[rec.skydiving] DZ close to MID-Hudson, N

SKYDIVE@f15.n233.z1.FIDONET.ORG (SKYDIVE) (04/25/91)

Reply-to: Dave.Appel@p30.f30.n231.z1.fidonet.org (Dave Appel)
Fido-To: scott ellentuch

In a message to Skydive <23 Apr 91 18:18> uiucuxc!isis.cs.du.edu!se wrote:

 ui> From: uiucuxc!isis.cs.du.edu!sellentu (Scott J. Ellentuch)
 ui> To:   ehsnet.fidonet.org!skydive
 ui> Date: 22 Apr 91 16:36:53 GMT

 ui>     BTW: While I'm here, has anyone developed any skydiving software??
 ui> Log Book/Manifest/DZ management package.. Etc.  Or .GIF files?

    The manifester-guy at Skydive Deland has a manifest and receivables
program for MS-DOS machines.  Look up Skydive Deland's number
in your Parachutist or SKYDIVING magazines, and give him a call.
I saw his program 2 years ago, and he was thinking of marketing it.
    I wrote a small BASIC program to add up freefall time.  It doesn't
calculate it, just adds it.  
    I also have a LOTUS spreadsheet that *does* calculate freefall 
time (based on your fall rate) and accumulates it for you. It also calculates all those numbers for you to plug into the USPA license application. 
It puts one jump on each ROW and totals the appropriate columns. All you

   I know how to send files via FIDONET, but I don't know how to
send files via USENET or BITNET.  If you can get access to
a FIDONET bulletin board, send me net-mail via FIDONET and
I'll send you the files.
   Here is the ridiculously simple program to add up seconds.
   It will work with GW-BASIC and QuickBasic.

 20 PRINT "Timecalc program"
 25 REM  Written by Dave Appel, July 25, 1990
 30 DEFINT A, H, M, S
 40 INPUT "starting hours"; hours
 50 INPUT "starting min  "; minutes
 60 INPUT "starting sec  "; seconds
 80 INPUT ; "seconds"; addseconds
 90 '
 100 WHILE addseconds <> 0
 110 '
 120    LET seconds = seconds + addseconds
 130    WHILE seconds >= 60
 140        LET seconds = seconds - 60
 150        LET minutes = minutes + 1
 160    WEND
 170    WHILE minutes >= 60
 180        LET minutes = minutes - 60
 190        LET hours = hours + 1
 200    WEND
 210 '
 220    PRINT TAB(15); "time:";
 230    PRINT USING "##:"; hours;
 240    PRINT USING "##:"; minutes;
 250    PRINT USING "##"; seconds
 260 '
 270    INPUT ; "seconds"; addseconds
 280 '
 290 WEND
 300 PRINT

--- XRS!% 4.10
--- eecp 1.45 LM2 

 * Origin: The Drop Zone, Dave Appel, 1:231/30.30 (Quick 1:231/30.30)
SKYDIVE - via FidoNet node 1:233/13    (ehsnet.fidonet.org)