[comp.sys.m88k] new SB-prolog diffs for DG

newton@smoggy.gg.caltech.edu (Mike Newton) (08/31/90)

Hi --

These patches (should) allow SB-Prolog to run on m88k machines, are have
been tested on the DG AViiON series.  These pathches leave the system in
a state that it should compile on all machines that it previously worked.
To get the system to work on a m88k BCS compliant machine, edit the file
sim/builtin/Makefile to include m88-syscall.s (see comments in file).

Notes : 
  [] the first patch below creates a new file (sim/builtin/m88k-syscall.s)

  [] these patches should also enable gcc usage on other machines.
	in particular, add you favorite opt.s to sim/Makefile and 
	sim/builtin/Makefile, and CC = gcc to sim/builtin/Makefile .

  [] these patches are relative to the version of SB-Prolog that is dated
	roughly Aug 24, 1990.

  [] the speed on an 16.7 MHz AViiON as measurd by nrev = 82+KLips.

  [] the latest patches reside on csvax.cs.caltech.edu::~ftp/pub/M88K

- mike newton

*** sim/builtin/O.m88k-syscall.s	Mon Aug 27 11:13:43 1990
--- sim/builtin/m88k-syscall.s		Mon Aug 27 10:49:05 1990
*** 0 ****
--- 1,43 ----
+ ;;; file created 3/30/1990 by Mike Newton
+ ;;; Copyright March 1990 by Mike Newton (newton@vlsi.caltech.edu)
+ ;;; This file may be freely distributed as long as it is not for profit.
+ ;;; This is distributed WITHOUT warranty or support of any kind.
+ ;;; Use at your own risk.
+ ;;; SB-prolog uses the bad-mannered habit of issuing Unix OS calls directly
+ ;;; by number.  This little routine will take these and massage them into 
+ ;;; what the 88k BCS OS's want.
+ ;;; (shouldnt matter -- no one passes these to a kernel!)
+ 	file	"m88k-syscall.s"
+ 	ident	"@(#) m88k-syscall.s -- Copyright, 1990, Michael O. Newton"
+ 	text
+ 	global	_syscall
+ _syscall :
+ 	; need 2-->9, 9-->8, 8-->7, 7-->6, ..., 4-->3, 3-->2
+ 	or	r10,r9, r0		; OCS says i can put CC's here
+ 	or	r9, r2, r0		; get the syscall # into r9
+ 	or	r2, r3, r0		; get the first arg into r2
+ 	or	r3, r4, r0		; ....... 2nd   ........ r3
+ 	or      r4, r5, r0
+ 	or	r5, r6, r0
+ 	or	r6, r7, r0
+ 	or	r7, r8, r0		; ....... 6th   ........ r7
+ 	or	r8, r10, r0		; r8 is the last valid param reg
+         tb0	0, r0, 0x1c2		; issue Unix OS call
+ 	bsr	___cerror		; unix returns here on fail
+         jmp	r1			; and here on success
*** sim/builtin/O.Makefile	Mon Aug 27 11:07:39 1990
--- sim/builtin/Makefile	Mon Aug 27 10:53:53 1990
*** 25,31 ****
  CFLAGS = -c -g
  OBJ1   = arith.o buffer.o builtin.o compare.o file.o init_branch.o meta.o
  OBJ2   = name.o other.o saverest.o structure.o substuff.o time.o tio.o token.o stlookup.o
! OBJS   = $(OBJ1) $(OBJ2)
  HS     = builtin.h ../aux.h ../sim.h
  builtin : $(OBJS) 
--- 25,34 ----
  CFLAGS = -c -g
  OBJ1   = arith.o buffer.o builtin.o compare.o file.o init_branch.o meta.o
  OBJ2   = name.o other.o saverest.o structure.o substuff.o time.o tio.o token.o stlookup.o
! # Hacked next line to get a syscall() that works on 88k machines -- Mike Newton
! #OBJSYS = m88k-syscall.o
! OBJS   = $(OBJ1) $(OBJ2) $(OBJSYS)
  HS     = builtin.h ../aux.h ../sim.h
  builtin : $(OBJS) 
*** 34,67 ****
  	rm $(OBJS)
  arith.o : arith.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) arith.c
  buffer.o : buffer.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) buffer.c
  builtin.o : builtin.c $(HS) 
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) builtin.c
  compare.o : compare.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) compare.c
  file.o  : file.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) file.c
  init_branch.o : init_branch.c $(HS) 
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) init_branch.c
  meta.o  : meta.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) meta.c
  name.o  : name.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) name.c
  other.o : other.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) other.c
  saverest.o : saverest.c ../sim.h ../aux.h 
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) saverest.c
  structure.o : structure.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) structure.c
  substuff.o : substuff.c ../sim.h
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) substuff.c
  time.o  : time.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) time.c
  tio.o   : tio.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) tio.c
  token.o : token.c $(HS)
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) token.c
  stlookup.o: $(HS) stlookup.c
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) stlookup.c
--- 37,70 ----
  	rm $(OBJS)
  arith.o : arith.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) arith.c
  buffer.o : buffer.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) buffer.c
  builtin.o : builtin.c $(HS) 
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) builtin.c
  compare.o : compare.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) compare.c
  file.o  : file.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) file.c
  init_branch.o : init_branch.c $(HS) 
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) init_branch.c
  meta.o  : meta.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) meta.c
  name.o  : name.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) name.c
  other.o : other.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) other.c
  saverest.o : saverest.c ../sim.h ../aux.h 
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) saverest.c
  structure.o : structure.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) structure.c
  substuff.o : substuff.c ../sim.h
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) substuff.c
  time.o  : time.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) time.c
  tio.o   : tio.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) tio.c
  token.o : token.c $(HS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) token.c
  stlookup.o: $(HS) stlookup.c
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) stlookup.c
*** sim/builtin/O.other.c	Wed Aug 15 10:25:54 1990
--- sim/builtin/other.c		Mon Aug 27 10:57:43 1990
*** 27,33 ****
--- 27,36 ----
  #include  <errno.h>
  #include <ctype.h>
  #include  <sys/types.h>
+ #ifndef m88k
  #include <sys/syscall.h>
+ #endif /* m88k */
  extern float    floatval();
  extern LONG_PTR insert();
*** sim/O.loader.c	Thu Apr 12 15:14:00 1990
--- sim/loader.c	Mon Aug 27 11:00:00 1990
*** 51,57 ****
  static FILE *fp;
  static BYTE perm = PERM;
! extern fread();
  extern LONG_PTR reloc_addr();        /* actually it is defined below */
--- 51,59 ----
  static FILE *fp;
  static BYTE perm = PERM;
! #ifndef __GNUC__
! extern fread();		/* this can be in the way on sysV or... -- MON */
! #endif /* __GNUC__ */
  extern LONG_PTR reloc_addr();        /* actually it is defined below */

ok@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Richard A. O'Keefe) (08/31/90)

In article <newton.652072040@smoggy>, newton@smoggy.gg.caltech.edu (Mike Newton) writes:
> These patches (should) allow SB-Prolog to run on m88k machines, are have
> been tested on the DG AViiON series.
> + 	file	"m88k-syscall.s"
> + 	ident	"@(#) m88k-syscall.s -- Copyright, 1990, Michael O. Newton"

It would be a service to humanity if _someone_ would remove 'syscall' from
SB Prolog.  Before it dawned on me that SB Prolog had a GPL on it, I tried
porting SB Prolog to a couple of machines, and 'syscall' was always
seriously cathedralgic.  One of the reasons _why_ it is cathedralgic is
that not only is 'syscall' a BSDism, the system call numbers themselves
are *not* the same in all versions of UNIX.  That is, code which *uses*
syscall() is not portable.

SB Prolog itself doesn't need 'syscall' in its full generality.
All it needs to do is to map the numbers that are defined *in the SB Prolog
manual itself* to the related system calls (some of which may well _not_ be
system calls in some version of UNIX).  If that were done, it would be
_much_ easier for other people to port SB Prolog in the future.

If someone wants access to a particular system call that isn't numbered
in the SB Prolog manual, they can add their own case to the switch() that
I am proposing.  That's the advantage of having sources.

You can lie with statistics ... but not to a statistician.