[soc.religion.islam] Updated list of articles from muslim magazines.

SX43@liverpool.ac.uk (12/05/90)


Last Updated : 1Dec1990
Latest additions :
ReadList Cynthia  Jul90 641 Journals relating to study of Islam, List.
Subscrpt Details  dec90 74  Addresses and subscription details for mags.
Networks Farzin   Oct89 539 Towards a Global Islamic Info Network...
Women    Net      Feb90 637 'Men are a degree above them..?' Not likely !

This is a list of articles taken mainly from muslim magazines.
The idea is to give a flavour of the style of the magazine and  share
knowledge, as well as provide details of how to subscribe to them.
Some of these may appear on usenet or greennet.

To obtain a copy just email me with a subject header 'article request'
and include a list of the titles you want in the FOLLOWING FORMAT :
(Example..)(P L E A S E ! This way I spend less time editing requests..)
hearts net
yummie2 mwise
bikinis msn

That is :
          -- filenames on INDIVIDUAL lines,
          -- descriptive details OMITTED.

I will endeavor to email them asap.

There is no copyright on these as long as the source is acknowledged.
You are encouraged to email me copies of articles from Islamic journals
to add to this collection, as well as comments/suggestions for further
development of an electronic islamic magazine.

The index below gives a filename and a one-line description.

All disclaimers apply -- I'm only too human !   :-)


Article           Date  Lines        Description
=======           ====  =====        ===========

Growing  Banner   Oct90 83  Islam Fastest Growing Religion, but few reverts.
Alcohol  Invit    Sep90 88  No safe limit to alcohol..from a Pharmacist.
Gulf     Invit    Sep90 83  Historical Review of Gulf Shaikhdoms
Carib    MWise    Jul90 292 Muslims discovered U.S. before Columbus
Films    MWise    Sep90 74  Satirical look at current events
Marriage MWise    Jan90 129 Marriage in contemporary muslim society
Plan     MWise    Aug90 67  Satirical Peace Plan for Gulf Crisis.
Racism   MWise    Aug90 321 Hijra, Laager Mentality and Racism in Muslims
Saladin  MWise    Oct90 273 Salah al-Din's time and now..little changed.
Sex      MWise    Dec89 133 Taboo on sex education..Why?  Serious.
Titanic  MWise    Mar90 *** INCOMPLETE.
Yummie1  MWise    Jan90 90  { Three articles on Young Upwardly Mobile
Yummie2  MWise    Jan90 54  { Muslims (YUMMIES) in the 1990's...Refreshing
Yummie3  MWise    Jan90 116 { Humorous and Streetwise. Recommended !
Bikinis  MSN      Oct90 98  Bikinis in the Gulf...pep talk for muslims.
Limerix  Trends   Oct90 25  About the Gulf and Saddam Hussein.
Matboy   Trends   Oct90 42  Poem : Material Boy, by Lutfi Sulaiman.
Quotes   Trends   Oct90 110 UK MP's quoted during heated debate re. Gulf
Forgiven Usra     Nov90 93  Unforgiving Attitude Cause of Muslim Disunity.
Paradise Usra     Nov90 106 Story of a Sahabi's forgiving attitude.
Media    Active   1989  694 Guide to Media Monitoring (Recommended !)
Rushdie  AMazrui  Mar89 1.5K Ali Mazrui on Moral Dilemma of TSV.
BigBang  Bucaille Nov90 143 Big Bang, Space Travel and Qur'an.
ReadList Cynthia  Jul90 641 Journals relating to study of Islam, List.
Subscrpt Details  dec90 74  Addresses and subscription details for mags.
Orwell   Essay    Archived  Politics and the use of English.
Networks Farzin   Oct89 539 Towards a Global Islamic Info Network...
Quran    Index    Nov90 1.2KFrom Craig Paul, USA.
Media    List     ?     173 Booklist for study of the media bias.
Hearts   Net      Aug90?206 Canadian Muslim visits Palestine.
Women    Net      Feb90 637 'Men are in control of them..?' Not likely !
Muhammad Wamy     1989? 192 Dawah Leaflet All About Muhammad (SAW).

[Archived ones may take a while for me to dig out --FRE]