[soc.religion.islam] thanks, and another question

665instr@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (Ian) (06/03/91)

Thank you for the explainations of the two Q words and angels and Iman.
Interestingly enough, my beliefs about Allah's omnicience with respect to
our free will is very similar to what you said. My usage of the word "faith"
is also very similar to your definition of Iman. (But not all people who       
call themselves Christians agree with me on this, so don't assume that with
everyone you meet who says he's a Christian.)

I have another question: is there a reason given for Muslims to worship on
Friday? (As opposed to Saturday, that is.) I asked my Muslim neighbour but
he didn't know.       

Ian Chai      Internet: chai@cs.ukans.edu        Bitnet: 665instr@ukanvax
I don't believe in flaming. If I appear to be flaming, either (a) it's an
illusion due to the lack of nonverbal cues or (b) my sprinkler system has
suffered a momentary glitch, so just ignore me until it's fixed.