[soc.religion.islam] Qur'anic prayer times. No 'asr prayer!

paul@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (05/17/91)

One sees 5 times during a day in 20:130, but no other places. No
verses include an 'asr (afternoon) prayer.

The translator, Asad, didn't translate some times in an exact manner.

In one of the charts below "bod" means "beginning of daylight", and
"eod" means "end of daylight".
  - times of day of
    - the midmost (alwust.aa) prayer 2:238 (alternate interpretation)
    - the two ends of daylight (t.arafii alnahaar), early watches of the
      night (zulafan min alleil) (approach or advance of night) 11:114
    - the sun has passed zenith (duluuk) till the darkness of night (ghasaq
      alleil) , recitation at dawn (fajr) 17:78
    - rise from sleep and pray during the night as a free offering 17:79
    - before risings of the sun (t.uluu' alshams), before sunset (ghuruub),
      some hours of the night (alleil) and day (at.araaf alnahaar - ends of
      daylight - dawn and dusk) 20:130
      **** Asad translation irregularity ***
    - morning (ghuduu) and evening (aas.aal - time just before sunset) 24:36
    - daybreak (fajr), middle of the day (z.ahiira) and nightfall ('ishaa)
    - enter upon the evening hours (h(1)iina tumsuun - approach evening)
      and rising at morning (h(1)iina tus.bih(1)uun - approach the morning)
    - noon (h(1)iina tuz.hiruun - approaching noon) and afternoon
      ('ashiyaan - nightfall) 30:18
      *** Asad translation irregularity ***
    - impelled to rise from their beds at night 32:16
    - morning (bukratan) and evening (as.iilaan - time just before sunset)
    - eventide (al'ashii) and sunrise (alishraaq) (when David extolled God's
      glory) 38:18
    - evening (al'ishii) and morning (alibkaar) 40:55
    - before sunrise (t.uluu' alshams) and before sunset (ghuruub) 50:39
    - and in the night 50:40
    - lieing asleep during a small part the night 51:17
    - whenever rising from sleep 52:48
    - at night and at the time when the stars retreat (idbara alnujuum) 52:49
    - half the night or more 73:2-4
    - morning (bukratan) and evening (as.ilaan - time just before sunset) 76:25
    - during some of the night and throughout the long night 76:26
     - summary
      - fajr 17:78, 24:58
      - when the stars retreat 52:49
      - beginning of daylight (one of the two ends of daylight) 11:114, 20:130
      - before sunrise 20:130, 50:39
      - approach of morning 30:17
      - morning
        - (b.k.r) 33:42, 40:55, 76:25
        - (gh.d.w) 24:36
      - approaching noon (z..h.r) 30:18
      - midmost prayer (w.s.t.) 2:238
      - noon (z..h.r) 24:58
      - after zenith 17:78
      - before sunset 24:36, 50:39
        - (a.s..l) 24:36, 33:42, 76:25
      - end of daylight (one of the two ends of daylight) 11:114, 20:130
      - approach of evening 30:17
      - as night advances 11:114
      - darkness of night 17:78
      - evening
        - ('.sh.w) 24:58, 30:18, 40:55
fajr   bod    sunrise morning noon afternoon a.s..l sunset eod  '.sh.w  l.i.l
      11:114 50:39    24:36   2:238          24:36 50:39  11:114        11:114
      20:130 20:130   33:42  30:18           33:42 20:130 20:130 30:18  20:130
17:78                 40:55    17:78                             40:55  17:78
24:58                 76:25   24:58          76:25               24:58  17:79
   ...30:17...                                   ...30:17...            32:16
.52:49.                                                                 52:49