[rec.gambling] Vegas Usenet access

rcook@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Robert Cook) (04/29/91)

I have a friend who wants access to the Usenet, but doesn't have an account
anywhere.  Does anyone know of a cheap($$) way to get access. I know some
bbs's have Internet access and charge a relatively low monthly rate. Does 
such a thing exist in the Las Vegas area?
Please e-mail any info. you may have and I will forward it.
Thanks in advance.

  You wont find any fancy .signature here
Robert Cook (rcook@ncsa.uiuc.edu)

irwin@uvmark.uucp (Frank Irwin) (04/30/91)

In article <1991Apr29.030209.21924@ncsa.uiuc.edu> rcook@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Robert Cook) writes:
>I have a friend who wants access to the Usenet, but doesn't have an account
>anywhere.  Does anyone know of a cheap($$) way to get access. I know some
>bbs's have Internet access and charge a relatively low monthly rate. Does 
>such a thing exist in the Las Vegas area?

Let's see...  This "friend" doesn't have free access to UseNet, so that
means that he's not in school, and he doesn't work for a computer company
that's hooked up.  

Hmmm...  He lives in Vegas...  This was posted to rec.gambling...  What
other line of business could this person be in?  

Can you say "CASINOS"???!!?!?!

Has your red flag gone up, yet, Mike?

:-)  ;-)  :-)  ;-)  :-)  ;-)  :-)  ;-)  :-)  ;-)  :-)  ;-)  :-)  ;-)  :-)  ;-)
Frank Irwin                   |  "Old rec.gamblers never die,
Vmark Software, Inc.          |   They just lose their edge."
 ..uunet!merk!uvmark!irwin    |        - Steve Jacobs