[soc.religion.islam] Authenticity of Quran

arma@phao.eng.ohio-state.edu (Lama Hamandi) (12/06/90)

n an article about translation of the Bible and the Torah (new and old testaments)
Richard says:

Anyway, I have to admit to being a cynic in the sense that the Muslim
story on God -> Muhammed -> Followers -> Quran transmission seems just
too perfect to be believed.  I'd like to see some historical documen-
tation on this

Well, the most evident historical evidence is that we have the same Quran 
used in all the Islamic (not only arabic) world today as the one that was
revealed by Allah (One of the Names of God in Islam) through his Angel "Gabriel"
(Jibril in arabic). We know this because of two historical facts:
1. In many countries that are ruled by Non-Islamic or maybe even Anti-Islamic
governments (e.g. Turkey, USSR) there are (as mentioned before on this 
newsgroup) the original copies of the Quran dating back to the period of the 
prophet and his immediate followers (Sahabah, the beleivers that were with 
the prophet at his time).
2. The second (stronger) fact is that up to these days we have people all over
the islamic (and not only the arabic) world that have memorized Quran as a 
whole. These are many but they do not differ even in one letter (or even in 
the pronounciation of a letter) when they recite the Quran. There are also
some of them who with memorizing Quran have memorized the chain of people
from which they have memorized Quran. The chain begins with the prophet SAW 
(Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam : Peace be Upon Him) through very well known 
men in the history of Islam to the one (in our days) who has memorized Quran. 
Being 1400 years away from Prophet Muhammad's period (SAW) at least each chain 
contains more than 14 person. Not all the chains are the same (difference 
could be in one, two or many of the persons in the chain). Still the same
Recitation is prevailing throughout all these chains.
It is more on the second fact than on the first one that Muslims nowadays
rely when they want to proove to NON-Muslims that the Quran has not been altered
(Since to proove to a muslim the same thing only requires him to read in the
quran that Allah (God) says that He will preserve the Quran "Inna Nahnou
Nazzalna Alzikra wa inna lahu lahafizoun" which could be roughly translated to 
"Verily We have revealed Quran and We Will protect it"). Since if there was
a supression of the other (theoretically) versions of the quran, at least
we will have one chain or one person (not necessarily having a complete chain)
claiming that he has another version of the Quran memorized.

Richard also says:
Is someone going to tell
me that they really know what happened over a thousand years ago?  Some

Well, in Islam we have many sources for getting information about the past.
Regarding the matters of our faith (Aquida) we rely first on the Quran and
Sunnah (Sunnah, all the deeds, sayings, and approvals of the Prophet SAW) 
Sunnah was collected in many different books after the death of the prophet
SAW. But Sunnah was not preserved like Quran, that's why you find today people
that have categorized Sunnah in many different categories, among these are
Daiif (weak), Hassan (good), Sahih (True). Scholars have differed in classification
and in their criteria for categorization. The requirements for a Hadith (another
name for Sunna) to be Good (Hassan) for a scholar, may be more strict than the
ones for a hadith to be True (Sahih) for another scholar. Among the books of
hadith, the most authentic are Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, (they are, were
and Inshallah (if god wills) uwill be accepted by all muslims). 
 Quran and accepted Hadiths tell us about thins that happened in the past, this
 we know to be true (Hadiths are also memorized with a chain in the same way 
 with Quran). Non accepted Hadiths may be true and may be false and for those
 (as for the old and new testament) we cannot say that they are wrong unless
 they contradict something in the Quran or in the Acceptable Hadiths, if they
 do not though, we will not say they are right since they have a probability
 of being wrong. I hope this answers your question.

 A final note:
 Richard, you often use Arabs and Muslims intrchangeably to mean Muslims. It
 is better in my opinion to use only the word Muslims since otherwise, it
 would mean that you have the misconception that all Arabs are Muslims, or that
 all Muslims are Arabs.