[soc.religion.islam] call for articles

SX43@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK (11/27/90)

Salaam everyone,
                I am looking for articles which I can give to the local
muslim magazines in the UK. The sort of thing I am after is a witty, sharp
article which packs a punch, and has something educational to offer.

I would also add them to the list of articles I put out a while back, if I
like them.

If you have a muslim magazine produced by an Islamic Society or other
organisation, and they don't mind having their article published elsewhere
(generally muslims won't mind; they'd have to be pretty stinjy to!) then
half an hour of your time spent typing-in one of the memorable articles in it
would be appreciated by everyone else who would benefit from the chance to read
it.  It could also generate subscriptions for them if you include a contact
address and subscription price.

To date only one person has bothered to send me anything to add to the list. I
have taken two from this board, but I am sure that there is a lot of untapped



                       (sx43 @ uk.ac.liv.ibm)