[soc.religion.islam] Farewell Sermon

r3so@vax1.cc.uakron.edu (Serdar Ozpolat) (06/07/91)

Assalamu Alaikum,

Couple days ago, one brother asked for Hutbe-i Veda (farewell sermon). I
have one written, so i am sending it. I apologize for typing mistake if
there is.


The Farewell Sermon

All praise is for Allah. We praise Him; seek His help and pardon; 
and we turn to Him. We take refuge with Allah from the evils of 
ourselves and from the evil consequences of our actions. There 
is none to lead  him astray whom Allah guideth aright and there 
is none to guide him aright whom He misguideth. I bear witness 
that there no  god  but Allah, alone without any partner, and I 
bear witness that  Muhammad is His slave   and His Apostle. I 
admonish you, O slaves  of Allah, to fear Allah and I urge you 
to be obedient to  him  and I open the speech with that  which 
is good.

Now  to  proceed, O  people, listen to me; I will  deliver 
a message to you. For I do not know whether I shall ever have  
an opportunity to meet you after this year in this  place.

O people, verily  your blood (lives), your properties and your 
honour are sacred and inviolable to you till you appear before your
Lord, like the sacredness of this  day of yours, in this city of
yours. Verily, you will meet  your  Lord  and He will ask  you 
about your actions. Lo, have I conveyed the message? O Allah, 
be witness.

So he  who bears  with himself  any trust, should restore it  to 
the person who deposited it with  him.

Be  aware; no one committing a crime is responsible for  it but himself. 
Neither son is responsible for  the crime  of his  father nor father 
is responsible for the crime of his son.

Lo, O people, listen  to my  words and understand them. You must know 
that a Muslim is the brother of a Muslim and the Muslims are one brotherhood. 
Nothing belonging to his brother is lawful for a Muslim except what he 
himself allows. So you should not oppress yourselves. O Allah, have 
I conveyed the message?

Behold,  everything of Ignorance is put  down under my two feet. 
The blood-revenges of the Age of Ignorance are remitted.  Verily, the first 
blood-revenge I cancel is the blood-revenge of Ibn RabiUah ibn Harith, who 
was nursed  in the tribe of SaUd and whom the Hudhayl I killed.

The interest of the Age of Ignorance  period is abolished. But you will 
receive your capital-stock. Do not oppress and you   will not  be oppressed. 
Allah  has decreed that there is no interest. The first interest which  
I cancel is that of TAbbas  ibn al-Muttalib. Verily it is cancelled entirely.

O people,   do  fear  Allah concerning women. You  have  taken them with 
the trust of Allah and you have made their private parts lawful with   the 
word of Allah.

Verily  you  have received certain  right over your women and your women 
have certain  rights over  you. Your  right  over them is that  they should 
not make anybody, whom you dislike, trample  down your beds, and that they  
should  not allow anyone whom  you dislike (to enter) into your  houses. 
If they perform such an action, then Allah has permitted you to  harass  
them, keep them separate in their beds and beat them but not  severely. 
If they refrain they must have their sustenance and clothing justly from you.

Behold,  receive  with  kindness  the recommendation given about women. 
For they are middle-aged women (or helpers) with  you. They  do  not 
posses anything for themselves and you cannot have from them more  than 
that. If they obey you in this way, then you should not treat them unjustly. 
Lo, have I conveyed? O  Allah, be witness.

O people, listen and obey  though a mangled Abyssinian slave becomes your 
ruler who executes the Book of Allah among you.

O people, verily Allah appropriate to everyone his due. No will is valid 
for an inheritor and a will is not lawful for more than one- third (of 
the property)

The child belongs to the (legal) bed and for the adulterer there is stoning. 
He who relates (his genealogy) to other than his father or claims his 
clientship to other than his master, the curse of Allah, the angles and 
the people - all these - be upon him. Allah will accept from him neither 
repentance nor righteousness.

O people, verily satan is disappointed from being ever worshipped in this 
land of yours. But he is satisfied to be obeyed in other matters that you 
think very trifling of your actions. So be cautious of him in your religion.

Verily, I have left behind  among you that which if you catch hold of you 
will never be misled  later on - a conspicuous thing, the Book of Allah and 
the sunnah of His Apostle.

O people, Gabriel came to me, conveyed salam from my Lord and said: 
RVerily Allah, the Mighty and the Great, has forgiven the people of Arafat 
and the Sanctuary (to forgo) their short comings.S

TUmar ibn al-Khattab stood up and said: RO Apostle of Allah, is it for us 
only?S He replied: RIt is for you and for those who are to come after you 
till the Day of Resurrection.S

And you will be asked about me, then what would you say? They replied: 
RWe bear witness that you have conveyed the message. Discharged (your duty) 
and admonished.S

Then he said, raising his ring-finger towards heaven and pointing it out 
towards the people: RO Allah, bear witness: O Allah, bear witness: O Allah, 
bear witness.S

jnawaz@skat.usc.edu (Jemshed Nawaz) (06/15/91)

In article <1991Jun7.133033.24361@wpi.WPI.EDU> r3so@vax1.cc.uakron.edu (Serdar Ozpolat) writes:
>Assalamu Alaikum,
>Couple days ago, one brother asked for Hutbe-i Veda (farewell sermon). I
>have one written, so i am sending it. I apologize for typing mistake if
>there is.
>The Farewell Sermon
>All praise is for Allah. We praise Him; seek His help and pardon; 


Was that the whole Khutba..... for example, a friend of mine told me
that our Prophet(SAAW) mentioned that Hadrat Ali was the Wali of Allah
in the Farewell Speech.... could someone please confirm.

Jemshed Nawaz

mmdh@cbnewsf.cb.att.com (Mamdouh Maher) (06/19/91)

Assalamu `alaykum,

In article <1991Jun14.221905.13059@nntp-server.caltech.edu> jnawaz@skat.usc.edu (Jemshed Nawaz) writes:
>Was that the whole Khutba..... for example, a friend of mine told me
>that our Prophet(SAAW) mentioned that Hadrat Ali was the Wali of Allah
>in the Farewell Speech.... could someone please confirm.

  `Ali Ibn Abi Talib was not mentioned in the Kutbah either by
name or by reference. Those who say he was designated as a 'wali'
say that the Messenger (PBUH) said so on the way back from Hajj
that year (At lease that is the opinion of Dawudi Buhras, I am not
aware of other opinions.) The majority of Muslims, however, find no
hadith to that effect.
Assalamu `alaykum,

Mamdouh Maher