[comp.lang.perl] medline to bibtex filter in perl

rich@Rice.edu (Carey Richard Murphey) (07/26/90)

Here's a handy utility for those who use medline (a.k.a. BRS/OnSite).

The following perl program converts output from BRS/OnSite database
into a LaTeX style (bibtex) bibliography.  For those of you who use
BRS/OnSite, you can use this to download bibliographic references by
capturing the output to your vt100 compatible terminal and runing it
through this filter.

I'm a novice to perl, so any pointers or improvements (even on style)
are welcome.  Hope someone finds it useful...  Rich@Rice.edu

#!/usr/local/bin/perl --	 # -*-Perl-*-

# this perl script converts medline vt100 output into bibtex format.
$* = 1;                        # treat strings as a multi-line buffers.

while ( !eof (STDIN) ) {
    $data = <STDIN>;

# remove all the vt100 escape sequences.
# \033 is escape ^[
# data starts on line 3 and extends through line 18

    print STDERR "removing vt100 escape sequences.\n";
    $data =~ s/\033\[\dm//g;	# font change
    $data =~ s/\033\[2J//g;	# clear whole screen
    $data =~ s/\033\[0[12]\;\d+H/\001/g; # movement to top of screen
    $data =~ s/\033\[19\;\d+H/\002/g; # movement to bottom of screen
    $data =~ s/\033\[2\d\;\d+H/\002/g; # movement to bottom of screen
    $data =~ s/\033\[\d+\;002H/\n/g;	# new line of data
    $data =~ s/\033\[\d+\;001H/\n/g;	# user prompt
    $data =~ s/\033\[\d+\;\d+H/ /g;	# cursor movement
    $data =~ s/\007//g;			# delete bells

# remove all medline headers, commands and queries to the user.
    print STDERR "removing miscellaneous junk.\n";
    $data =~ s/\001SCREEN +\d+ +OF +\d+ *//g;
    $data =~ s/\001MESH *//g;
    $data =~ s/\001ANSWER +\d+ *//g;
    $data =~ s/\002 *OR A COMMAND--> *//g;
    $data =~ s/[\001\002] *//g;

    $data =~ s/ +\n +/\n/g;		# eliminate trailing and leading spaces
    $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/g;		# crush out blank lines

    $data =~ s/\n-END OF DISPLAY REQUEST-.*/\n/g;
    $data =~ s/\nSEARCH +\d+.*/\n/g;
    $data =~ s/\nPRESS ENTER FOR NEXT.*/\n/g;
    $data =~ s/\nANSWER +\d+.*/\n/g;
    $data =~ s/\nENTER TI (TITLE ONLY), S.*/\n/g;
    $data =~ s/\nENTER DOCUMENT NUMBERS.*/\n/g;
    $data =~ s/\nENTER SCREEN NUMBER.*/\n/g;
    $data =~ s/\nENTER SEARCH TERMS.*/\n/g;

    $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/g;		# crush out blank lines

    @line = split (/\n/, $data); # split the data into lines
    $data = 0;
    $* = 0;

#    open (FOO, ">foo");
#    foreach $n (@line) { print FOO $n, "\n"; }
#    close FOO;

    print STDERR "extracting bibliographic data.\n";
# take each abstract and put the authors, tittle, etc. into separate arrays.
    $abnum = -1;
    for ($n = 0; $n <= $#line; $n ++) {
	if (@line[$n] =~ s/^ *AU //) {
	    $abnum ++;
	    print STDERR $abnum, " ";
	    @author[$abnum] = @line[$n];
	if (@line[$n] =~ s/^ *TI //) {
	    @title[$abnum] = @line[$n];
	if (@line[$n] =~ s/^ *SO //) {
	    @source[$abnum] = @line[$n];
	if (@line[$n] =~ s/^ *AB //) {
	    @abstract[$abnum] = @line[$n];
    print STDERR "\n";
    @line = (0);

    print STDERR "reformatting references.\n";
    for ($n = 0; $n <= $abnum; $n ++) {
	print STDERR $n, " ";
# form a keyword from the author's first name and date of the article
	$keyn = "???" . $n;
	if (@author[$n] =~ /\w+/) {
	    $keyn = $&; }
	if (@source[$n] =~ /19(\d\d)\b/) {
	    $keyn .= "-" . $1; }

# convert the author list to bibtex format
	@authors = split(/ /, @author[$n]);
	$authorlist = "";
	foreach $name (@authors) {
	    $name =~ s/(\w+)-([\w\.\-]+)/\2 \1/;
	    $name =~ s/-/./;
	    $name =~ s/\b([A-Z])([A-Z]) /\1.\2. /; # add periods after initials
	    $authorlist .= $name . " and ";
	$authorlist =~ s/ and $//;
	$authorlist =~ s/\s*and\s+and\s*/ and /g; # why do we need this?

# split the source into journal name, volume, etc.
	@so = split(/\./, @source[$n]);
# print the bibtex entry
	print "\n@ARTICLE{", $keyn, ",\n";
	print "\tAUTHOR = {", $authorlist, "},\n";
	print "\tTITLE = {", @title[$n], "},\n";
# journal name
	@so[0] =~ s/-/. /g;
	@so[0] .= ".";
	print "\tJOURNAL = {", @so[0], "},\n";
# volume
	if (@so[2] =~ /\s*([\d]+)/) {
	    print "\tVOLUME = ", $1, ",\n"; }
# number
	if (@so[2] =~ /\(([\d]+)\)/) {
	    print "\tNUMBER = ", $1, ",\n"; }
# pages
	if (@so[3] =~ /P ([\d\-]+)/) {
	    print "\tPAGES = {", $1, "},\n"; }
	if (@so[1] =~ /[a-zA-Z]{3}/) {
	    print "\tMONTH = ", $&, ",\n"; }
	if (@so[1] =~ /19(\d\d)\b/) {
	    print "\tYEAR = ", $&, "\n"; }
	else {
	    print "\tNOYEAR = 0\n"; }
# bibtex does not handle long abstracts, so we provide it as a comment.
	if (length @abstract[$n]) {
	    print "% ", @abstract[$n], "\n"; }
	print "}\n";
print STDERR "\n";
exit 0