[soc.culture.korean] kterm 4.1.2 missing patch

mleisher@nmsu.edu (Mark Leisher) (03/16/91)

export.lcs.mit.edu:contrib/kterm-4.1.2.tar.Z  []

kterm 4.1.2 patchlevel 5 has been placed on the above anonymous ftp
site as well as the sites mentioned in my previous posting.

I forgot to include the patch for button.c in the patchlevel 4 to
patchlevel 5 patches.  Here it is:

*** 1.4	1991/01/30 00:08:22
--- button.c	1991/03/15 09:28:01
*** 2,8 ****
   *	$XConsortium: button.c,v 1.50 90/03/05 11:46:57 keith Exp $
   *	$Kagotani: /usr/src.yoshi/X/KTerm/4.1.0/RCS/button.c,v 1.1 90/06/27 09:38:29 kagotani Rel $
!  * $Header: /usr/local/src/X11/contrib/clients/kterm-4.1.2/RCS/button.c,v 1.4 1991/01/30 00:08:22 mleisher Exp $
--- 2,8 ----
   *	$XConsortium: button.c,v 1.50 90/03/05 11:46:57 keith Exp $
   *	$Kagotani: /usr/src.yoshi/X/KTerm/4.1.0/RCS/button.c,v 1.1 90/06/27 09:38:29 kagotani Rel $
!  * $Header: /usr/local/src/X11/contrib/clients/kterm-4.1.2/RCS/button.c,v 1.5 1991/03/15 09:27:18 mleisher Exp $
*** 1572,1577 ****
--- 1572,1578 ----
  	ch = screen->buf[row + screen->topline];
  	while (ecol >= scol && (ch[ecol].code == ' ' || ch[ecol].code == 0))
  #else /* !KTERM */
  	register Char *ch;
*** 1601,1606 ****
--- 1602,1610 ----
  #ifdef KTERM
  	register Bchr *ch = screen->buf[row + screen->topline];
  	register Char g;
+ # ifdef KTERM_HANZI
+         register int sp_case = term->flags & BIG5_HANZI;
+ # endif /* KTERM_HANZI */
  #else /* !KTERM */
  	register Char *ch = screen->buf[2 * (row + screen->topline)];
  #endif /* !KTERM */
*** 1616,1622 ****
  			lp->code = ' ';
  			lp->gset = GSET_ASCII;
  		} else {
! 			lp->code = c;
  			lp->gset = g;
--- 1620,1640 ----
  			lp->code = ' ';
  			lp->gset = GSET_ASCII;
  		} else {
! # ifdef KTERM_HANZI
!                     /*
!                      * Big5 text is a special case in which the
!                      * high order bit on the first byte needs to
!                      * be preserved when cutting/copying by selection.
!                      * This is because it is a mixed 7 and 8-bit
!                      * format.
!                      * If the first byte is not preserved, then the
!                      * conversion to Compound Text doesn't work
!                      * right and junk gets stored to the selection.
!                      */
! 			lp->code = (sp_case) ? ch[i].code : c;
! # else /* !KTERM_HANZI */
!                         lp->code = c;
! # endif /* !KTERM_HANZI */
  			lp->gset = g;
mleisher@nmsu.edu                      "I laughed.
Mark Leisher                                I cried.
Computing Research Lab                          I fell down.
New Mexico State University                        It changed my life."
Las Cruces, NM                     - Rich [Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grille]