[vmsnet.misc] DW780 Forsale

cts@dragon (Charles T. Smith, Jr.) (04/12/91)

For Sale - 
DW780 Unibus adapter.  Complete with backplane, boards, power supply,
cables, and bulkhead pannel.

If you're still running a 780, 785, or 8600, adding a second unibus 
might help prolong the life of the old dinasaur.  If you have unibus 
disks and comm options on the same unibus, moving them to two different
unibus controllers will often help performance.... we used to run a
config where the DELUA was on its own DW, and the DMF and DZ's on
another, and found it a definite improvement.

Anyway, this darn thing is in my way, and I want to move it.

Best offer.