[comp.lang.perl] DNS routines for perl

dupuy@cs.columbia.edu (Alexander Dupuy) (01/25/91)

Before I go and re-invent the wheel, has anyone written something which either
implements DNS resolver functionality in perl, or provides access to low-level
libresolv.a routines (not just gethostby*, etc.) using the usersub extension
mechanism?  I know about Marion Hakanson's DNS library, but it only reads zone
files, and I want to generate queries to the network.


inet: dupuy@cs.columbia.edu
uucp: ...!rutgers!cs.columbia.edu!dupuy

marc@athena.mit.edu (Marc Horowitz) (01/29/91)

I have an implementation of DNS in perl.  It's major drawback is that
I never got around to implementing routines to print the answers in
useful ways.  I also have some gross kludges 'cause perl doesn't have
real multi dimensional arrays (you can't do nested foreach's
meaningfully on $foo{$a,$b}).  And it should be a package.  In
general, it's something I just hacked up, and never really finished.
Cleaning it up shouldn't be too hard, I don't think.  It should be
better than starting from scratch.  Well, here it is, whatever it's
worth.  One request: If you hack on it, send me back the changes so I
can use them, too.


P.S.  The test queries at the end are Hesiod queries.  If you don't
know what Hesiod is, don't worry.  This should work fine for normal IN


# $Id: bind.pl,v 1.3 90/06/07 02:50:06 marc Exp Locker: marc $

# hack! hack!  This is to confuse the byte order stuff in arpa/nameser.h
# nothing here depends on it anyway.

sub vax {1;}

#  This all probably belongs in a package.  Tomorrow.

do 'sys/socket.h' || die "can\'t do sys/socket.h: $@";
do 'arpa/nameser.h' || die "can\'t do arpa/nameser.h: $@";

# who? me? kludge?

undef &vax;

# This is gross, but at least it's portable.
@qtype[&T_A] = "A";
@qtype[&T_NS] = "NS";
@qtype[&T_MD] = "MD";
@qtype[&T_MF] = "MF";
@qtype[&T_CNAME] = "CNAME";
@qtype[&T_SOA] = "SOA";
@qtype[&T_MB] = "MB";
@qtype[&T_MG] = "MG";
@qtype[&T_MR] = "MR";
@qtype[&T_NULL] = "NULL";
@qtype[&T_WKS] = "WKS";
@qtype[&T_PTR] = "PTR";
@qtype[&T_HINFO] = "HINFO";
@qtype[&T_MINFO] = "MINFO";
@qtype[&T_MX] = "MX";
@qtype[&T_TXT] = "TXT";
@qtype[&T_UINFO] = "UINFO";
@qtype[&T_UID] = "UID";
@qtype[&T_GID] = "GID";
@qtype[&T_UNSPEC] = "UNSPEC";
@qtype[&T_UNSPECA] = "UNSPECA";
@qtype[&T_AXFR] = "AXFR";
@qtype[&T_MAILB] = "MAILB";
@qtype[&T_MAILA] = "MAILA";
@qtype[&T_ANY] = "ANY";

@qclass[&C_IN] = "IN";
@qclass[&C_CHAOS] = "CHAOS";
@qclass[&C_HS] = "HS";
@qclass[&C_ANY] = "ANY";

sub qtype_strtonum {
	local($num) = eval("&T_$_[0];");

	if ($@ == "") {
	} else {

sub qclass_strtonum {
	local($num) = eval("&C_$_[0];");

	if ($@ == "") {
	} else {

sub qtype_numtostr {
	local($str) = @qtype[$_[0]];

	if (defined($str)) {
	} else {

sub qclass_numtostr {
	local($str) = @qclass[$_[0]];

	if (defined($str)) {
	} else {

sub res_init { # @_ = ($nameserver)

	if ($_[0] =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
		$saddr = pack("CCCC", $1, $2, $3, $4);
	} else {
#		$saddr = ((gethostbyname($_[0]))[4] || return(undefined));
		$saddr = (gethostbyname($_[0]))[4];

	# lossage in /etc/services.  hardcode for now.
	#$port = (getservbyname("nameserver","tcp"))[2];
	$port = 53;

	$sin = pack("S n a4 x8",&AF_INET,$port,$saddr);
	socket(NS, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, &PF_UNSPEC) || die "socket: $!";
	connect(NS, $sin) || die "connect: $!";

	$fd = select(NS); $| = 1;   # set nonbufferred

sub res_mkquery { # @_ = ($name,$type,$class,$id)

	$question = pack("n6",$_[3],0x0100,1,0,0,0);	# header
	$question .= &unparse_name($_[0]);
	$question .= pack("n n",&qtype_strtonum($_[1]),	# query
sub unparse_name {
	$str = "";
	foreach $label (split(/\./,$_[0])) {
		$labellen = length($label);
		$str .= pack("Ca$labellen",$labellen,$label);
	$str .= pack("C",0);		# root octet

sub res_send { # @_ = ($socket,$query)
	local($fd,$packet) = ($_[0],pack("n",length($_[1])).$_[1]);
	print $fd $packet;

# response format:
# [0] = id
# [1] = authoritative
# [2] = recursion available
# [3] = query name
# [4] = query class
# [5] = query type
# [6] = start of answers
# [7] = end of answers
# [8] = start of authority records
# [9] = end of authority records
# [10] = start of add'l records
# [11] = end of add'l records
# [12] ...   resource records (in multiples of 5)

sub get_response { # @_ = ($socket)
	@ptr = ($response,0);

	$header = &next_chars(12,@ptr);
	($id,$bits,$qdcount,$ancount,$nscount,$adcount) = unpack("n6",$header);
	$auth = ($bits >> 10) & 0x01;
	$recurse = ($bits >> 8) & 0x01;
	$rrs = $ancount+$nscount+$adcount;
	@resp = ($id,$auth,$recurse);		# 		[0..2]

	push(@resp,&parse_name(@ptr));				# QNAME	[3]
	push(@resp,&qtype_numtostr(&next_netshort(@ptr)));	# QTYPE	[4]
	push(@resp,&qclass_numtostr(&next_netshort(@ptr)));	# QCLASS[5]

	push(@resp,12);				# 		[6]
	push(@resp,@resp[$#resp]+5*$ancount-1);	#		[7]

	push(@resp,@resp[$#resp]+1);		#		[8]
	push(@resp,@resp[$#resp]+5*$nscount-1);	#		[9]

	push(@resp,@resp[$#resp]+1);		#		[10]
	push(@resp,@resp[$#resp]+5*$adcount-1);	#		[11]

	for ($i = 0 ; $i < $rrs ; $i++) {
		@resp = (@resp,&parse_rrbits(@ptr));

sub parse_name {
	local($name,$ch,$ptr,@temp) = ("",substr($_[0],$_[1],1));
	while (ord($ch = substr($_[0],$_[1],1)) != 0) {
		# Message compression (RFC1035 4.1.4)
		if (ord($ch) >= 0xc0) {
			$ptr = &next_netshort(@_) & 0x3fff;
			$name .= "".&parse_name(@temp);
		$name .= &next_str(@_).".";
	&next_chars(1,@_);	# move past \0
	if ($name eq "") { $name = ".."; }
	chop($name);  # remove trailing "."

sub parse_rrbits {
	@rrec = ();

	$name = &parse_name(@_);
	# if NAME is an odd number of bytes, eat an extra byte
	if (($name == "") || (length($name)%1 == 1)) {&next_chars(1,$_[0]);}
	@rrec = ($name);			# NAME
	push(@rrec,&qtype_numtostr(&next_netshort(@_)));	# TYPE
	push(@rrec,&qclass_numtostr(&next_netshort(@_)));	# CLASS
	push(@rrec,&next_netlong(@_));		# TTL (integer)

	$rdlen = &next_netshort(@_);
	push(@rrec,&next_chars($rdlen,@_));	# RDATA

sub next_netshort {unpack("n",&next_chars(2,@_));}
sub next_netlong  {unpack("N",&next_chars(4,@_));}

# strips the first character-string from the argument, and returns it as a
# perl string
sub next_str {
	$cslen = unpack("C",&next_chars(1,@_));

# takes returns the first $_[0] chars at position $_[2] in string $_[1]
# and increments $_[2]
sub next_chars {
	local($len,$str) = (length($_[1]),$_[1]);
	$_[2] += $_[0];

# ah!  something coherent.

#$ns = "";
$ns = "";
$nsport = &res_init($ns);

@qs = ("marc.passwd","marc.filsys","marc.grplist","beeblebrox.cluster",
#@qs = ("marc.filsys");

foreach $q (@qs) {
	$query = &res_mkquery($q.".ns.athena.mit.edu.","ANY","ANY",0);

	@response = &res_send($nsport,$query);
	@answers = @response[$response[6]..$response[7]];

	foreach $ans (@answers) { print "$ans\n"; }
