[ut.chinese] Nov. 10

chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca (Bo Chi) (11/11/89)

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             * C h i n a   N e w s   D i g e s t *

		    (ND Canada Service)

                       -- Nov. 10 (I), 1989

Table of Contents
                                                                     # of Lines
Headline News  ........................................................... 12
1)  Survey Report on the Chinese Students and Scholars in Canada ......... 172

Headline News 

 North Korean President met with Deng Xiaoping
    From: "J. Ding" <IZZYQ00@OAC.UCLA.EDU>
    [source: BEIJING (UPI)   November 07, 1989] 

  North  Korean  President  KimPIl-Sung met Tuesday with senior leader Deng
Xiaoping  and  expressed concern over South Korea's improved relations with
Warsaw  Pact  countries,  and  Kim  reportedly  wants to meet in China with
former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

1.       Survey Report on the Chinese Students and Scholars in Canada
                                By FCSSC,  Oct. 1989
                                -- via ND special correspondent
          FCSSC == Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars, Canada
          ==  Quan Jia Xue Lian  (2,1,2,2)    (in Chinese)

   Thanks to the great efforts in distibuting, collecting and sending back the
survey questionaires,  given by the FCSSC corresponds,Chinese Canadian National
Council, World Uni. Service, CBIE and  the local FCSSC corresponding Chinese
Students and Scholars Associations (CCSA) or groups, the national survey on the
Chinese students and scholars in Canada becomes possible. The acknowledgement
also goes to the individual Chinese student or scholar who tried his/her best
to help fill the questionaires.

   The survey results are following:

 1. Methodology:

    4,650 questionaires were sent out, 900 of them were sent back. So that the
respoending rate is around 19.35 %. The survey covered 19 places in which the
PRC students and scholars mostly reside. They are: Ottawa, Toronto, Kingston,
Hamilton, Guelph, London, Waterloo, Windsor, Montreal, Quebec city, Vancouver,
Voctoria, Winnipeg, Halifax, Saskatchewan, Edmonton, Calgary, New Brunswick,
and St. Jhon's. The responding rates varies from city to city, with Ottawa,
Quebec, New Brunswick at the top (~40%), and Toronto, Halifax and Hamilton
at the bottom (<10%).

 2. Major Statistic Findings:

 2.1 General Summary:

    Sex: male           75.1%
         female         23.4%
         unstated       1.3%
    Age: 20-25          12.2%
         26-30          37.2%
         31-35          29.2%
         36-40          10.4
         41 above       9.9%
         unstated       0.9%
    Marital status:
         Married        80.3%
         single         17.6%
         unstated       1.9%
    Dependents in Canada        56.3%
       "   not in Canada        43.7%
       --intend to bring them to Canada 96.2%
         not intend to                  3.8%

  2.2 Immigration status and intention:

      in Ottawa only: 67% student visa, 22% visitors visa, 28% have the work
      72.7% of the total intend to stay in Canada, 11.1% have no intention to
stay (they would like to extend their visa as usual). 15.9% did not state their
      For those intending to stay, 85.5% intend to stay as permanent residence,
0.7% as political refugee.

  2.3 Funding Source and Adequancy:

      Private Funding           25.4%
      non-private sources       70.6%

        CIDA                    3.8%
        non-CIDA government     3%
        universities            57.4%
        PRC government          3.5%
        World bank              1.2%
        other sources           2.1%
        Missing value           28.8%

   2.4 Education background:

       Current education background:

        Ph.D            40.7%
        Master's        31.1%
        Undergraduate   2%
        English Lang.   10.3%
        Research/training 8.1%
        unstated          7.6%

       Field of study and Research:

        Business                0.2%
        Economics               2.2%
        Law                     0.2%
        Psychology              0.4%
        Public relation         0.2%
        International affairs   2.1%
        Goegraphy               0.7%
        Subtotal(Social Science)6.5%

        Arts                    4.7%

        Civil Eng.              2.8%
        Electrical Eng.         5.7%
        Computer Eng.           0.5%
        Mechanical              6.5%
        Chemical Eng.           2.1%
        Architecture            0.9%
        other Eng.              7.2%
        Subtotal (Engineering)  25.7%

        Biology                 5.4%
        Chemistry               7.1%
        Math                    4.4
        Physics                 7.9
        computer Science        3.5
        Biochemistry            0.4
        Medical science         4.6
        others                  0.2
        subtotal (Science)      33.5%

        Physical Education      0.4%

        Agriculture             1.7%

        unstated                20.2%


     1. Chinese students will have positive impacts on Canadian Economy:
        Almost 80% of PRC students are in Master;s or Ph.D programs, with
        2/3 of them are in the age between 25-35 and majorty are in Science and
        Engineering, We would have an positive impact on the Canadian Economy.

     2. The Emergency period is over

     3. some remaining issues to be resolved:

      3.1 Special financial help for the PRC students and scholars who have
          not applied for permanent residence but still plan to extend their
          education in Canada.

      3.2 Job placement programe for the coming graduates.

      3.3 Immig:80% are married , but 43.7% of them still are separated with the
          families in China. All of them are willing to bring their families
          to Canada.

                  BTW, there are more job openings available to Chinese students
                  and scholars in Canada,please check with your local CSSA or
                  FCSSC correspond at your university. Good luck.

                                                        - Dennis Lu
News    Transmission    chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca   (or)
--------------------    ---------------------
Local Editor: Bo Chi    chi@vlsi.waterloo.edu    