[comp.infosystems] new journal

sukumar@emx.utexas.edu (Sukumar Rathnam) (10/20/90)

Announcing a new journal...
Editor:  Andrew Whinston, University of Texas at Austin

Associate Editors:

Lynda M. Applegate
Harvard Business School
Loeb 25
Soldiers Field Road
Boston, MA  02163

Clarence A. Ellis
P.O. Box 200195
Austin, TX  78720

Clyde W. Holsapple
Dept. of Decision Science
& Information Systems
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY  40506

Franz J. Radermacher
FAW, Universitat Ulm
Helmholtzstrabe 16
Postfach 20 60
D-7900 Ulm/Donau
Federal Republic of Germany

Editorial Board:

Jack Baroudi, New York University
Tora Bikson, Rand Corporation
George Coulouris, Queen Mary College
Omar El Sawy, University of Southern California
Doug Engelbart, Stanford University
David Goldstein, Boston University
John Henderson, Boston University
Starr Roxanne Hiltz, New Jersey Institute of Technology
George Huber, University of Texas
Matthis Jarke, Universtat Passau
Robert Johansen, Institute of the Future
Chris Kemerer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John King, Claremont Graduate School
Tom Malone, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jim McKenney, Harvard Business School
Hiam Mendelson, Stanford University
Najah Naffah, Bull Corporation
Gary Olson, University of Michigan
Judith Olson, University of Michigan
Ray Panko, University of Hawaii
Eugene Pierce, NCR Corporation
William Richmond, University of Rochester
Laurence Rosenberg, National Science Foundation
Kazuo Watabe, NEC Corporation
Murray Turoff, New Jersey Institute of Technology

The Journal of Organizational Computing is a new quarterly journal that publishes original research articles concerned with impacts of 
computer and communication technology on organizational design, operations, and performance.  It serves as a forum for stimulating 
and disseminating research into the implications of these technologies for organizational structure and dynamics, the technological 
advances needed to keep pace with organizational changes, and emerging technological possibilities for improving organizational 
productivity.  The journal's focus is not on computing as it relates to individuals.

Theoretical, experimental, and survey research are all appropriate to the Journal of Organizational Computing.  The journal's major 
editorial areas are computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), groupware, computer modeling of organizations, investigations of 
organizational systems issues such as computer-aided coordination and organizational learning, economics of organizational 
computing, and behavioral studies of organizational computing.  The refereeing of papers in each of these areas is directed by an 
Associate Editor.  The journal also publishes relevant book reviews, meeting announcements, and brief notes.  Editorial comments and 
invited papers on organizational computing occasionally appear as warranted by recent developments.

A special issue based on a conference entitled "Organizational Computing, Coordination, and Collaboration," held at IC2 Institute at 
the University of Texas will launch the journal in 1991.

Technology Support for Cooperative Work:  A Framework for Studying Introduction and Assimilation in Organizations, 
	Lynda M. Applegate
A Layered Model of Organizations:  Communication Processes and Performance, James H. Bair
Issues and Obstacles in the Development of Team Support Systems, Elizabeth Busch, Clyde Holsapple, Matti Hamalainen, 
	Yongmoo Suh and Andrew Whinston
Distributed Group Support Systems:  Social Dynamics and Design Dilemmas, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Donna Dufner, Michael Holmes 
and Scott Poole
Groupware:  Future Directions and Wild Cards, Robert Johansen
Coordination in Shared Facilities:  A New Methodology, John O. Ledyard
Communication Costs in the Performance of Unrelated Tasks:  Continuum Models and Finite Models, Thomas Marschak and 
	Umesh Vazirani
User-Centered Design of Collaboration Technology, Gary M. Olson and Judith S. Olson
A Two-Level Perspective on Electronic Mail in Organizations, Lee Sproull and Sara Kiesler
Computer Mediated Communication Requirements for Group Support, Murray Turoff
Cooperative Communication P Computerware P Humanware, Tibor Vamos

*** Call for Papers ***

Readers are encouraged to submit manuscripts to the Journal of Organizational Computing.  Manuscripts should be submitted in 
quadruplicate to Andrew Whinston, Editor, Journal of Organizational Computing, Department of Management Science and Information 
Systems, CBA 5.202, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX  78712-1175 or to one of the Associate Editors.  The Journal will 
follow the style found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 3rd Edition. 

*** Subscriptions ***

The Journal of Organizational Computing is a quarterly publication.  Institutional subscription rates are $95; personal subscription 
rates are $45.  For postage and handling outside the U.S. and Canada, please add $15.

To receive more information about the Journal of Organizational Computing, or to place a subscription, please check the appropriate 
box below.


The Journal of Organizational Computing
_____Please enter an institutional subscription beginning with Vol. 1, No. 1 ($95.00)
_____Please enter a personal subscription beginning with Vol. 1, No. 1 ($45.00)
_____Please send a sample copy for my review.
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Return coupon to:  Ablex Publishing Corporation  %  355 Chestnut St.  %  Norwood, NJ  07648

Note:  All subscriptions must be prepaid.  Please add $15.00 to cover postage and handling outside the U.S. and Canada.

abw@emx.utexas.edu (Andrew B. Whinston) (12/04/90)


Announcing a new journal...
Editor:  Andrew Whinston, University of Texas at Austin

Associate Editors:

Lynda M. Applegate
Harvard Business School
Loeb 25
Soldiers Field Road
Boston, MA  02163
USA	Clarence A. Ellis
P.O. Box 200195
Austin, TX  78720
USA	Clyde W. Holsapple
Dept. of Decision Science
& Information Systems
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY  40506
USA	Franz J. Radermacher
FAW, Universitat Ulm
Helmholtzstrabe 16
Postfach 20 60
D-7900 Ulm/Donau
Federal Republic of Germany
Editorial Board:

Jack Baroudi, New York University
Tora Bikson, Rand Corporation
George Coulouris, Queen Mary College
Omar El Sawy, University of Southern California
Doug Engelbart, Stanford University
David Goldstein, Boston University
John Henderson, Boston University
Starr Roxanne Hiltz, New Jersey Institute of Technology
George Huber, University of Texas
Matthis Jarke, Universtat Passau
Robert Johansen, Institute of the Future
Chris Kemerer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John King, Claremont Graduate School
	Tom Malone, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Richard Mason, Southern Methodist University
Jim McKenney, Harvard Business School
Hiam Mendelson, Stanford University
Najah Naffah, Bull Corporation
Gary Olson, University of Michigan
Judith Olson, University of Michigan
Ray Panko, University of Hawaii
Eugene Pierce, NCR Corporation
William Richmond, University of Rochester
Laurence Rosenberg, National Science Foundation
Kazuo Watabe, NEC Corporation
Murray Turoff, New Jersey Institute of Technology

The Journal of Organizational Computing is a new quarterly journal that publishes original research articles concerned with impacts of 
computer and communication technology on organizational design, operations, and performance.  It serves as a forum for stimulating 
and disseminating research into the implications of these technologies for organizational structure and dynamics, the technological 
advances needed to keep pace with organizational changes, and emerging technological possibilities for improving organizational 
productivity.  The journal's focus is not on computing as it relates to individuals.

Theoretical, experimental, and survey research are all appropriate to the Journal of Organizational Computing.  The journal's major 
editorial areas are computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), groupware, computer modeling of organizations, investigations of 
organizational systems issues such as computer-aided coordination and organizational learning, economics of organizational 
computing, and behavioral studies of organizational computing.  The refereeing of papers in each of these areas is directed by an 
Associate Editor.  The journal also publishes relevant book reviews, meeting announcements, and brief notes.  Editorial comments and 
invited papers on organizational computing occasionally appear as warranted by recent developments.

A special issue based on a conference entitled "Organizational Computing, Coordination, and Collaboration," held at IC2 Institute at 
the University of Texas will launch the journal in 1991.

Technology Support for Cooperative Work:  A Framework for Studying Introduction and Assimilation in Organizations, 
	Lynda M. Applegate
A Layered Model of Organizations:  Communication Processes and Performance, James H. Bair
Issues and Obstacles in the Development of Team Support Systems, Elizabeth Busch, Clyde Holsapple, Matti Hamalainen, 
	Yongmoo Suh and Andrew Whinston
Distributed Group Support Systems:  Social Dynamics and Design Dilemmas, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Donna Dufner, Michael Holmes 
and Scott Poole
Groupware:  Future Directions and Wild Cards, Robert Johansen
Coordination in Shared Facilities:  A New Methodology, John O. Ledyard
Communication Costs in the Performance of Unrelated Tasks:  Continuum Models and Finite Models, Thomas Marschak and 
	Umesh Vazirani
User-Centered Design of Collaboration Technology, Gary M. Olson and Judith S. Olson
A Two-Level Perspective on Electronic Mail in Organizations, Lee Sproull and Sara Kiesler
Computer Mediated Communication Requirements for Group Support, Murray Turoff
Cooperative Communication P Computerware P Humanware, Tibor Vamos

*** Call for Papers ***

Readers are encouraged to submit manuscripts to the Journal of Organizational Computing.  Manuscripts should be submitted in 
quadruplicate to Andrew Whinston, Editor, Journal of Organizational Computing, Department of Management Science and Information 
Systems, CBA 5.202, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX  78712-1175 or to one of the Associate Editors.  The Journal will 
follow the style found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 3rd Edition. 

*** Subscriptions ***

The Journal of Organizational Computing is a quarterly publication.  Institutional subscription rates are $95; personal subscription 
rates are $45.  For postage and handling outside the U.S. and Canada, please add $15.

To receive more information about the Journal of Organizational Computing, or to place a subscription, please check the appropriate 
box below.


The Journal of Organizational Computing
_____Please enter an institutional subscription beginning with Vol. 1, No. 1 ($95.00)
_____Please enter a personal subscription beginning with Vol. 1, No. 1 ($45.00)
_____Please send a sample copy for my review.
City: 		Country	State	Zipcode	

Return coupon to:  Ablex Publishing Corporation  %  355 Chestnut St.  %  Norwood, NJ  07648

Note:  All subscriptions must be prepaid.  Please add $15.00 to cover postage and handling outside the U.S. and Canada.