(Antoinette Foerster) (06/03/91)
SSD 91 - Second Symposium on Large Spatial Databases August 28-30, 1991, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland General Chairman: Hans-Joerg Schek, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland Co-Chairmen: Kurt Brassel, Universitaet Zuerich, Switzerland Max Egenhofer, University of Maine, USA Ron Sacks-Davis, RMIT, Australia Heinz Schweppe, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany Helmut Thoma, Ciba-Geigy, Switzerland Program Chairman: Oliver Guenther, FAW Ulm, Germany Program Committee: Dave Abel, CSIRO, Australia Kurt Brassel, Universitaet Zuerich, Switzerland Alex Buchmann, GTE Labs, USA Peter Dadam, Universitaet Ulm, Germany Umesh Dayal, DEC, USA Max Egenhofer, University of Maine, USA Hans-Dieter Ehrich, Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany Christos Faloutsos, University of Maryland, USA Andrew Frank, University of Maine, USA Mike Freeston, ECRC, Germany Michael Goodchild, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Ralf H. Gueting, Fern-Universitaet Hagen, Germany Klaus Hinrichs, Universitaet Siegen, Germany Alfons Kemper, Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany Hans-Peter Kriegel, Universitaet Bremen, Germany Witold Litwin, University of Paris IX, France Peter Lockemann, Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany Raymond Lorie, IBM Almaden, USA Frank Manola, GTE Labs, USA Andreas Meier, SBV, Basel, Switzerland Dave McKeown, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA Scott Morehouse, ESRI, USA Juerg Nievergelt, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland Hartmut Noltemeier, Universitaet Wuerzburg, Germany Jack Orenstein, Object Design Inc., USA Thomas Ottmann, Universitaet Freiburg, Germany Andreas Reuter, Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany Doron Rotem, Lawrence Berkely Laboratory, USA Ron Sacks-Davis, RMIT, Australia Hanan Samet, University of Maryland, USA Matthaeus Schilcher, Siemens Center of Cartography, Germany Timos Sellis, University of Maryland, USA Terence R. Smith, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Franz Steidler, straessle STI AG, Switzerland Yuan-F. Wang, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Marvin White, ETAK, USA Peter Widmayer, Universitaet Freiburg, Germany Paul Wilms, IBM Almaden, USA Organization: Hans Hinterberger, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland (Chairman) Claudia Schmid, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland Helmut Kaufmann, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland Conference Secretariat: Antoinette Foerster, ETH-Zentrum, CH-8092 Zuerich, Phone:+41-1-254-7241, Fax:+41-1-262-3973, Email: Sponsored by GI - Gesellschaft fuer Informatik, SI - Schweizer Informatiker Gesellschaft and ETH Zuerich In Cooperation with ACM - Association for Computing Machinery and IEEE Computer Society REGISTRATION Advance Registration (before June 30, 1991): Member SFr 250.- Non-member SFr 300.- Student SFr 50.- Late/On-Site Registration (after June 30, 1991): Member SFr 300.- Non-member SFr 350.- Student SFr 80.- Reduced fees apply to members of GI, SI, ACM, IEEE The registration desk will be open from 8:30 to 17:00 during the conference days. Conference registration fee includes: - Participation in the conference; - Conference proceedings; - Refreshments; - Welcome reception. ACCOMMODATION Hotel accommodation is handled by the Verkehrsverein der Stadt Zuerich, Bahnhofbruecke 1, CH-8023 Zuerich GENERAL INFORMATION Location Conference activities will take place in the main building of the ETH - Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule - Zuerich, Raemistrasse 101, CH-8092 Zuerich. Transportation For air-travellers to airport Zuerich-Kloten: Trains to the main station Zuerich-Hauptbahnhof (5 minutes walk from ETH main building) can be boarded at short, regular time intervals (travel time approximately 11 minutes). Local transportation: Busses and trams (24-hour-ticket available for SFr 5.60) Climate The weather in Zuerich in august is typically very pleasant, with temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees C . WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1991 10:45 WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS 11:00 - 12:30 GEOMETRIC ALGORITHMS (Chair: H.-J. Schek, ETHZ, Switzerland) Th. Ottmann (Invited Speaker) (U of Freiburg, Germany) Geometric Algorithms and their Complexity H.-P. Kriegel, Th. Brinkhoff, R. Schneider (U of Bremen, FRG) The Combination of Spatial Access Methods and Computational Geometry in Geographic Database Systems J. P. Cheiney, A. Touir (short paper) (Ecole Nat. Sup. des Tel., F) FI-Quadtree: A New Data Structure for Content-Oriented Retrieval and Fuzzy Search 13:30 - 15:00 META-KNOWLEDGE AND DATA MODELS (Chair: H. Noltemeier, U of Wuerzburg, Germany) F. J. Radermacher (Invited Speaker) (FAW Ulm, Germany) The Importance of Meta-Knowledge for Environmental Information Systems A. Gupta, T. E. Weiymouth, R. Jain (U of Mich., USA) An Extended Object-Oriented Data Model for Large Image Bases Q. Zhou, B. J. Garner (short paper) (U of New S Wales, Australia) On the Integration for GIS and Remotely Sensed Data: Towards an Integrated System to Handle the Large Volume of Spatial Data 15:30 - 17:00 QUERY LANGUAGES AND USER INTERFACES (Chair: P. Scheuermann, Northwestern University, USA) A. Voisard (INRIA, France) Towards a Toolbox for Geographic User Interfaces D. Calcinelli, M. Mainguenaud (Telecom, France) The Management of the Ambiguities in a Graphical Query Language for Geographical Information Systems P. Svensson, H. Zhexue (Natl. Def. Res. Est., Sweden) Geo-SAL: A Query Language for Spatial Data Analysis 17:15 - 18:15 TOPOLOGY AND REASONING (Chair: M. Scholl, CNAM/INRIA, France) M. J. Egenhofer (U of Maine, USA) Reasoning about Binary Topological Relations S. Dutta (INSEAD, France) Topological Constraints: A Representational Framework for Approximate Spatial and Temporal Reasoning THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1991 09:00 - 10:30 ACCESS METHODS (Chair: J. Nievergelt, ETHZ, Switzerland) D. Lomet (Invited Speaker) (DEC, Nashua, USA) Grow and Post Trees: Role, Techniques and Future Potential K.-J. Li, R. Laurini (INSA, France) The Spatial Locality and a Spatial Indexing Method by Dynamic Clustering in Hypermap Systems A. U. Frank (short paper) (U of Maine, USA) Properties of Geographic Data: Requirements for Spatial Access Methods 11:00 - 12:30 QUERY PROCESSING (Chair: H.-W. Six, Fern-Universitaet Hagen, Germany) E. G. Hoel, H. Samet (U of Maryland, USA) Efficient Processing of Spatial Queries in Line Segment Databases H.-P. Kriegel, H. Horn, M. Schiwietz (U of Bremen, Germany) The Performance of Object Decomposition Techniques for Spatial Query Processing B. Seeger (U of Waterloo, Canada) Performance Comparison of Segment Access Methods Implemented on Top of the Buddy-Tree 13:30 - 15:00 SPATIAL OPERATIONS AND QUERY LANGUAGES (Chair: H. Schweppe, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany) W. G. Aref, H. Samet (U of Maryland, USA) Extending a DBMS with Spatial Operations R. A. Lorie (IBM ARC, San Jose, USA) The Use of a Complex Object Language in Geographic Data Management T. A. Yang, S. Shekhar (U of Minnesota, USA) Motion in a Geographical Database System 15:30 - 17:00 INDEX AND STORAGE MANAGEMENT (Chair: H. Hinterberger, ETHZ, Switzerland) G. Vanecek, Jr. , V. Ferrucci (Purdue Univ., USA) A Spatial Index for Convex Simplical Complexes in d Dimensions J. Orenstein (Object Design Inc., USA) An Algorithm for Computing the Overlay of k-Dimensional Spaces W. de Jonge, P. Scheuermann, A. Schijf (Northw. U., USA) Encoding and Manipulating Pictorial Data with S+-Trees 17:15 - 18:30 PANEL 1: The Role of Databases in GIS - What do applications need ? - (Chair: K. Brassel, U of Zuerich, Switzerland) FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1991 09:00 - 10:30 GIS AND DATABASE SYSTEMS (Chair: O. Guenther, FAW Ulm, Germany) L. Haas (Invited Speaker), W. F. Cody (IBM ARC, USA) Exploiting Extensible DBMS in Integrated Geographic Information Systems H. Lu, B. C. Ooi, A. D'Souza, C. C. Low (U of Singapore) Storage Management in Geographic Information Systems D. G. Theriault, M. Easterfield, A. Chance (short paper) (Smallworld Systems Ltd., England) Architecture of a Large, Version Managed Spatial Database System 11:00 - 12:30 PANEL 2: Why Does GIS Industry Disregard University Research ? (Chair: H. Samet, University of Maryland, USA) All talks will be presented in room E5, ETH main building, with the following times allocated (including discussion): Invited speaker: 45 minutes Regular paper: 30 minutes Short paper: 15 minutes SOCIAL PROGRAM Welcome Reception The welcome reception will take place at the Zunfthaus zur Schmiden on Wednesday, August 28, 1991, 7 pm. Dinner-Cruise A conference banquet will be held onboard a ship on the Zuerichsee during the evening hours of Thursday, August 29, 1991. Detailed information and tickets for the banquet (SFr 80 per person) will be available at the registration desk or can be reserved with the enclosed form (advance registration is recommended because the ship's capacity is restricted to 200 people). Departure: 8 pm, Buerkliplatz. SSD 91 Registration Form Last name: ....................................................... First name: ...................................................... Affiliation: ..................................................... Address: ......................................................... City: ............................................................ Country: ......................................................... Phone: ........................................................... Telex: ........................................................... Telefax: ......................................................... E-mail: .......................................................... Employer: ........................................................ Registration Fee before June 30, 1991 Member SFr 250.- Non-member SFr 300.- Student SFr 50.- after June 30, 1991 Member SFr 300.- Non-member SFr 350.- Student SFr 80.- Reduced fees apply to members of: GI, SI, ACM, IEEE Make cheques payable to "SSD 91, ETH Zuerich" Dinner Cruise Please reserve ........... seats. Payment (for dinner) O is enclosed O will be remitted at the conference Date............ Signature ........................................................