(Saira) (03/19/91)
Salaam everyone, After a search for info. on Abortion, the following is what i was able to find. I am sending it since a few people have requested to be informed of anything i could find. (Saira) The following extracts on Abortion and Birth Control are taken from Dr. Jamal Badawi's "Islamic Teachings" TV series from N. America. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Birth Control" Although the word 'birth-control' is commonly used, Muslims believe that it is only Allah who controls the incidence of birth and death: thus it often happens that despite attempts to prevent conception, a child is born to a couple because it has been ordained by God. It is however possible for humans beings to use certain birth-control methods to try to prevent conception. Generally speaking, Islam encourages the birth of children, the Prophet (SAW) is recorded as saying in more than one place that Muslims should marry and have children. In addition to this, Muslim scholars do not accept the alarmist Malthusian type of theories which say that unless population growth is controlled, there 'will only be standing room on earth': Allah assures believers that He will provide for men and their families, thus there is no consensus among Muslim jurists that birth- control as a national policy in a Muslim country is permissible. Islam however does permit the practice of birth-control methods on a personal,individual basis provided that personal circumstances justify its practice; there is evidence that at the time of the Prophet (SAW) a form of birth-control was practiced amongst some Muslims and it is clear that he knew of it and did not prohibit it and nor did the Qur'an, though the Prophet did warn that if Allah willed that a child should be born, they could not prevent it from happening. 'Reasons which would justify the practice of birth-control' a) The protection of the life of the mother-if for medical reasons the life of a wife may be threatened by pregnancy, it is permissible to take steps to avoid pregnancy. b) Strong indications that a child who is conceived and born will be deformed or handicapped is also an acceptable reason for trying to avoid pregnancy; c) According to sayings of the Prophet (SAW) it is not desirable for a woman to become pregnant whilst she is still suckling a baby because of the harm which may be done to the baby, therefore again the practice of birth-control may be permissible; the period of suckling recommended in Islam is two to three years. d) Poverty and lack of resources may also justify birth-control, although the Qur'an says that God will provide for the whole family. This concession applies only in really straitened circumstances, where the wife, with several children already, cannot cope with any more; e) Other personal reasons,eg. the wife's wish wish to complete a course of study before motherhood. It is for the individuals concerned to consult their own consciences and see if birth-control is justified or not. Note, a man may not practice birth-control without consultation with his wife as her right to have a child should also be considered. ABORTION Abortion is unlawful except in a case where the life of the mother is at stake. Contemporary scholars have also said that if, in the very early stages of the pregnancy there are indications that the child will be deformed, abortion is permissible, though this is not a majority opinion. Since Muslims believe that after 120 days the soul is breathed into the foetus, abortion before four months is recommended if there is a necessity for it, but after four months abortion is clearly unlawful. In all circumstances however, abortion is detestible because the biological life of the child begins in day 1 of the conception. Muslims reject the feeble arguments put forward by those who want abortion on demand- it is an unwarranted taking of human life. Al Ghazali has said,(to paraphrase), that all abortion is wrong. To abort a foetus, when it is already a lump of flesh is however, even more wrong and if the foetus is 120 days old, the sin is even greater. To kill the child on its birth is the greatest sin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------