benson@uicsg.UUCP (06/27/84)
#N:uicsg:2800002:000:2756 uicsg!benson Jun 26 18:44:00 1984 The following NASA Shuttle Launch Manifest is taken from the June 25, 1984 issue of "Aviation Week and Space Technology". Explanations for abbreviations follow the table. Flight Launch Date Orbiter Mission and Payloads ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41F Aug 29, 1984 Dis Deploy & retrieve Spartan astrophysis lab Deploy SBS-D, Telstar 3-C, Leasat satellites 41G Oct 1, 1984 Cha OSTA-3 earth imaging radar Deploy earth radiation satellite 51A Nov 2, 1984 Dis Retrieve Westar-6 and Palpa B-2 or multiple Getaway specials & deploy Telsat-H 51C Dec 9, 1984 Cha Geosynchronous orbit military payload (secret) 51B Jan 17, 1985 Dis Spacelab 3 (second spacelab mission) 51E Jan 12, 1985 Cha Launch TDRS-B, deploy Telsat I 51D Mar 18, 1985 Dis Retrieve long duration exposure facility Deploy Leasat spacecraft 51G May 30, 1985 Col Deploy Morelos-A, Arabsat-A, and Telstar 3-D communications satellites 51L Jul 2, 1985 ? EOS-1 Drug processing payload Launch TDRS-C 51I Aug 8, 1985 Col Deploy Leasat-4, Aussat 1, and ASC-1 Materials science laboratory (MSL-2) 51J Sep 20, 1985 Atl Defense department 61A Oct 14, 1985 Col Spacelab D-1 (mission purchased by Germany) 62A Oct 15, 1985 ? Polar orbit launched from Vandenberg AFB 61B Nov 6, 1985 Cha Deploy Morelos B, Satcom KU-1, Aussat 2 Materials science labratory payload (MSL-3) 51H Nov 27, 1985 ? Short Spacelab pressurized module and pallet instrumentation 61C Dec 23, 1985 Col Deploy & retrive Spartan observatory to photograph Halley's comet Deploy Westar 7, Satcom KU-2, and Gstar-C 61D Jan 22, 1986 ? Spacelab 4, deploy British Skynet 4A 61E Mar 6, 1986 Col Astro telescope group (for Halley's comet) Deploy first Intelsat 6 Communications sat. 61F May 15, 1986 Cha Launch international solar-polar mission 61G May 21, 1986 ? Galileo Jupiter orbiter/probe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Designations: The first number in the mission designation refers to the fiscal year in which the flight was initially scheduled. The second digit indicates the launch site. 1 refers to Kennedy Space Center while 2 refers to Vandenberg AFB. The letter refers to the sequence number of that flight in a particular year, based on initial scheduling. Orbiter: Col - Columbia Cha - Challenger Dis - Discovery Atl - Atlantis ? - (Orbiter was not listed. This does not necessarily mean one has not been selected for the mission.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Benson - University of Illinois {ihnp4,pur-ee}!uiucdcs!uicsg!benson
rjnoe@ihlts.UUCP (Roger Noe) (06/27/84)
I had thought that Columbia would be the orbiter flying mission 41G, not Challenger as was listed for a long time on the manifest. I know I didn't just dream this. Had anyone else heard that Columbia would be the chosen orbiter for 41G? -- Roger Noe ihnp4!ihlts!rjnoe