[comp.lang.perl] It does not work any more

aas@aase.nr.no (Gisle Aas) (04/15/91)

The following expression used to expand tabs to spaces:

   perl -pe 'while (s/\t/" " x (8 - length($`) % 8)/e) {}'

With perl 4.0 at patchlevel 3 it expands every tab to 8 spaces. It
looks like length($`) always returns 0.  No trouble with 3.0 at
patchlevel 44.
Gisle Aas               |  snail: Boks 114 Blindern, N-0314 Oslo, Norway
Norsk Regnesentral      |  X.400: G=Gisle;S=Aas;O=nr;P=uninett;C=no
voice: +47-2-453561     |  inet:  Gisle.Aas@nr.no