(Bo Chi) (11/09/89)
| +---------I __L__ ___/ \ -------I +----+----+ | ___\_\_ | \./ | | -----+- | | | | | __ \/ | --+-- |--- | |---| | I----+----I | I__J/\ | __|__ | | | |---| | | | _____ \ | /| \ | | | L__-| | I I---------J / J \/ | | V | J * C h i n a N e w s D i g e s t * (ND Canada Service) -- Nov. 9 (I), 1989 Table of Contents # of Lines Headline News ........................................................... 75 1. Moderates May Fill Vacancies In Politburo ........................... 81 2. Pentagon Will Analyze Chinese Policy after Tiananmen Incident ....... 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Headline News ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Two Chinese diplomats were reported missing yesterday by their embassy in Pakistan. the missing diplomats, both Chinese Moslems, were identified as second secretary Mr Abdul Karim amd cultural attache Mr Rehman Anwar. The pair's disappearance comes almost a week before the official visit on November 14 of Chinese Premier Li Peng [From: hkucs! (Chan Ki Wa)] [Source: Hongkong Standard, 11/06/89] (2) About 50 Chinese, students and people of local communicty, in Minnesoda say that the foundation of FDC Minnesoda division will be declaired in Dec. 10. Also, The Bay Area division and south California divisions will make their announcements in this month, respectively. The Minnesoda division will be the first FDC division in the U. S. [From: simone@nyspi.bitnet (J. Yang)] [Source: World Journal, 11/06/89] (3) Several Students at Iowa State University have discovered that their mails have been checked and cut. The mails was deliberately opened and some sections were cut off, such as the part following "Our unit is conducting a political study....." and similar sentences describing the conditions in China. It seems that government is trying to block the news on the current situation of China from leaking to West. Most of reports in the past about mail inspection discussed mostly on the mail sent from U.S to China but not otherwise. [Tang@alisuvax.bitnet (D. Tang)] (4) The People's Daily reminds people not to pass national documents to those democracy movement people. The newspaper announced the names of 14 working units and 24 individuals for keeping national secrets. It stated that these people see national secrets as more important than their life. A week ago, The Beijing Daily reported how a driver of Beijing Radio Station kept CCP's documents from being taken away by the people stopped his car in the second day of martial law. The matial law army also awarded flags to 88 working units for their supports. The Beijing people have to submit 3 millions dolars (RMB) and 5.8 millions food (kg) to the martial law army. [From: simone@nyspi.bitnet (J. Yang)] [Source: World Journal, 11/06/89] (5) According to source from Hong Kong, there have been so far about 40 pro-democray movement poeple, who tried to flee to aboard, but failed and being arrested in the City of Shen Zheng. [From: simone@nyspi.bitnet (J. Yang)] [Source: World Journal, 11/06/89] (6) Following news was told by a visiting scholar just arrived the US: 1>. According to the president of his university, the CCP regime will cut the university freshmen population further by 70,000 next year. Reason is that many working units are not willing to accept new college graduates. 2> Very few undergraduates want to take on grduate studies in China. 3> Because of the economic difficulties, many factories are only operating at half of their production capacities. Managers are more than happy if someone volunteers to quit his/her job. [From:] (7) The Hungarian parliament has approved a measure for holding a referendum on November 26, to let the people decide whether the new Republic's President will be elected by the people directly or to be elected by the Paliament. If the people favor a popularly elected President, the Presidential election will be held on January 7 of next year, before the scheduled multi-party parliamentary election. [From: (Mr. Yawei)] [Source: Radio Free Europe -- Radio Liberty Daily Reports, 11/02/89] (8) BERLIN - East Germany's Communist government Monday published the draft of a new law allowing citizens 30 days a year of free travel in the West. But 19,000 East Germans joined the westward stampede over the weekend. A Cabinet minister urged the Communist Party's ruling Politburo to resign, and activists planned to stage another pro- democracy rally in Leipzig Monday night. Freedom of travel has been a major demand of East Germans who have taken to the streets over the past month to protest decades of authoritarian rule. About 1 million rallied in East Berlin Saturday in the largest protest in the nation's 40-year history. [From: (Mr. Yawei)] [Source: Associated Press, 11/06/89] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Moderates May Fill Vacancies In Politburo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: hkucs! (Chan Ki Wa) [SOurce: SCMP, 11/06/89] By Willy Wo-Lap Lam Chinese sources say that if, as is likely, the Central Committee plenum decides to fill the three Politburo seats left vacant since the spring, Mr Zhu Rongji, mayor and party boss of Shanghai, and Mr Zou Jiahua, Minister of Machinery and Electronics Industry, have excellent chances of being promoted. The original 18-member Politburo, which was voted into office during the 13th party congress in late 1987, has lost three members. Former pary General-Secretary Hu Yaobang died on April 15. Mr Zhao Ziyang, another party chief, and Mr Hu Qili, a liberal ideologue, were dismissed from their positions in the fourth plenum in late June. Both Mr Zou and Mr Zhu have reputations as moderate technocrats. While ideologically conservative, they are deemed by Western analysts as committed to the reform and open door policy. An engineering graduate from the elite Qinghua University, Mr Zhu, 60, has been mayor of Shanghai since 1987 and party boss since last June, when his predessor Jiang Zemin was promoted to General-Secretary. Since tradionally, the party bosses of China's three directly administered cities - Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin - are entitled to places on the Politburo, Mr Zhu's promotion is widely expected. In recent speeches, he has called on Beijing "not to roll back existing reform policies" unless they have been proven through exhaustive experiments to be detrimental to the economy. A popular politician in his home base, Mr Zhu has won international acclaim for simplifying procedures for foreign companies that want to set up business in China. Mr Zhu's rising star is attested to by the fact that he was the lowest- ranking leader that former Rresident Richard Nixon met last week. Head of the "super-ministry" of machinery and electronics since early 1988, Mr Zou Jiahua, a Soviet-trained engineer, is considered a shade more conservative than Mr Zhu. A former head of the defence industrial establishment, Mr Zou favours central planning and more emphasis on heavy industry. However, Western businessmen who have worked with Mr Zou say that if only because Chinese industry needs Western technology to survive, Mr Zou will insist on continued economic links with the capitalistic world. Son-in-law of Marshal Ye Jianying, Mr Zou is also tipped to be promoted to vice-premier should a vacancy fall open, most likely early next year. Mr Zou's growing influence is evident fromt the fact that he is the most senior official to have been invited to visit the West since the June 4 Tiananmen Square crackdown. The 63-year-old minister is due to visit Japan next January. Western diplomats say that hard-liners within the party are pushing the candidature of police chief Wang Fang and Beijing mayor Chen Xitong. Both Mr wang and Mr Chen played key roles in suppressing the "counter-revolutionary rebellion" in June. A protege of patriarch Chen Yun and of Qiao Shi, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, Mr Wang has won the respect of the party for the efficient way in which the security establishment has rounded up dissidents and other disaffected members of society since June 4. In addition, sources say, President Yang shangkun, who is also executive vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission, is grooming his brother Yang Baibing to be an alternate member of the Politburo. Who will be inducted says a lot about the remaining influence of senior leader Deng Xiaoping. Analysts say that if the patriarch still wants his reform program to continue, he will have to use his formidable influence to promote officials such as Mr Zhu Rongji. The elevation of hard-liners such as Mr Wang Fang and Mr Yang Baibing into the party's highest council, however, could confirm the decline of the Communist Party's liberal faction and spell a virtual end to reform. Political souces in Beijing say it is unlikely that the plenum will vote on the retirement of Mr Deng from his only remaining post of Central Military Commission (CMC) chairman. While Mr Deng had hoped to anoint Mr Jiang Zemin as his CMC successor within this year, the fact that Mr Jiang lacks military credentials means that the changing of the guard is likely to be postponed to the next party plenum in 1990. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Pentagon Will Analyze Chinese Policy after Tiananmen Incident ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: chan@joe.CSS.GOV (Winston Chan) <Originally posted on HKNET> [Source: Commerce Business Daily] The Defense Supply Service-Washington, Pentagon intends to negotiate a follow-on effort with Systems Planning Corporation to provide an analysis of Chinese policy in the aftermath of the Sino-Soviet summit and the Tiananmen incident. This analysis will explore and assess possible changes in Chinese foreign policies and perception in the aftermath of: (1) the May Sino_Soviet summit, (2) the June 4 Tiananmen Incident and subsequent political repression, (3) the leadership reshuffle in Beijing, and (4) the deterioration in China's relations with Western countries, including the U.S. The project will also examine any implications of any changes in Chinese policies and perceptions for American defense policy and the future management fof the U.S. military relationship with China. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Executive Editor: Deming Tang E_mail: Tang@ALISUVAX.bitnet | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ============================================================================= News Transmission (or) -------------------- --------------------- Local Editor: Bo Chi . (Bo Chi) (11/09/89)
| +---------I __L__ ___/ \ -------I +----+----+ | ___\_\_ | \./ | | -----+- | | | | | __ \/ | --+-- |--- | |---| | I----+----I | I__J/\ | __|__ | | | |---| | | | _____ \ | /| \ | | | L__-| | I I---------J / J \/ | | V | J * C h i n a N e w s D i g e s t * (ND Canada Service) -- Nov. 9 (II), 1989 Table of Contents # of Lines 1) East German Government Resigns: Protest Continue .................... 64 2) Ten People In Guizhou Province Have Been Arrested ................... 16 3) Protesters March As Well On Soviet Revolution Day ................... 43 4) Guangdong Halts Foreign Building Deals .............................. 77 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. East German Government Resigns: Protest Continue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tang@alisuvax.bitnet (Deming Tang) [Source: Des Moines Register, 11/08/89] EAST BERLIN, EAST GERMANY -- East Germany's 40-year-old Communist- dominated government, struggling to stave off economic and political collapse, resigned en masse Tuesday and pleaded with those fleeing to the West to remain in the country. More than 100,000 people marched Tuesday for democracy in five East German cities. The 44-member Cabinet, called the Council of Ministers, resigned jointly, said government spokeman Wolfgang Meyer. The council, led by 75-year-old Premier Willi Stoph, implements policy made by the Communist Party Politburo. More than 28,000 East Germans have fled to West Germany through neiboring Czechoslovakia since Saturday -- they arrived Tuesday at the rate of 200 per hour. About 175,000 more than 1 percent of the population, have left the country this year by legal or illegal means. The Council of Ministers will remain in office until Parliament elects a new one, Meyer said, but he did not say when that would occur. The party Central Committee was to meet today to consider further changes. West German political leaders in Bonn applauded Tuesday's resignations but said only democratic reforms will quell unrest in the communist nation. Several Communist Party officials and three small parties allied with the Communists urged the resignation of the Politburo itself, which met Tuesday. Leaders "should resign without any delay" to make way for a new Politburo and government to carry out reforms, said the newspaper Junge Welt, an organ of the Communist youth organization. Egon Krenz, who replaced his mentor Erich Honecker, 77, as party leader last month, has said five elderly Politburo members closely associated with Honecker will be replaced by the end of the week. Two other Politburo members lost their jobs when Krenz took over Oct. 18. The Politburo, which normally has 21 members, also discussed an "action program" Krenz has said would contain sweeping political and economic reforms. Guenter Krusche, a senior Lutheran Church leader in East Berlin called for immediate "secret and free elections" for a new government. About 5,000 people marched in East Berlin on Tuesday to demand free elections and challenge the Communist monopoly on power. Police did not interfere with the protesters, who shouted: "All power to the people!" ADN, the official news agency, said 50,000 people rallied in Wismar, on the Baltic coast; 35,000 rallied in Nordhausen, near Erfurt; and 20,000 marched in Meiningen. Guntram Ermann of New Forum, the largest opposition group, told the Wismar crowd his organization seeks "peaceful transformation to a democratic state." On Monday, 750,000 demonstrators marched, with about 500,000 in Leipzig alone. East German leaders have been promising democratic reforms and freer travel in hopes of halting unrest, but the draft law appeared to satisfy no one. In rejecting the law in its current form, ADN said, the committee declared: "The proposal does not meet the expectations of citizens... and will not achieve the political credibility of the state." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Ten People In Guizhou Province Have Been Arrested ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <Originally posted on SCC> [Source: Associated Press, 11/07/89] BEIJING - Communist leaders met secretly Tuesday to endorse a three-year austerity plan. The Chinese people were told to brace for several years of ''hard living'' as the country grapples with economic difficulties. Meanwhile, police reportedly arrested 10 people in the southern province of Guizhou and accused them of trying to overthrow the government. The Legal Daily, an official newspaper, said the 10 are members of ''an organized, planned and programmed counterrevolutionary group.'' The Communist Party's governing Central Committee was expected tp prescribe tighter government controls over the economy and fewer market- oriented reforms. That could mean the revival of the primacy of central planning, restora- tion of the leadership of party members in factories and a limit in the growth of collective and private enterprise. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Protesters March As Well On Soviet Revolution Day ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tang@alisuvax.bitnet (Deming Tang) [Source: Des Moines Register, 11/08/89] MOSCOW, U.S.S.R. -- An unprecedented march by 5,000 Muscovites protesting the Communist Party's monopoly on power was held her Tuesday as the Kremlin leadership staged a scaled-down version of the traditional Revolution Day military parade in Red Square. The 72nd anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution was marred in other Soviet cities by reported protests, strikes and clashes with police. It was the first time since 1924, when Josef Stalin was consolidating power in the aftermath of Vladimir Lenin's death, that the traditional holiday unity was disrupted. From around the country came reports of unrest. Official parades were canceled in the restive republics of Armenia, Georgia and Moldavia. Activists in Moldavia said that thousands of would-be protesters were dispersed -- and some of them beaten -- by police. In Armenia, as well as in the Baltic republic of Latvia, activists reported that protesters burned Soviet flags. In the Arctic city of Vorkuta, coal miners who have been on strike for two weeks joined the official celebration, but carried banners with slogans demanding more independence and that the government fulfill promises of better living and working conditions. In Alma-Ata, capital of Kazakhstan, an anti-nuclear group campaigning for an end to Soviet and American underground tests joined the local march, and in Vilnius, capital of Lithuania, youth sought to stop tanks from parading through the city. The most revolution event of Revolution Day began Tuesday morning in Moscow's northern section, when 5,000 marchers wended their way through the street carrying anti-government banners, taunting police and chanting, "Freedom, freedom," and "Away with the KGB." Police made no attempt to interfere with the unofficial demonstration. But the marchers were blocked from approaching Red Square by barricades and lines of hundreds of militiamen. "Shame, shame, shame," the marchers shouted in unison. One young man ran up to the policemen in their gray greatcoats and held up a banner that said, "Lies." The crowd cheered in approval. Walking under the traditional red banners and portrits of Lenin that have festooned Moscow in recent days, many demonstrators called for an end to the Communist Party's leading role in Society and the passage of laws guaranteeing freedom of the press. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Guangdong Halts Foreign Building Deals ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: hkucs! (Chan Ki Wa) [Source: SCMP, 11/07/89] Guangdong province, China's southern economic showcase, has decided to halt almost all foreign investment in property, according to a Chinese Government document. Hongkong property developers said the decision signalled a retreat from Beijing's open door economic policies championed by senior Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. The document, issued in mid-September, ordered an end to new foreign in investment in property and said the freeze would also apply to contracts which had been signed already but where construction had not yet started. The only exception would be Taiwanese investment in industrial property. Hongkong-based property developers confirmed they had heard of the instruction contained in the document, which was obtained by the Reuters news agency. Its authenticity was confirmed by a Chinese official. "It's an about-turn for the current open door policy," said a Hongkong property consultant with long experience in the China market. China opened its property market when Shenzhen sold land leases to foreigners throught auction in 1986. Other provinces and cities in China, including Shanghai, Tianjin and Fujian province, quickly followed suit. Official Chinese figures show that as of March, foreign property investment in Guangdong totalled US$2.44 billion. Another developer, who has invested in many projects in China, said he feared other Chinese provinces would follow Guangdong's lead. Hongkong developers said they believed Chinese authorities had become increasingly concerned about the growth of overseas investment in the property market. Chinese leaders felt the benefits of overseas investment were outweighed by problems of spiralling property prices. In the past year, Guangdong province has halted foreign investment in hotels. The document said the latest decision had been taken because it was thought that property investment was not the best use of foreign capital in China. The document called on authorities in cities and counties throughout Guangdong to review thoroughly all property investment by foreigners, including those from Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan. It said the review was to be finished by the middle of October and results submitted to the provincial Government. The Guangdong official said a number of cities and counties were arguing with the provincial Government over the issue and had not yet filed thir reports. Hongkong developers said foreign investors were concerned mainly by the freeze on contracts already signed. There were no immediate estimates of the value of such contracts, but they are thought to be substantial. The bulk of Hongkong's manufacturing industry has shifted across the border to Guangdong in recent years to take advantage of relaively cheap labour. The document said projects already under construction would be closely monitored and handled on a case-by-case basis. Taiwanese investors, who have been active in the Chinese property market, will be allowed to erect industrial buildings only. The document said Chinese firms in partnership with Taiwanese investors would have to report the projects to the Government and approval would be strictly controlled. A Hongkong property developer said: "I wonder how they can stop it. They have leased out or auctioned many pieces of land in the past few years. If they stop it, nobody will believe that China will keep its opendoor policy." +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Executive Editor: Deming Tang E_mail: Tang@ALISUVAX.bitnet | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ============================================================================= News Transmission (or) -------------------- --------------------- Local Editor: Bo Chi (Bo Chi) (11/09/89)
* C h i n a N e w s D i g e s t * (ND Cadada Service) -- Nov. 9 (IV), 1989 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Deng Xiaoping resigned his post as CMC Chairman on 5th Plenum. Jiang Zheming got the post. From CNN news. More about this are coming. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= News Transmission (or) -------------------- --------------------- Local Editor: Bo Chi .