[comp.infosystems] Call for Paper

grosz@masi.ibp.fr (Georges GROSZ) (10/23/90)

                         |       CALL FOR PAPERS      |
                         |                            |
                         |         INFORSID'91        |
                         |                            |
                         |        JUNE 4-7 1991       |
                         |                            |                 
|            PARIS           |

The aim of the congress is twofold :
- to present original and significant researches and developments in
 the field of Information Systems,
-  to present current research works and to promote new and relevant 
ideas for the IS community.

The list of the following themes is indicative :
- Decision support systems
- Manufacturing and Information Systems
- Data bases and multimedia
- Object-orientation of Information Systems
- Interfaces
- Active Information Systems
- Temporal aspects of Information Systems
- Design methodologies and CASE tools 
- Information Systems and knowledge based systems
- Documentation of Information Systems

A session will be devoted to the presentation of communications from 
junior researchers. Exhibition of research prototypes is possible.

Instructions to the authors :

The submitted papers, not exceeding 6000 words, written 
in French or in English, must be preceded by :
- the precise authors' name and address
- an abstract (20 lines)
- the category of the paper : YOUNG, TOOL, or RESEARCH

Already now  : Communication intention.
- 01/15/1991 : Paper submission to the general Chairperson, in 4 copies.
- 02/28/1991 : notification of paper acceptance.
- 03/30/1991 : camera-ready copies of papers.

Organizing Committee :    UNIVERSITE PARIS 1 - Sorbonne

General Chairperson :   Gia Toan NGUYEN
                    INRIA / IMAG / LGI      BP 53X
                    38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX
                    Fax : (+ 33)

               UNIVERSITE PARIS 1 - Sorbonne
               12, Place du Pantheon
               75231 PARIS Cedex 05     
       Tel:(+33) 1 
       Fax:(+33) 1  