[mot.cad] BSDL parser

wald@dover.tmc.edu (Steve Wald) (02/20/91)

  Hewlett-Packard's Manufacturing Test Division is distributing yacc and lex 
source files and a VHDL package which can be used to implement a BSDL parser.  
BSDL stands for Boundary-Scan Description Language - as documented in: 

"A Language for Describing Boundary-Scan Devices", K.P. Parker 
and S. Oresjo, Proceedings 1990 International Test Conference, 
Washington DC, pp 222-234

  I received the a file consisting of seven parts by sending a request to: 
'bsdl%hpmtlx@hplabs.hp.com'.  The following is extracted from the file:

> This file is composed of seven (7) parts:
>   1) How to use this file 
>   2) UNIX* Lex source  (lexicographical tokenizing rules)
>   3) UNIX* Yacc source (BNF-like syntax description)
>   4) A sample main program to recognize BSDL.
>   5) A BSDL description of the Texas Instruments 74bct8374 that is
>      recognized by the parser, for testing purposes.
>   6) The VHDL package STD_1149_1_1990 needed by this parser.
>   7) [added 901016] Porting experiences to other systems.

  There is an article about BSDL in the Feb. issue of "Design Automation", 
pp 7-11.

Steve Wald
Motorola Inc.