of 17 items in a list, everyone knows it is a random
X   number.  If the limit is 15 or 16, there is clearly some deep
X   reason and you will get less {flamage}."  It has been further
X   observed that this is especially true if 17 = 20 (see {{random
X   numbers}}) or some other `round' number in base 10.
Xretcon: /ret'kon/ [`retroactive continuity', from USENET's
X   rec.arts.comics] 1. n. The common situation in pulp fiction
X   (esp. comics or soap operas) where a new story `reveals' things
X   about events in previous stories, usually leaving the `facts' the
X   same (thus preserving continuity) while completely changing their
X   interpretation.  E.g., revealing that a whole season of Dallas was
X   a dream was a retcon.  2. vt. To write such a story about (a
X   character or fictitious object).  "Byrne has retconned Superman's
X   cape so that it is no longer unbreakable."  "Marvelman's old
X   adventures were retconned into synthetic dreams."  "Swamp Thing
X   was retconned from a transformed person into a sentient
X   vegetable."
X   [This is included because it's a good example of hackish linguistic
X   innovation in a field completely unrelated to computers.  The word
X   `retcon' will probably spread through comics fandom and lose its
X   association with hackerdom within a couple of years; for the
X   record, it started here. --- ESR]
Xretrocomputing: /ret'-roh-k*m-pyoo'ting/ n. Refers to emulations
X   of way-behind-the-state-of-the-art hardware or software, or
X   implementations of never-was-state-of-the-art; esp. if such
X   implementations are elaborate practical jokes and/or parodies of
X   more `serious' designs.  Perhaps the most widely distributed
X   retrocomputing utility was the `pnch(6)' or `bcd(6)'
X   program on V7 and other early UNIX versions, which would accept up
X   to 80 characters of text argument and display the corresponding
X   pattern in {{punched card}} code.  Other well-known retrocomputing
X   hacks have included the programming language {INTERCAL}, a
X   {JCL}-emulating shell for UNIX, the card-punch-emulating editor named
X   029, and various elaborate PDP-11 hardware emulators and RT-11 OS
X   emulators written just to keep an old, sourceless {Zork} binary
X   running.
XRFC: /ahr ef see/ [Request For Comment] n. One of a
X   long-established series of numbered Internet standards widely
X   followed by commercial and PD software in the Internet and UNIX
X   communities.  Perhaps the single most influential one has been
X   RFC-822 (the Internet mail-format standard).  The RFCs are unusual
X   in that they are floated by technical experts acting on their own
X   initiative and reviewed by the Internet at large, rather than
X   formally promulgated through an institution such as ANSI.  For this
X   reason, they remain known as RFCs even once adopted.
XRFE: n. 1. [techspeak] Request For Enhancement.  2. [from
X   `Radio Free Europe' Bellcore and Sun] Radio Free Ethernet, a system
X   (originated by Peter Langston) for broadcasting audio among Sun
X   SPARCstations over the ethernet.
Xrib site: [by analogy with {backbone site}] n. A machine which
X   has an on-demand high-speed link to a {backbone site} and serves
X   as a regional distribution point for lots of third-party traffic in
X   email and USENET news.  Compare {leaf site}, {backbone site}.
Xrice box: [from ham radio slang] n. Any Asian-made commodity
X   computer, esp. an 80*86-based machine built to IBM PC-compatible
X   ISA or EISA-bus standards.
XRight Thing: n. That which is *compellingly* the correct or
X   appropriate thing to use, do, say, etc.  Often capitalized, always
X   emphasized in speech as though capitalized.  Use of this term often
X   implies that in fact reasonable people may disagree.  "What's the
X   right thing for LISP to do when it sees `(mod a 0)'?  Should
X   it return `a', or give a divide-by-zero error?"  Antonym:
X   {Wrong Thing}.
XRL: [MUD community] n. Real Life.  "Firiss laughs in RL." means
X   Firiss's player is laughing.  Oppose {VR}.
Xroach: [Bell Labs] vt. To destroy, esp. of a data structure.  Hardware
X   gets {toast}ed or {fried}, software gets roached.
Xrobust: adj. Said of a system that has demonstrated an ability to
X   recover gracefully from the whole range of exceptional inputs and
X   situations in a given environment.  One step below {bulletproof}.
X   Compare {smart}, oppose {brittle}.
Xrococo: adj. {Baroque} in the extreme.  Used to imply that a
X   program has become so encrusted with the software equivalent of
X   gold leaf and curlicues that they have completely swamped the
X   underlying design.  Called after the later and more extreme forms
X   of Baroque architecture and decoration prevalent during the
X   mid-1700s in Europe.
Xrogue: [UNIX] n. Dungeons-And-Dragons-like game using character
X   graphics, written under BSD UNIX and subsequently ported to other
X   UNIX systems.  The original BSD `curses(3)' screen-handling
X   package was hacked together by Ken Arnold to support
X   `rogue(6)' and has since become one of UNIX's most important
X   and heavily used application libraries.  Nethack, Omega, Larn, and
X   an entire subgenre of computer dungeon games all took off from the
X   inspiration provided by `rogue(6)'.  See {nethack}.
Xroom-temperature IQ: [IBM] quant. 80 or below.  Used in describing the
X   expected intelligence range of the {luser}.  As in "Well, but
X   how's this interface gonna play with the room-temperature IQ
X   crowd?"  See {drool-proof paper}.  This is a much more insulting
X   phrase in countries that use Celsius thermometers.
Xroot: [UNIX] n. 1. The {superuser} account that ignores
X   permission bits, user number zero on a UNIX system.  This account
X   has the user name `root'.  The term {avatar} is also used.
X   2. The top node of the system directory structure (home directory
X   of the root user).  3. By extension, the privileged
X   system-maintenance login on any OS.  See {root mode}.
Xroot mode: n. Syn. with {wizard mode} or `wheel mode'.  Like
X   these, it is often generalized to describe privileged states in
X   systems other than OSes.
Xrot13: /rot ther'teen/ [USENET, from `rotate alphabet 13 places']
X   n.,v. The simple Caesar-cypher encryption that replaces each
X   English letter with the one 13 places forward or back along the
X   alphabet, so that "The butler did it!" becomes "Gur ohgyre qvq
X   vg!"  Most USENET news reading and posting programs include a
X   rot13 feature.  It is used to enclose the text in a sealed wrapper
X   that the reader must choose to open, e.g. for posting things that
X   might offend some readers or answers to puzzles and the like.  A
X   major advantage of rot13 over rot(N) for other N is that it is
X   self-inverse --- thus the same code can be used for encoding and
X   decoding.
Xrotary debugger: [Commodore] n. Essential equipment for those late
X   night or early morning debugging sessions.  Mainly used as
X   sustenance for the hacker.  Comes in many decorator colors such as
X   Sausage, Pepperoni, and Garbage.  See {pizza, ANSI standard}.
XRSN: adj. See {Real Soon Now}.
XRTFAQ: /ahr-tee-ef-ay-kyoo/ [USENET; primarily written, by analogy
X   with {RTFM}] imp. Abbrev. for `Read the FAQ!', an exhortation
X   that the person addressed ought to read the newsgroup's {FAQ
X   list} before posting questions.
XRTFM: /ahr-tee-ef-em/ [UNIX] imp. Abbrev. for `Read The Fucking Manual'.
X   1. Used by GURUs to brush off questions they consider trivial or
X   annoying.  Compare {Don't do that, then!}.  2. Used when reporting
X   a problem to indicate that you aren't just asking out of
X   {randomness}.  "No, I can't figure out how to interface UNIX to my
X   toaster, and yes, I have RTFM."  Unlike sense #1, this use is
X   considered polite.  See also {RTFAQ}, {RTM}.
XRTI: /ahr-tee-ie/ interj. The mnemonic for the `return from
X   interrupt' instruction on many computers including the 6502 and
X   Z80.  Equivalent to "Now, where was I?" or used to end a
X   conversational digression.  See {pop}; see also {POPJ}.
XRTM: /ahr-tee-em/ [USENET, acronym for `Read The Manual']
X   1. Politer variant of {RTFM}.  2. Robert T. Morris, perpetrator
X   of the great Internet worm of 1988; villain to many, naive hacker
X   gone wrong to a few.  Morris claimed that the worm which brought
X   the Internet to its knees was a benign experiment that got out of
X   control due to a coding error.  After the storm of negative
X   publicity that followed this blunder Morris's name on ITS was
X   hacked from RTM to {RTFM}.
Xrude: [WPI] adj. 1. (of a program) Badly written.  2. Functionally
X   poor, e.g. a program which is very difficult to use because of
X   gratuitously poor (random?) design decisions.  See {cuspy}.
Xrunes: pl.n. 1. Anything that requires {heavy wizardry} or
X   {black art} to {parse}; core dumps, JCL commands, or even code
X   in a language you hacen't a clue how to {parse}.  Compare
X   {casting the runes}, {Great Runes}.  2. Special display
X   characters (for example, the high-half graphics on an IBM PC).
Xrunic: adj. Syn. {obscure}.  VMS fans sometimes refer to UNIX as
X   `Runix'; UNIX fans return the compliment by expanding VMS to `Very
X   Messy Syntax' or `Vachement Mauvais Systeme' (French, lit.
X   "Cowlike Bad System", idiomatically "Bitchy Bad System").
Xrusty iron: n. Syn. {tired iron}.  It has been claimed that this
X   is the inevitable fate of {water MIPS}.
Xrusty memory: n. Mass-storage that uses iron-oxide-based magnetic
X   media (esp. tape and the pre-Winchester removable disk packs used
X   in {washing machine}s).  Compare {donuts}.
X= S =
Xs/n ratio: n. (also `s:n ratio').  Syn. {signal-to-noise
X   ratio}.  Often abbreviated `SNR'.
Xsacred: adj. Reserved for the exclusive use of something (an
X   extension of the standard meaning).  Often means that anyone may
X   look at the sacred object, but clobbering it will screw whatever it
X   is sacred to.  Example: The comment "Register 7 is sacred to the
X   interrupt handler." appearing in a program would be interpreted by
X   a hacker to mean if any *other* part of the program changes
X   the contents of register 7 dire consequences are likely to ensue.
Xsaga: [WPI] n. A cuspy but bogus raving story dealing with N random
X   broken people.
X   Here is a classic example of the saga form, as told by Guy L. Steele:
X   Jon L. White (login name JONL) and I (GLS) were office mates at MIT
X   for many years.  One April we both flew from Boston to California
X   for a week on research business, to consult face-to-face with some
X   people at Stanford, particularly our mutual friend Richard P.
X   Gabriel (RPG; see {Gabriel}).
X   RPG picked us up at the San Francisco airport and drove us back to
X   Palo Alto (going {logical} south on route 101, parallel to {El
X   Camino Bignum}).  Palo Alto is adjacent to Stanford University, and
X   about forty miles south of San Francisco.  We ate at The Good
X   Earth, a `health food' restaurant, very popular, the sort whose
X   milkshakes all contain honey and protein powder.  JONL ordered such
X   a shake --- the waitress claimed the flavor of the day was
X   "lalaberry".  I still have no idea what that might be, but it
X   became a running joke.  It was the color of raspberry, and JONL
X   said it tasted rather bitter.  I ate a better tostada there than I
X   have ever had in a Mexican restaurant.
X   After this we went to the local Uncle Gaylord's Old Fashioned Ice
X   Cream Parlor.  They make ice cream fresh daily, in a variety of
X   intriguing flavors.  It's a chain, and they have a slogan: "If you
X   don't live near an Uncle Gaylord's --- MOVE!"  Also, Uncle Gaylord (a
X   real person) wages a constant battle to force big-name ice cream
X   makers to print their ingredients on the package (like air and
X   plastic and other non-natural garbage).  JONL and I had first
X   discovered Uncle Gaylord's the previous August, when we had flown
X   to a computer science conference in Berkeley, California, the first
X   time either of us had been on the West Coast.  When not in the
X   conference sessions, we had spent our time wandering the length of
X   Telegraph Street, which, like Harvard Square in Cambridge,
X   Massachusetts, in summer was lined with picturesque street vendors
X   and interesting little shops.  On that street we discovered Uncle
X   Gaylord's Berkeley store.  The ice cream there was very good.
X   During that August visit JONL went absolutely bananas (so to
X   speak) over one particular flavor, ginger honey.
X   Therefore, after eating at The Good Earth --- indeed, after every
X   lunch and dinner and before bed during our April visit --- a trip
X   to Uncle Gaylord's (the one in Palo Alto) was mandatory.  We had
X   arrived on a Wednesday, and by Thursday evening we had been there
X   at least four times.  Each time JONL would get ginger honey ice
X   cream, and proclaim to all bystanders that "Ginger was the spice
X   that drove the Europeans mad!  That's why they sought a route to
X   the East!  They used it to preserve their otherwise off-taste
X   meat."  After the third or fourth repetition RPG and I were
X   getting a little tired of this spiel, and began to paraphrase him:
X   "Wow!  Ginger!  The spice that makes rotten meat taste good!"
X   "Say!  Why don't we find some dog that's been run over and sat in
X   the sun for a week and put some *ginger* on it for dinner?!"
X   "Right!  With a lalaberry shake!"  And so on.  This failed to
X   faze JONL; he took it in good humor, as long as we kept returning
X   to Uncle Gaylord's.  He loves ginger honey ice cream.
X   Now RPG and his wife KBT (Kathy Tracy) were putting us up (putting
X   up with us?) in their home for our visit, so to thank them JONL and
X   I took them out to a nice French restaurant of their choosing.  I
X   unadventurously chose the filet mignon, and KBT had `je ne sais
X   quoi du jour', but RPG and JONL had `lapin' (rabbit).
X   (Waitress: "`Oui', we have fresh rabbit, fresh today."  RPG:
X   "Well, JONL, I guess we won't need any *ginger*!")
X   We finished the meal late, about 11 PM, which is 2 AM Boston time,
X   so JONL and I were rather droopy.  But it wasn't yet midnight.  Off
X   to Uncle Gaylord's!
X   Now the French resturant was in Redwood City, north of Palo Alto.
X   In leaving Redwood City, we somehow got onto route 101 going north
X   instead of south.  JONL and I woudln't have known the difference
X   had RPG not mentioned it.  We still knew very little of the local
X   geography.  I did figure out, however, that we were headed in the
X   direction of Berkeley, and half-jokingly suggested that we continue
X   north and go to Uncle Gaylord's in Berkeley.
X   RPG said "Fine!" and we drove on for a while and talked.  I was
X   drowsy, and JONL actually dropped off to sleep for five minutes.
X   When he awoke, RPG said, "Gee, JONL, you must have slept all the
X   way over the bridge!" referring to the one spanning San Francisco
X   Bay.  Just then we came to a sign that said "University Avenue".
X   I mumbled something about working our way over to Telegraph Street;
X   RPG said "Right!" and maneuvered some more.  Eventually we pulled
X   up in front of an Uncle Gaylord's.
X   Now I hadn't really been paying attention because I was so sleepy,
X   and I didn't really understand what was happening until RPG let me
X   in on it a few moments later, but I was just alert enough to notice
X   that we had somehow some to the Palo Alto Uncle Gaylord's after
X   all.
X   JONL noticed the resemblance to the Palo Alto store, but hadn't
X   caught on.  (The place is lit with red and yellow lights at night,
X   and looks much different from the way it does in daylight.)  He
X   said, "This isn't the Uncle Gaylord's I went to in Berkeley!  It
X   looked like a barn!  But this place looks *just like* the one
X   back in Palo Alto!"
X   RPG deadpanned, "Well, this is the one *I* alwasy come to
X   when I'm in Berkeley.  They've got two in San Francisco, too.
X   Remember, they're a chain."
X   JONL accepted this bit of wisdom.  And he was not totally ignorant
X   --- he knew perfectly well that University Avenue was in Berkeley,
X   not far from Telegraph Street.  What he didn't know was that there
X   is a completely different University Avenue in Palo Alto.
X   JONL went up to the counter and asked for ginger honey.  The guy at
X   the counter asked whether JONL would like to taste it first,
X   evidently their standard procedure with that flavor, as not too
X   many people like it.
X   JONL said, "I'm sure I like it.  Just give me a cone."  The guy
X   behind the counter insisted that JONL try just a taste first.
X   "Some people think it tastes like soap."  JONL insisted, "Look,
X   I /love/ ginger.  I eat Chinese food.  I eat raw ginger roots.  I
X   already went through this hassle with the guy back in Palo Alto.  I
X   *know* I like that flavor!"
X   At the words "back in Palo Alto" the guy behind the counter got a
X   very strange look on his face, but said nothing.  KBT caught his
X   eye and winked.  Through my stupor I still hadn't quite grasped
X   what was going on, and thought RPG was rolling on the floor
X   laughing and clutching his stomach just because JONL had launched
X   into his spiel ("makes rotten meat a dish for princes") for the
X   forty-third time.  At this point RPG clued me in fully.
X   RPG, KBT, and I retreated to a table, trying to stifle our
X   chuckles.  JONL remained at the counter, talking about ice cream
X   with the guy b.t.c., comparing Uncle Gaylord's to other ice cream
X   shops and generally having a good old time.
X   At length the g.b.t.c. said, "How's the ginger honey?"  JONL
X   said, "Fine!  I wonder what exactly is in it?"  Now Uncle Gaylord
X   publishes all his recipes and even teaches classes on how to make
X   his ice cream at home.  So the g.b.t.c. got out the recipe, and he
X   and JONL pored over it for a while.  But the g.b.t.c. could
X   contain his curiosity no longer, and asked again, "You really like
X   that stuff, huh?"  JONL said, "Yeah, I've been eating it
X   constantly back in Palo Alto for the past two days.  In fact, I
X   think this batch is about as good as the cones I got back in Palo
X   Alto!"
X   G.b.t.c. looked him straight in the eye and said, "You're
X   *in* Palo Alto!"
X   JONL turned slowly around, and saw the three of us collapse in a
X   fit of giggles.  He clapped a hand to his forehead and exclaimed,
X   "I've been {hack}ed!"
Xsagan: /say'gn/ [from Carl Sagan's TV series `Cosmos'; think
X   `Billions and Billions'] n. A large quantity of anything.
X   "There's a sagan different ways to tweak EMACS."  "The US
X   Government spends sagans on bombs and welfare --- hard to say which
X   is more destructive."
XSAIL: /sayl/, not /ess ay ie el/ n. 1. Stanford Artificial
X   Intelligence Lab.  An important site in the early development of
X   LISP; with the MIT AI Lab, BBN, CMU, and the UNIX community, one of
X   the major wellsprings of technical innovation and hacker-culture
X   traditions (see the {WAITS} entry for details).  The SAIL
X   machines were shut down in late May 1990, scant weeks after the MIT
X   AI lab's ITS cluster were officially decommissioned.  2. The
X   Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language used at SAIL (sense #1).
X   It was an Algol-60 derivative with a coroutining facility and some
X   new data types intended for building search trees and association
X   lists.
Xsalescritter: /sayls'kri`tr/ n. Pejorative hackerism for a computer
X   salesperson.  Hackers tell the following joke:
X     Q. What's the difference between a used-car dealer and a computer
X        salesman?
X     A. The used-car dealer knows he's lying.
X   This reflects the widespread hacker belief that salescritters are
X   self-selected for stupidity (after all, if they had brains and the
X   inclination to use them, they'd be in programming).  The terms
X   `salesthing' and `salesdroid' are also common.  Compare
X   {marketroid}, {suit}, {droid}.
Xsalt mines: n. Dense quarters housing large numbers of programmers
X   working long hours on grungy projects, with some hope of seeing the
X   end of the tunnel in N years.  Noted for their absence of sunshine.
X   Compare {playpen}, {sandbox}.
Xsalt substrate: [MIT] n. Collective noun used to refer to potato
X   chips, pretzels, saltines, or any other form of snack food
X   designed primarily as a carrier for sodium chloride.  From the
X   technical term `chip substrate', used to refer to the silicon on the
X   top of which the active parts of integrated circuits are deposited.
Xsame-day-service: n. Ironic term is used to describe slow response
X   time, particularly with respect to {MS-DOS} system calls.  Such
X   response time is a major incentive for programmers to write
X   programs that are not {well-behaved}.  See also {PC-ism}.
Xsandbender: [IBM] n. A person involved with silicon lithography and
X   the physical design of chips.  Compare {ironmonger}, {polygon
X   pusher}.
Xsandbox: n. (or `sandbox, the') Common term for the R&D
X   department at many software and computer companies (where hackers
X   in commercial environments are likely to be found).  Half-derisive,
X   but reflects the truth that research is a form of creative play.
X   Compare {playpen}.
Xsanity check: n. 1. The act of checking a piece of code for
X   completely stupid mistakes.  Implies that the check is to make sure
X   the author was sane when it was written; e.g., if a piece of
X   scientific software relied on a particular formula and was giving
X   unexpected results, one might first look at the nesting of
X   parentheses or the coding of the formula, as a {sanity check},
X   before looking at the more complex I/O or data structure
X   manipulation routines, much less the algorithm itself.  Compare
X   {reality check}.  2. A run-time test, either validating input
X   or ensuring that the program hasn't screwed up internally
X   (producing an inconsistent value or state).
XSaturday night special: [from police slang for a cheap handgun] n.
X   A program or feature kluged together during off hours, under a
X   deadline, and in response to pressure from a {salescritter}.
X   Such hacks are dangerously unreliable, but all too frequently sneak
X   into a production release after insufficient review.
Xsay: vt. In some contexts, to type to a terminal.  "To list a
X   directory verbosely, you have to say `ls -l'."  Tends to
X   imply a {newline}-terminated command (a `sentence').  A computer
X   may also be said to `say' things to you even if it doesn't have a
X   speech synthesizer, by displaying them on a terminal in response to
X   your commands.  Hackers find it odd that this usage confuses
X   {mundane}s.
XScience-Fiction Fandom:: n. Another voluntary subculture having a
X   very heavy overlap with hackerdom; most hackers read SF and/or
X   fantasy fiction avidly, and many go to `cons' (SF conventions) or
X   are involved in fandom-connected activities like the Society for
X   Creative Anachronism.  Some hacker jargon originated in SF fandom;
X   see {defenestration}, {great-wall}, {cyberpunk}, {h}, {ha
X   ha only serious}, {IMHO}, {mundane}, {neep-neep}, {Real
X   Soon Now}.  Additionally, the jargon terms {cowboy},
X   {cyberspace}, {de-rezz}, {go flatline}, {ice}, {virus},
X   {wetware}, {wirehead}, and {worm} originated in SF
X   stories.
Xscram switch: [from the nuclear power industry] n. An
X   emergency-power-off switch (see {Big Red Switch}), esp. one
X   positioned to be easily hit by evacuating personnel.  In general,
X   this is *not* something you {frob} lightly; these often
X   initiate expensive events like Halon dumps and are installed in a
X   {dinosaur pen} for use in case of electrical fire or in case some
X   luckless {field servoid} should put 120 volts across himself
X   while {Easter egging}.
Xscratch: 1. [from `scratchpad'] adj. Describes a data
X   structure or recording medium attached to a machine for testing or
X   temporary-use purposes; one that can be {scribble}d on without
X   loss.  Usually in the combining forms `scratch memory',
X   `scratch register', `scratch disk', `scratch tape',
X   `scratch volume'.  See {scratch monkey}.  2. [primarily
X   IBM] vt. To delete (as in a file).
Xscratch monkey: n. As in, "Before testing or reconfiguring, always
X   mount a scratch monkey.", a proverb used to advise caution when
X   dealing with irreplaceable data or devices.  Used to refer to any
X   non-expendable device or scratch volume hooked to a computer, in
X   memory of Mabel, the Swimming Wonder Monkey who expired when a
X   computer vendor {PM}ed a machine which was regulating the gas
X   mixture that the monkey was breathing at the time.  See Appendix A.
X   See {scratch}.
Xscrew: [MIT] n. A {lose}, usually in software.  Especially used for
X   user-visible misbehavior caused by a bug or misfeature.  This use
X   has become quite widespread outside MIT.
Xscrewage: /skroo'*j/ n. Like {lossage} but connotes that the
X   failure is due to a designed-in misfeature rather than a simple
X   inadequacy or mere bug.
Xscribble: n. To modify a data structure in a random and
X   unintentionally destructive way.  "Bletch! Somebody's
X   disk-compactor program went berserk and scribbled on the i-node
X   table."  "It was working fine until one of the allocation routines
X   scribbled on low core."  Synonymous with {trash}; compare {mung},
X   which conveys a bit more intention, and {mangle}, which is more
X   violent and final.
Xscrog: /skrog/ [Bell Labs] vt. To damage, trash, or corrupt a data
X   structure.  "The cblock got scrogged."  Also reported as
X   `skrog', and ascribed to `The Wizard of Id' comix.  Equivalent
X   to {scribble} or {mangle}
Xscrozzle: /skroz'l/ vt. Used when a self-modifying code segment runs
X   incorrectly and corrupts the running program or vital data.  "The
X   damn compiler scrozzled itself again!"
XSCSI: [Small Computer System Interface] n. A bus-independent
X   standard for system-level interfacing between a computer and
X   intelligent devices.  Typically annotated in literature with `sexy'
X   (/sek'see/), `sissy' (/sis'ee/) and `scuzzy' (/skuhz'zee/) as
X   pronunciation guides --- the last being the overwhelmingly
X   predominant form, much to the dismay of the designers and their
X   marketing people.  One can usually assume that a person who
X   pronounces it /ess see ess eye/ is clueless.
Xsearch-and-destroy mode: n. Hackerism for the search-and-replace
X   facility in an editor, so called because an incautiously chosen
X   match pattern can cause {infinite} damage.
Xsecond-system effect: n. (sometimes, more euphoniously,
X   `second-system syndrome'.)  When designing the successor to a
X   relatively small, elegant, and successful system, there is a
X   tendency to become grandiose in one's success and design an
X   {elephantine} feature-laden monstrosity.  The term was first used
X   by Fred Brooks in his classic book `The Mythical Man-Month'.
X   It described the jump from a set of nice, simple, operating
X   monitors on the IBM 70xx series to OS/360 on the 360 series.  A
X   similar effect can also happen in an evolving system; see
X   {creeping elegance}, {creeping featurism}.  See also
X   {Multics}, {OS/2}, {X}, {software bloat}.
X   This version of the jargon lexicon has been described (with
X   altogether too much truth for comfort) as an example of
X   second-system effect run amok on jargon-1....
Xsecondary damage: n. When a fatal error occurs (esp. a
X   {segfault}) the immediate cause may be that a pointer is damaged
X   due to a {fandango on core}.  However, this fandango may have
X   been due to an *earlier* fandango, so no amount of analysis
X   will reveal (directly) how the damage occurred.  "The data
X   structure was clobbered, but it was secondary damage."
X   This generalizes.  The corruption resulting from N cascaded
X   fandangoes on core is `Nth-level damage'.  There is at least one
X   case on record in which 17 hours of {grovel}ling with `adb'
X   actually dug up the underlying bug behind an instance of 7th-level
X   damage!  The hacker who accomplished this near-superhuman feat was
X   presented with an award by his fellows.
Xsecurity through obscurity: n. A name applied by hackers to most OS
X   vendors' favorite way of coping with security holes --- namely,
X   ignoring them and not documenting them and trusting that nobody
X   will find out about them and that people who do find out about them
X   won't exploit them.  This never works for long and occasionally
X   sets the world up for debacles like the {RTM} worm of 1988, but once
X   the brief moments of panic created by such events subside most
X   vendors are all too willing to turn over and go back to sleep.
X   After all, actually fixing the bugs would siphon off the resources
X   needed to implement the next user-interface frill on Marketing's
X   wish list --- besides, if they started fixing security bugs
X   customers might begin to *expect* it and imagine that their
X   warranties of merchantability gave them some sort of *right*
X   to a system with fewer holes in it than a shotgunned Swiss cheese,
X   and then where would we be?
X   Historical note: this term was first used in the USENET newsgroup
X   in `comp.sys.apollo' during a campaign to get HP/Apollo to fix
X   rampant security problems in its UNIX-lookalike Aegis/DomainOS.
X   They didn't change a thing.
XSED: [TMRC] /ess-ee-dee/ n. Smoke emitting diode.  A {friode}
X   that lost the war.
Xsegfault: n.,vi. Syn. {segment}, {seggie}.
Xseggie: /seg'ee/ [UNIX] n. Shorthand for {segmentation fault}
X   reported from Britain.
Xsegment: /seg'ment/ vi. To experience a {segmentation fault}.
X   Confusingly, this is often prnounced more like the noun `segment'
X   than like mainstream v. segment; this is because it's actually a
X   noun shorthand that has been verbed.
Xsegmentation fault: n. [UNIX] 1. Error in which a running program
X   attempts to access memory not allocated to it and {core dump}s
X   with a segmentation violation error.  2. To lose a train of
X   thought or a line of reasoning.  Also uttered as an exclamation at
X   the point of befuddlement.
Xsegv: /seg'vee/ n.,vi. Yet another synonym for {segmentation fault}.
Xself-reference: n. See {self-reference}.
Xselvage: /sel'v*j/ [from sewing] n. See {chad} (sense #1).
Xsemi: /se'mee/ or /se'mie/ 1. n. Abbreviation for `semicolon', when
X   speaking.  "Commands to {grind} are prefixed by semi-semi-star."
X   means that the prefix is `;;*', not 1/4 of a star.  2. Prefix with
X   words such as `immediately', as a qualifier.  "When is the system
X   coming up?"  "Semi-immediately." (that is, maybe not for an
X   hour).  "We did consider that possibility semi-seriously."  See
X   also {infinite}.
Xsenior bit: [IBM] n. Syn. {meta bit}.
Xserver: n. A kind of {daemon} that performs a service for the
X   requester, which often runs on a computer other than the one on
X   which the server runs.  A particularly common term on the Internet,
X   which is rife with `name servers', `domain servers', `news
X   servers', `finger servers', and the like.
XSEX: [Sun User's Group & elsewhere] n. 1. Software EXchange.  A
X   technique invented by the blue-green algae hundreds of millions of
X   years ago to speed up their evolution, which had been terribly slow
X   up until then.  Today, SEX parties are popular among hackers and
X   others (of course, these are no longer limited to exchanges of
X   genetic software).  2. The rather Freudian mnemonic often used
X   for Sign EXtend, a machine instruction found in the PDP-11 and many
X   architectures.
X   DEC's engineers nearly got a PDP-11 assembler that used the `SEX'
X   mnemonic out the door at one time, but (for once) marketing wasn't
X   asleep and forced a change.  That wasn't the last time this
X   happened, either.  The author of `The Intel 8086 Primer', who
X   was one of the original designers of the 8086, noted that there was
X   originally a `SEX' instruction on that processor, too.  He says
X   that Intel management got cold feet and decreed that it be changed,
X   and thus the instruction was renamed `CBW' and `CWD' (depending on
X   what was being extended).  Amusingly, the Intel 8048 (the
X   microcontroller used in IBM PC keyboards) is also missing straight
X   `SEX' but has logical-or and logical-and instructions `ORL' and
X   `ANL'.
Xsex changer: n. Syn. {gender mender}.
Xshareware: n. {Freeware} (sense #1) for which the author requests
X   some payment, usually in the accompanying documentation files or in
X   an announcement made by the software itself.  Such payment may or
X   may not buy additional support or functionality.  See
X   {guiltware}, {crippleware}.
Xshelfware: n. Software purchased on a whim (by an individual user) or
X   in accordance with policy (by a corporation or government), but not
X   actually required for any particular use.  Therefore, it often ends
X   up on some shelf.
Xshell: [UNIX, now used elsewhere] n. 1. [techspeak] The command
X   interpreter used to pass commands to an operating system; so called
X   because it's the part of the operating system that interfaces to
X   the outside world.  2. More generally, any interface program
X   which mediates access to a special resource or {server} for
X   convenience, efficiency, or security reasons; for this meaning, the
X   usage is usually `a shell around' whatever.  This sort of
X   program is also called a `wrapper'.
Xshell out: [UNIX] n. To spawn an interactive {subshell} from
X   within a program (e.g. a mailer or editor).  "Bang foo runs foo in
X   a subshell, while bang alone shells out."
Xshift left (or right) logical: [from any of various machines'
X   instruction sets] 1. vi. To move oneself to the left (right).  To
X   move out of the way.  2. imper. "Get out of that (my) seat!  You
X   can shift to that empty one to the left (right)."  Usage: often
X   used without the `logical', or as `left shift' instead of
X   `shift left'.  Sometimes heard as LSH /l*sh/, from the PDP-10
X   instruction set.  See {Programmer's Cheer}.
Xshitogram: /shit'oh-gram/ n. A *really* nasty piece of email.
X   Compare {nastygram}, {flame}.
Xshort card: n. A half-length IBM PC expansion card or adapter that
X   will fit in one of the two short slots located towards the right
X   rear of a standard chassis (tucked behind the floppy disk drives).
X   See also {tall card}.
Xshotgun debugging: n. The software equivalent of {Easter egging};
X   the making of relatively undirected changes to software in the hope
X   that a bug will be perturbed out of existence.  This almost never
X   works, and usually introduces more bugs.
Xshowstopper: n. A hardware or (especially) software bug that makes
X   an implementation effectively unusable; one that absolutely has to
X   be fixed before development can go on.  Opposite in connotation
X   from its original theatrical use, which refers to something
X   stunningly *good*.
Xshriek: n. See {excl}.  Occasional CMU usage, also in common use
X   among APL fans and mathematicians, especially category theorists.
XShub-Internet: [MUD; from H. P. Lovecraft's evil fictional deity
X   `Shub-Niggurath', the Black Goat with a Thousand Young] pn.
X   The harsh personification of the Internet, Beast of a Thousand
X   Processes, Eater of Characters, Avatar of Line Noise, and Imp of
X   Call Waiting; the hideous multi-tendriled entity formed of all the
X   manifold connections of the net.  A sect of MUDders worships
X   Shub-Internet, sacrificing objects and praying for good
X   connections.  To no avail -- its purpose is malign and evil, and is
X   the cause of all network slowdown.  Often heard as in, "Freela
X   casts a tac nuke at Shub-Internet for slowing her down."  (A
X   forged message often follows, "Shub-Internet gulps down the tac
X   nuke and burps happily.")  Also cursed by users of {FTP} and
X   {telnet} when the system slows down.  The dread name of
X   Shub-Internet is seldom spoken aloud, as it is said that repeating
X   it three times will cause the being to wake, deep within its lair
X   beneath the Pentagon.
Xsidecar: n. 1. Syn. {slap on the side}.  Esp. used of add-ons for
X   the late and unlamented IBM PCjr.  2. The IBM PC compatibility box
X   that could be bolted on to the side of an Amiga.  Designed and
X   produced by Commodore and broke all of their design rules.  If it
X   worked with any other peripherals, it was by {magic}.
Xsig block: /sig blok/ [UNIX; often written ".sig" there] n. Short
X   for `signature', used specifically to refer to the electronic
X   signature block that most UNIX mail- and news-posting software
X   will allow you to automatically append to outgoing mail and news.
X   The composition of one's sig can be quite an art form, including an
X   ASCII logo or one's choice of witty sayings (see {sig quote}); but
X   many consider large sigs a waste of {bandwidth}, and it has been
X   observed that the size of one's sig block is usually inversely
X   proportional to one's longevity and level of prestige on the net.
Xsig quote: /sig kwoht/ [USENET] n. A maxim, quote, proverb, joke,
X   or slogan embedded in one's {sig block} and intended to convey
X   something of one's philosophical stance, pet peeves, or sense of
X   humor. "Calm down, it's only ones and zeroes."
Xsignal-to-noise ratio: [from analog electronics] n. Used by hackers
X   in a generalization of its technical meaning.  `Signal' refers to
X   useful information conveyed by some communications medium and
X   `noise' to anything else on that medium.  Hence a low ratio implies
X   that it is not worth paying attention to the medium in question.
X   Figures for such metaphorical ratios are never given.  The term is
X   most often applied to {USENET} newsgroups during {flame war}s.
X   Compare {bandwidth}.  See also {coefficient of x}, {lost in
X   the noise}.
Xsilicon: n. Hardware, esp. ICs or microprocessor-based computer
X   systems (compare {iron}).  Contrasted with software.  See also
X   {sandbender}.
Xsilicon foundry: n. A company that {fab}s chips to the designs of
X   others.  As of the late 1980s, the combination of silicon foundries
X   and good computer-aided design software made it much easier for
X   hardware-designing startup companies to come into being.  The
X   downside of using a silicon foundry is that the distance from the
X   actual chip fabrication processes reduces designers' leverage.
X   This is somewhat analogous to the use of a {HLL} versus coding in
X   assembler.
Xsilly walk: [from Monty Python's Flying Circus] vi. A ridiculous
X   procedure required to accomplish a task.  Like {grovel}, but more
X   {random} and humorous.  "I had to silly-walk through half the
X   /usr directories to find the maps file."
Xsilo: n. The FIFO input-character buffer in an RS-232 line card.  So
X   called from DEC terminology used on DH and DZ line cards for the
X   VAX and PDP-11, presumably because it was a storage space for
X   fungible stuff that you put in the top and took out the bottom.
XSilver Book: n. Jensen & Wirth's infamous `Pascal User Manual
X   and Report', so called because of the silver cover of the
X   widely distributed Springer-Verlag second edition of 1978 (ISBN
X   0-387-90144-2).  See {{book titles}}.
Xsince time T equals minus infinity: adj. A long time ago; for as
X   long as anyone can remember; at the time that some particular frob
X   was first designed.  Usually the word `time' is omitted.  See also
X   {time T}.
Xsitename: [UNIX/Internet] n. The unique electronic name of a
X   computer system, used to identify it in UUCP mail, USENET, or other
X   forms of electronic information interchange.  The folklore interest
X   of sitenames stems from the creativity and humor they often
X   display.  Interpreting a sitename is not unlike interpreting a
X   vanity license plate; one has to mentally unpack it, allowing for
X   mono-case and length restrictions and the lack of whitespace.
X   Hacker tradition deprecates dull, institutional-sounding names in
X   favor of punchy, humorous, and clever coinages (except that it is
X   considered appropriate for the official public gateway machine of
X   an organization to bear the organization's name or acronym).
X   Mythological references, cartoon characters, animal names, and
X   allusions to SF or fantasy literature are probably the most popular
X   sources for sitenames (in roughly descending order).  The
X   obligatory comment when discussing these is Harris's Lament: "All
X   the good ones are taken!"  See also {network address}.
Xskulker: n. Syn. {prowler}.
Xslap on the side: n. (also called a {sidecar}, or abbreviated
X   `SOTS'.)  A type of external expansion hardware marketed by
X   computer manufacturers (e.g.  Commodore for their Amiga 500/1000
X   series and IBM for the hideous failure they called `PCjr').
X   Various SOTS boxes provided necessities such as memory, hard drive
X   controllers, and conventional expansion slots.
Xsleep: vi. 1. [techspeak] On a timesharing system, a process that
X   relinquishes its claim on the scheduler until some given event
X   occurs or a specified time delay elapses is said to `go to
X   sleep'.  2. In jargon, used very similarly to v. {block}; also
X   in `sleep on', syn. with `block on'.  Often used to
X   indicate that the speaker has relinquished a demand for resources
X   until some (possibly unspecified) external event: "They can't get
X   the fix I've been asking for into the next release, so I'm going to
X   sleep on it until the release, then start hassling them again."
Xslim: n. A small, derivative change (e.g., to code).
Xslop: n. 1. A one-sided {fudge factor}, that is, an allowance
X   for error but only in one of two directions.  For example, if you
X   need a piece of wire ten feet long and have to guess when you cut
X   it, you make very sure to cut it too long, by a large amount if
X   necessary, rather than too short by even a little bit, because you
X   can always cut off the slop but you can't paste it back on again.
X   When discrete quantities are involved, slop is often introduced to
X   avoid the possibility of being on the losing side of a {fencepost
X   error}.  2. The percentage of `extra' code code generated by a
true || echo 'restore of jargon.ascii failed'
echo 'End of part 14, continue with part 15'
echo 15 > _shar_seq_.tmp
exit 0