[vmsnet.misc] Wollongong TCP/IP ping question, VMS

lumsdon@dtoa1.dt.navy.mil (Lumsdon) (07/10/90)

Under VMS (version 5.2), what privileges does PING require?
Tech Support at Wollongong told me it was cmkrnl, but, when ping image
is installed with that privilege, this message appears when trying to
use ping (from regular user account; works fine from system account):
  $ ping _node_
  ping: socket: Permission denied

I've played with it, and, will ping work when installed with only the
sysprv privilege?

Thanks for any help.
--------------------------  Esther Lumsdon  --------------------------------
lumsdon@dtoa1.dt.navy.mil  lumsdon@dtrc.dt.navy.mil
"Wherever you go, there you are" -Buckaroo Bonzai