[comp.lang.perl] Strange behaviour with | & ^ and associative arrays

ajcd@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Angus Duggan) (03/21/90)

I've come across a problem which occurs when mixing bitwise operators with
associative array components; if the numeric value of an associative array
component is negative, it is converted to zero when the expression is
evaluated. The same thing does *not* happen for other arithmetic operators.
This also affects the bitwise assignment operators |=, &=, and ^= (I think;
last two untested). Try the script:

	$fonts{"cmr10",300} = 1;
	# Correct values printed by following statement
	print STDOUT "Values are ", $fonts{"cmr10",300}, ",",
				    $fonts{"cmr10",300} - 0, ",",
				    $fonts{"cmr10",300} & 1, ",",
				    $fonts{"cmr10",300} | 0, "\n";
        $fonts{"cmr10",300} = -1;
	# Incorrect values printed by following statement
        print STDOUT "Values are ", $fonts{"cmr10",300}, ",",
				    $fonts{"cmr10",300} - 0, ",",
				    $fonts{"cmr10",300} & 1, ",",
				    $fonts{"cmr10",300} | 0, "\n";

The output of this script is:
	Values are 1,1,1,1
	Values are -1,-1,0,0

The second line should read:
	Values are -1,-1,1,-1

perl -v prints:
	$Header: perly.c,v 90/02/28 18:06:41 lwall Locked $
	Patch level: 15

This is being run on a Sun 3/50 with SunOS 4.0.?

In the instance in which it occurred, I can use || instead of |, but I'd
prefer not to. Anyone other workarounds welcome.

Angus Duggan, Department of Computer Science,	| #include <stddisclaimer.h>
University of Edinburgh, JCMB,			| USENET: ajcd@lfcs.ed.ac.uk
The King's Buildings, Mayfield Road,		| JANET:  ajcd@uk.ac.ed.lfcs