[rec.skydiving] Scott Keeler's BBS

nraoaoc@nmt.edu (Daniel Briggs) (03/16/91)

From: MAYBE YOU'VE HEARD, in the March 1991 _Skydiving_
"Skydivers with a computer modem can now link up with a new skydiving
bulletin board service.  New York jumper Scott Keeler started the service
last year and is anxious to hear from other jumpers.  Membership is free.
Keeler's telephone is (716) 695-6827; the BBS number is (716) 695-9613.

Hmmmm.  I just took a look at this thing, and it looks much like your
average PCBoard, with a small skydiving conference.  (There's a fairly
off-the-wall initial questionnaire, but I can live with that.)  So
far, the skydivers seem mostly confined to the NY area. With the
publicity the BBS just got in _Skydiving_ and _Parachutist_, I expect
that the user base may grow quickly.  I don't think it's likely to be
worth my long distance calls to NY, but I'm all for encouraging
connectivity between members of our small community.  Anyone local to
New York want to see about getting this board gatewayed into
rec.skydiving?  Does anyone with BBS smarts know if it's possible to
link a PCBoard into the FIDO network for the purposes of a gateway?
That would be an easy way of tying this guy in, if it could me made to

On a side note, anyone know what the story was behind Steve Nagy's
tirade in the letters column of the the same issue?  He's all bent out
of shape that _Skydiving_ used a BASE jumping photo as the banner
photo for the second section of the February issue.  I mean, I know
that not everyone likes BASE jumping, or even approves of it, but I
couldn't believe the vehemence of this guy's letter over running a
lousy photo and a couple of letters.  It's like he's not saying what
he's really mad at.

This is a shared guest account, please send replies to
dbriggs@nrao.edu (Internet)  ["Life's a Beech, and then you Dive."]
Dan Briggs / NRAO / P.O. Box O / Socorro, NM / 87801  (U.S. Snail)