eric@altos86.UUCP (06/24/83)
Can someone mail to me, post to the net, or point me to the following information for each manned shuttle mission to date? - Full names of all crew members - Which shuttle was used - Launch date and time - Total elapsed time of the mission - Number of revolutions (orbits) - Landing site - A brief description of the main events of the mission Information would be greatly appreciated. Also, does anyone have any information on the National Space Institute, the organization that is sponsoring the Dial-a-Shuttle number? Is it an organization worth joining? Eric Smith
rjnoe@ihlts.UUCP (07/01/83)
Can someone fill in the details I am missing on the manned shuttle missions? Mail or posting here will be appreciated. Manned free flight (ALT) tests in OV-101 Enterprise: Time Separation Test Date m:ss Altitude Crew Objectives 08/12/77 5:21 24100 ft Haise, Fullerton separation test 09/13/77 5:28 26000 ft Engle, Truly flight control 09/23/77 5:34 24700 ft Haise, Fullerton test autoland 10/12/77 2:34 22400 ft Engle, Truly no tail fairing 10/26/77 2:02 19900 ft Haise, Fullerton 15000 ft. runway STS Launched Duration Rev. OV# Crew (CDR, PLT, MS, ...) 1 04/12/81 54:20:52 36 102 John W. Young, Robert L. Crippen 2 11/12/81 54:13:?? 36 102 Joe H. Engle, Richard H. Truly 3 03/22/82 193:??:?? 128? 102 Jack R. Lousma, Charles G. Fullerton 4 06/27/82 168:??:?? 112? 102 Thomas K. Mattingly, Henry W. Hartsfield 5 11/11/82 122:14:25 81 102 Vance D. Brand, Robert F. Overmyer, William B. Lenoir, Joseph P. Allen 6 04/04/83 120:24:32 80 099 Paul J. Weitz, Karol J. Bobko, @13:30 EST F. Story Musgrave, Donald H. Peterson 7 06/18/83 146:24:20 98 099 Robert L. Crippen, Frederick H. Hauck, @06:33 EST John M. Fabian, Sally K. Ride, Norman E. Thagard Notes: STS-1 Landed Rogers Lake bed at Edwards AFB (EAFB). STS-2 Successful RMS test. Shortened from 83 rev (124 hr) mission because of fuel cell failure. Landed EAFB again. STS-3 Landed Northrup strip at White Sands NM one day late due to high winds there; EAFB was too wet. STS-4 Final test flight. SRBs lost in Atlantic. First landing on concrete runway (#22 EAFB). STS-5 EVA scrubbed due to EMU failure. Launched SBS, Canada Telesat (Anik-C) satellites. STS-6 First flight of Challenger. TDRS-A deployed but IUS failed. First U.S. EVA in 9 years (Musgrave & Peterson, 04/07/83). STS-7 Launched Canada Telesat (Anik) and Indonesian (Palapa) satellites. Deployment, formation, and retrieval of SPAS-01. KSC landing cancelled because of fog; landed EAFB #22. If any of this is incorrect, PLEASE don't hesitate to correct me. Roger Noe ...ihnp4!ihlts!rjnoe