[rec.radio.shortwave] DISCUSSION of rec.radio.broadcast

bph@buengc.BU.EDU (Blair P. Houghton) (03/02/90)

In article <1699@speedy.mcnc.org> spl@duck.ncsc.org (Steve Lamont) writes:
>In article <10498@hoptoad.uucp> pozar@hoptoad.UUCP (Tim Pozar) writes:
>>    Uh, noncommercial stations are not restricted to 88-92MHz.
>>You'll find plenty of them between 92-108Mhz and the AM Standard
>>Broadcast band (aka Medium Wave).

"Noncommercial"?  Hmm.  Silly mee.  I saw "rec.radio.noncomm"
and thought it meant "noncommunications" as in telemetry and
Loran and that sort of thing...

...and I got real apathetic...

Well, that's changing right now.  I don't see where there's any
sort of a need to delineate between for-profit and non-profit
radio.  And if there was, I'd certainly expect the new group
to concentrate on commercial radio rather than noncommercial.

It would make more sense if there was a rec.radio.broadcast
for discussions of mainstream, non-hobbyist radio bands.
(Including not only the N.A. 535-1600KHz and 88-108MHz, but also
the Far-Eastern 76-92MHz and Eurasian/African LW bands).

Any takers for a change in the paradigm?

>							spl (the p stands for
>							public broadcasting is
>							in my blood...)

Okay, buddy.  Put your arms out, close your eyes, tilt your head
back, hold this piece of coax in your mouth, and touch your nose --
HOLD IT!  Perfect.  Now stand like that for 24 minutes...

				  "Stop scratching!  You're making
				   snow all over the Tardis..."

bph@buengc.BU.EDU (Blair P. Houghton) (03/04/90)

In article <7029@internal.Apple.COM> ems@Apple.COM (Mike Smith) writes:
>In article <5437@buengc.BU.EDU> bph@buengc.bu.edu (Blair P. Houghton) writes:
>>In article <1699@speedy.mcnc.org> spl@duck.ncsc.org (Steve Lamont) writes:
>>>In article <10498@hoptoad.uucp> pozar@hoptoad.UUCP (Tim Pozar) writes:
>>>>    Uh, noncommercial stations are not restricted to 88-92MHz.
>>"Noncommercial"?  Hmm.  Silly mee.  I saw "rec.radio.noncomm"
>>and thought it meant "noncommunications" as in telemetry and
>>Loran and that sort of thing...
>Gee ... And I thought it meant 'non commissioned' like, say, pirates ...:-)

I'm _so_ glad that someone's already gone and called for votes
on this one.

Would someone please send me the address to which to send my NO vote?

Remember, if you don't vote no, people who don't have any more
of a clue as to the deficiencies of the proposed group will vote
yes, and then we'll be stuck with it.

				  "Gad I hate politics almost
				   as much as I hate lunatics."