[soc.religion.islam] Suggestion

arma@kaa.eng.ohio-state.edu (11/01/90)

Assalamu alaykum brothers and sisters
bismillahi arrahmanu arrahim wassalatu wassalamu ala rasoulihi al amin
I have a suggestion which will try to increase the knowlege of a muslim
about the other muslims in other countries (their state, how islam got
there, what is the percentage of muslims there, any information about
muslims). The prophet Peace be upon him instructed us to care about
muslims. To do so we must begin by understanding what is going on in our
muslim world and some of the background behind it. So my suggestion is
that people write about their own countries things that will add to the
knowledge of the muslims. For that I will put some guideline questions:
1. How did islam reach the country ?
2. What is the percentage of muslims living there ?
3. Are muslims in control ? if not then why ?
4. What are the islamic groups that are working there and what are their
5. In what is the country strong (industry, agriculture, petrolum, etc
6. Your suggestion .....
wassalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatouh