sjbr@ut-emx.uucp (Sjaak Brinkkemper) (01/23/91)
CALL FOR PAPERS IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on I N F O R M A T I O N S Y S T E M C O N C E P T S : I m p r o v i n g t h e U n d e r s t a n d i n g 13-15 April 1992, Alexandria/Egypt Background and Theme: The first conference on "Information System Concepts" with the subtitle "In-depth Analysis" was successfully held in Namur/Belgium in October 1989. The various and largely diverging views presented at that conference indicate that there is still a long way to go before a common understanding of information system concepts might be achieved. The second conference on "Information System Concepts" is intended to bring together the experts in this area with the aim of improving the common understanding of these concepts, on the basis of the first conference as well as of the work done by the IFIP WG8.1 Taskgroup FRISCO. Suggested Topics: - Studies to clarify key concepts for information systems. - Investigations of problems encountered in clarifying systems of concepts. - Improvements of existing frameworks of information system concepts. - Investigations about the suitability of modelling approaches for the various kinds of information systems, such as fact retrieval systems, document retrieval systems, planning systems, decision support systems, real-time information systems, office information systems, knowledge-based systems, expert systems, etc. - Proposals for modelling approaches that are easily adaptable to the various kinds of information systems. - Techniques for specialization of existing general systems of concepts for specific application domains and/or kinds of information systems. - Investigation about the influences of the design process on the choice and/or adaptation of the modelling approach. - Approaches to the formalisation of the information system design process and project management. - Approaches to the problem of information system redesign and evolution. - In-depth analysis of the FRISCO General Framework*. - Application of the FRISCO General Framework* to specific application domains and/or kinds of information systems. * In: Interim Report of the IFIP WG8.1 TG FRISCO: A Framework of Information System Concepts, available from the Program Committee Chairman, E.D. Falkenberg. Papers: Original papers of up to approx. 7000 words in length, fitting into the theme, are invited. They may cover one or several of the mentioned topics, but are not limited to these topics. To submit papers, send five (5) copies of your manuscript in English to the Program Committee Chairman by 16th August 1991: Eckhard D. Falkenberg Department of Information Systems University of Nijmegen Toernooiveld 1 NL - 6525 ED Nijmegen The Netherlands Email: Fax: +31-80-553450 Important Dates: Papers Due: 16th August 1991. Notificatation of Acceptance or Rejection: 18th Nov. 1991. Camera Ready Copies of Papers Due: 13th December 1991. Conference: 13th - 15th April 1992. General Conference Chair: Colette Rolland University of Paris/La Sorbonne, France. Programm Committee Chair: Eckhard D. Falkenberg University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Programm Committee: F. v. Assche, Belgium F. Bodart, Belgium S. Brinkkemper, U.S.A. E.N. El-Sayed, Egypt J. Hagelstein, Belgium W. Hesse, Germany D. Jardine, Canada H. Kangasallo, Finland C. Kung, U.S.A. S. Navathe, U.S.A. B. Nilsson, Sweden A. Olive', Spain C. Rolland, France A. Sernadas, Portugal A. So"lvberg, Norway R. Stamper, The Netherlands P. Stocker, U.K. A.A. Verrijn-Stuart, The Netherlands K. Voss, Germany Y. Wand, Canada. Organising Committee Chair: El-Sayed Nasr-El-Dein El-Sayed Arab Maritime Transport Academy, Alexandria/Egypt. -- Sjaak Brinkkemper Organizational Computing Lab MSIS, CBA 5.202 University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA tel.: +1.512.471.8879