[ut.chinese] Nov. 19

chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca (Bo Chi) (11/19/89)

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             * C h i n a   N e w s   D i g e s t *

		    (ND Canada Service)

                       -- Nov. 19 (I), 1989

Table of Contents
                                                                   # of Lines

1.  Beijing Issued New Regulation For FAX Machines ...................... 44
2.  CMC Meeting Tries To Ensure The Party's Control Over Army ........... 89
3.  News From Europe .................................................... 18

1.  Beijing Issued New Regulation For FAX Machines
[Source: UPI, 11/15/89]

    Beijing  authorities  have  issued  a  new  regulation  ordering   strict
supervision  of  facsimile machines to prevent the distribution of  dissident
publications,   empowering monitors to pull the plug if needed,  the  Chinese
press reported Wednesday.

    According  to the notice,  all government departments,  Chinese companies
and  universities in Beijing must appoint a monitor to oversee  incoming  fax
material  to  "firmly stop the spreading of overseas  reactionary  propaganda
materials," the semi-official China News Service report said.

    The new regulation was announced shortly after controversy erupted over a
fax campaign organized by exiled leaders of the Paris-based dissident  group,
the Federation for Democracy in China.

    On Nov. 2, the FDC disclosed plans to send to 5,000 fax machines in China
a  manifesto announcing the founding of the federation  and  calling  on  all
Chinese to unite in a "great  struggle  for human rights,  peace, tranquility
and development of all mankind."

    But Chinese public security authorities interfered by deploying police to
seize  copies of the manifesto at many fax sites.   The manifesto  reportedly
bore  the  masthead  of  the People's Daily,  the  official  Communist  Party

    Under the new order to check all incoming faxes,  the person appointed as
monitor has the right to turn off the machine when necessary,  the China News
Service said.

    It quoted the regulation as specifying that any dissident material  "must
be turned over immediately to the local Public Security unit,  and may not be
handled at individual discretion."

    The new directive extends to foreigners in Beijing, but it did not appear
to  include  stationing  monitors at fax machines in foreign  businesses  and

    In  addition to instructions to all city work units to "educate the  vast
masses not to listen to or believe reactionary propaganda,"  the notice calls
for special attention to foreigners residing in Beijing.

    "The notice ...  especially points out the need to strengthen  propaganda
and education for foreign businessmen and foreigners in Beijing,  making them
understand  that it is illegal to distribute reactionary  propaganda  against
the  Chinese government and Communist Party,  and that such actions  are  not
friendly," the agency said.

2.  CMC Meeting Tries To Ensure The Party's Control Over Army
From: hkucs!kwchan@uunet.UU.NET
      (Society of HKU Postgraduates on Chinese Affairs)
[Source : South China Morning Post, 11/15/89]

by Willy Wo-Lap Lam

    Chinese  patriarch  Deng Xiaoping and General-Secretary Jiang Zemin  have
made a bid to contain the expansionist tendencies of the People's  Liberation
Army (PLA)  and ensure the military remains under the Chinese Communist Party

    The  theme of the army serving the overall interests and requirements  of
the  party  and country was sounded at a secret Central  Military  Commission
(CMC) conclave held in Beijing from November 10 to 12.

    Meeting  for the first time after the June 4 Tiananmen Square  crackdown,
the  CMC mapped out the "guiding thoughts"  and principal tasks to be pursued
in  the  coming  year.    The  enlarged  meeting  was  attended  by  regional
commanders,   leaders  of the general staff,  and officers from  the  general
political and logistics departments.

    Military  sources  say  that  CMC also laid down the  foundations  for  a
reshuffle  of regional and district commanders as well as senior officers  in
the three PLA departments.

    The  restructuring,  which could take place early next year,  is in  line
with  efforts by first vice-chairman Yang Shangkun - widely regarded  as  the
CMC strongman - to move key associates into key positions.

    The  official media have run excerpts of speeches made by both Mr  Jiang,
the new chairman, and Mr Yang.

    Mr Jiang,  the first CMC chief who has no military experience, said:  "We
must insist on the party's absolute leadership over the army."

    "This  is the fundamental principle of army construction by the Communist

    Mr Jiang hinted that with the possibilities of war receding, and with the
focus of the party and country on economic work,  the priorities of the  army
must be changed accordingly. He called on the PLA to work hard with one heart
and  one  mind  with  the  people of the whole country  to  improve  economic

    Referring  to structural reforms and streamlining that has  been  carried
out  in  the PLA in recent years - including the demobilisation of a  million
soldiers  -  Mr Jiang hinted it would be unrealistic for the army to  seek  a
significant expansion.

    Mr Jiang also called on the top officers to study and implement earnestly
the military thoughts of Mr Deng,  who has been instrumental in reducing  the
world's largest army.

    In  his  speech,  Mr Yang disclosed that in the coming  year,   political
construction  will  be enhanced to guarantee the party's absolute  leadership
over the army.

    Analysts  say,  however,  Mr Jiang will continue to have to wrestle  with
demands by the army to increase its influence in national policy-making.

    A  Western military analyst said:"Since the imposition of martial law  in
Lhasa  on  March  7 and on Beijing on May 20,  the army's  role  in  national
affairs has increased."

    "Thinking  that  it  has made an historic contribution to the  party  and
state by crushing the 'counter-revolutionary rebellion', the PLA is convinced
that its attempts at self-aggrandisement is justified."

    For  example,  while the PLA's share of the national budget is likely  to
remain  at  the present level of about 7%,  it will ask for other,   "hidden"

    In  recent  months,  influential generals have stressed that  ideological
campaigns  must  be  waged nationwide to enhance the  people's  awareness  of
national defence.

    Chinese  sources  say  that  the secret CMC  meeting  discussed  a  draft
legislation on national defence mobilisation,  which could be passed into law
next year.

    The  law will make it easier for the PLA to mobilise people for  purposes
of national defence.   Moreover, it will facilitate the army's procurement of
logistical  and  other military-support facilities and  material  from  other
government departments.

    In  his  speech  at the CMC meeting,  Mr Jiang called on  the  party  and
government  units  to strengthen awareness of national defence  and  actively
support and promote army building.

    Military  sources  say the CMC meeting also discussed  issues  concerning
army  unity,   which  the  top officers hope will  be  promoted  through  the
forthcoming reshuffle.

    That  there is lack of cohesiveness within the top ranks is evident  from
the fact that many officers expressed reservations about using military force
to crush the pro-democracy movement. Top military  leaders are reported to be
specially concerned  about  the centrifugal tendencies of certain commands in
southern China.

3.  News From Europe
From: IUTS0@ccuab1.uab.es  (Sean Golden)
[Source: Ajoblanco, 11/16/89]

    BARCELONA, SPAIN -- the Spanish partner in the campaign to send copies of
the fake People's Daily to the PRC by FAX,  held a press conference to launch
the Spanish edition.  The invited speaker was XU Tianfang,  spokesman for the
FDC in Paris.

    The "Consejo de Estudiantes"  (Student Association)  of the University of
Cantabria  (Santander,   Spain)   held an assembly and voted  to  protest  as
strongly  as  possible  against  the actions of  the  Chinese  government  in
repressing  the democracy movement and to express their total support for the
efforts  of Chinese students express their total support for the  efforts  of
the Chinese students in the PRC and abroad.

    On  13   December  1989  the Chinese Studies Centre  of  the  Universitat
Autonoma  de Barcelona will host a conference on the democractice movement in
China. The FDC will be represented by Lao Mu. The painter-poet Ma Desheng and
the  poet  Duo  Duo  will also attend,  as well as  Spanish  students  a  and
journalists  and  sinologists who were present in Beijing this  Spring.   The
conference will include an exhibition of videotapes,  photos,  slides & texts
about  the  Democracy  Movement and the events which took place  in  Beijing.
There will also be poetry readings and an art exhibit.

|  Executive Editor:  Deming Tang          E_mail:  Tang@ALISUVAX.bitnet    |

News    Transmission    chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca   (or)
--------------------    ---------------------
Local Editor: Bo Chi    chi@vlsi.waterloo.edu    
send out time: Mon Nov 19 11:10:12 EST 1989


chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca (Bo Chi) (11/19/89)

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               |          | _____ \ |      /| \  |  |     |  L__-|  |
               I          I---------J     / J  \/   |     | V    |  J

             * C h i n a   N e w s   D i g e s t *

		    (ND Canada Service)

                       -- Nov. 19 (II), 1989

Table of Contents
                                                                   # of Lines
Headline News ........................................................... 21
1.  China Is Making "A Great Leap Backward" ............................. 44
2.  Golf Course Shooting Were Actually Gun Testing,
         Japanese Still Nervous ......................................... 54
3.  More Than 40 Will Be Tried For Counter-Revolutionary Crimes ......... 87

Headline News
 (1)  Deng  Xiaoping,  at a high ranking military meeting in September,  said
      that if Taiwan wanted to be independent,  we would attack.  Source said
      that Deng's speech can be summarized as:  (1)  Taiwan should be put  on
      the daily agenda,  we can not always give a smiling face;  (2)  if they
      make indepedency,  we will hit them.  It is a matter of principle;  (3)
      there are two possible targets now: Taiwan and Vietnam.
                                    [From: simone@nyspi.bitnet (J. Yang)]
                                    [Source: World Journal, 11/16/89]

 (2)  Chinese  government  has  been taking a revenge  on  U.S.   and  French
      military  diplomats.  Those military envoies have been singled out  for
      the activities hosted by Chinese army. The most recent case was on Nov.
      13,  when  all military diplomats were invited to the ceremony  of  the
      grand opening of air force museum except U.S., Frence, and Vietnam. The
      diplomats  in Beijing joke them as 'The Gang of Three'.  In August 1st,
      Chinese  government  did  not invite the U.S.,   Frence,   and  Vietnam
      military diplomats  to  attend  a tour to Tianjing,   which  all  other
      military diplomats were invited. Also,  in a recent shooting friendship
      game which is hosted by Chinese army once a year,  'The Gang of  Three'
      were again not on the guest list.
                                    [From: simone@nyspi.bitnet (J. Yang)]
                                    [Source: World Journal, 11/16/89]

1.  China Is Making "A Great Leap Backward"
[Source: Associated Press, 11/15/89]

    Winston  Lord,   a  former U.S.   ambassador to China,  told Congress  on
Wednesday that  China is making "a great leap backward"  and  said the United
States should withhold full cooperation until a new,  more democratic  regime
is in place in Beijing.

    Lord told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that it likely will take
several  years  before China reverses the course it  embarked  upon  when  it
brutally  cracked down on pro-democracy demonstrators in  Beijing's  Tianamen

    Until such a reversal, he said, "we must both sustain our condemnation of
Beijing's  actions  and preserve the framework for  future  cooperation  when
China's big chill is lifted."

    "For us to resume full cooperation will require a new regime in Beijing,"
he said.

    Lord,  who was ambassaddor in Beijing from November 1985  to last  April,
said he had been reluctant to comment on China's problems until the crackdown
in June.

    "Such inhibitions have been swept away as Beijing's leaders proceded from
intransigence  to  massacre to executions to repression,  roundups,   purges,
disappearances,  harassment, surveilance,  Orwellian groupthink,  rollback of
reforms  and extreme xenophobia all cloaked in a particularly brazen  display
of the Big Lie," he said.

    "Since June the trends have been bleak indeed as China seems to be making
a great leap backward to the 1950's and 1960's," Lord said.

    In this period,  he said,  the loyalty of the United States "should be to
the  Chinese  people and the Chinese officials some deposed,  many  still  in
office  who  deplore  such policies and not to the  handful  responsible  for
crushing Chinese spirits."

    The  United  States  should do nothing,  he said,  to break  the  web  of
relationships  that  have  been  built since  the  United  States  normalized
relations with China.

    "We cannot rip out all of these roots that we have so carefully nutured,"
he  said.   "We  must  preserve the foundations for the  time  when  a  more
cooperative relationship with China is once again possible."

    Above all,  he said, the United States must realize that "the Chinese are
responsible for the current impasse and it is up to them to break it."

2.  Golf Course Shooting Were Actually Gun Testing, Japanese Still Nervous
[Source: Associated Press, 11/15/89]

by Terril Jone

    Chinese  authorities  admitted Wednesday that soldiers fired  their  guns
near Japanese golfers last weekend but said it was an accident unrelated to a
death threat received by Toyota officials.

    Officials  of  the Public Security Ministry told Japanese diplomats their
investigation  showed a few soldiers were "testing"  their guns at a shooting
range  south of the Beijing Golf Club on Sunday,  Japanese sources in Beijing

    The security officials said some bullets strayed onto the course near the
ninth  and  18th holes,  according to the sources,  who would not be  further

    Several Japanese golfers reported hearing two bursts of machine gun  fire
and  bullets  whizzing by shortly before noon Sunday.   They  included  three
employees of Toyota Motor Corp.,  whose Beijing office on Nov.  9  received a
letter containing a bullet and note threatening to kill Japanese in China.

    The security officials were quoted as telling the Japanese diplomats that
while the Chinese side took the shooting incident seriously, it was unrelated
to the death threat.

    Chinese  authorities  instructed  related  units  to  take  measures  "to
eliminate  the  uneasiness,"   but did not apologize for the  incident,   the
sources said.

    Toyota,   which had considered withdrawing its staff from China following
the  letter  and shooting incident,  decided to keep them in  place,   Toyota
spokesman Andy Pfeiffenberger said in Tokyo.

    "We  decided  the  situation didn't call for them to  be  taken  back  to
Tokyo,"  Pfeiffenberger said.   "We told them to be careful,  to be alert  to
things there, but things are back to normal and work is going on as usual."

    Toyota  has  seven  employees in Beijing and six in  Canton  (Guangzhou),
Pfeiffenberger said.

    He would not say if the note was signed or disclose its contents, but the
sources in Beijing said it read,  "Now that the martial law troops have gone,
our time has come.  Go back to Japan.  From now, we will kill Japanese."

    Soldiers   called   in  under  martial  law  were  stationed   at   major
intersections and overpasses in Beijing after the June 3-4 military crackdown
on the pro-democracy movement of this spring.

    The last troops were removed Nov.  1,  and only a few armed police remain
at Tiananmen Square, the focal point of the protests.

    In July and August,  a group calling itself the "Blood-Bright Dare to Die
Squad" sent letters to several Japanese firms threatening to kill Japanese in
retaliation for Japan's "economic invasion" of China.

    Japan's trade surplus with China was $3.1 billion last year, according to
Chinese  figures,  but Japanese figures say the surplus was $383  million  in
China's favor.

3.  More Than 40 Will Be Tried For Counter-Revolutionary Crimes
[Source: UPI, 11/15/89]

by Scott Savitt

    More than 40  leaders of last spring's democracy movement now detained at
a  maximum-security  prison  outside  Beijing are to be  tried  for  counter-
revolutionary crimes,  the most serious political charges in China,   Chinese
sources said Wednesday.

    According  to the sources,  those to stand trial include  student  leader
Wang Dan,  former top government policy adviser Cao Siyuan and veteran  human
rights activist Ren Wanding.

    Sources said they will be charged under a broadly defined  constitutional
clause  that lists as counterrevolutionary any "act against the state,   that
seeks  to undermine the leadership of the Communist Party and  overthrow  the
dictatorship of the proletariat."

    The statute,  which normally carries a sentence of more than 10  years in
prison  or labor camps,  has been invoked in the past to silence  dissidents.
But at its worst, a  charge of counterrevolution can be tantamount to treason
and warrant the death penalty.

    The   government   has   branded   the  protests   last   spring   as   a
"counterrevolutionary rebellion."

    Since  the bloody military crackdown on the democracy movement  in  June,
thousands of people have been arrested nationwide.  Suspected organizers have
been  held  in  the tightly guarded Qincheng  Prison  in  Beijing's  northern

    The  Chinese  sources  said more than 1,000   leaders  of  the  movement,
including student organizers,  intellectuals and democracy activists are held
in  the  prison.   But after almost six months of  intensive  investigations,
authorities  have decided to release most of them and will try only a few  of
the top organizers.

    The  sources said the list of those to be tried has yet to be  finalized,
but will almost certainly include Wang,  Cao, the director of a liberal think
tank,  and Ren, who served four years in prison after the 1978-79  "Democracy
Wall" movement.

    The sources said the trials will most likely not be publicized,  and only
the sentences will be announced.

    They  also said that prisoners have already begun to be  released.   Some
have  been  allowed  home with the stipulation they do not talk  about  their
cases or treatment.

    Wang,   20,  was a history major at Beijing University and a key  protest
leader this spring.  He was named No. 1  on a government most-wanted list and
was captured in July while trying to escape.

    Cao, 43,  is a social scientist who served as a policy adviser to deposed
Communist Party leader Zhao Ziyang. The former director of the Stone Research
and Development Institute,  a private think tank,  Cao backed crucial reforms
such  as  loosening of the state ownership system and  helped  draft  China's
first bankruptcy law.

    After  Premier  Li  Peng declared martial law in  Beijing  May  20,   Cao
circulated  a  petition  calling  for an emergency meeting  of  the  National
People's  Congress,  China's parliament,  in an unsuccessful bid to  use  its
power to overturn the decision.

    Ren,  45,  the founder of the China Human Rights League,  remained silent
after his release from prison in 1984 but began to speak out again last year.
He argued in an article in The New York Times last December that "the opening
trend  in China has become irreversible"  and criticized the party as corrupt
and  unresponsive to the people.  Ren spoke at Beijing University on  several
occasions during the movement, and addressed huge crowds on Tiananmen Square.
He was arrested at his home June 9.

    Family members of those detained say they have no contact with prisoners.
Prisoners can receive living supplies, but relatives deliver them to a prison
in Beijing and authorities distribute them.

    Qincheng is traditionally the site for detaining political prisoners. Its
most  prominent  inmate is Mao Tse-tung's widow Jiang Qing,   leader  of  the
radical "Gang of Four," who was sentenced in 1981 for crimes committed during
the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution.

    Sources  familiar  with  conditions  in  Qincheng  said  prisoners   were
initially  given  only two meals everyday,  and there  were  beatings  during
questioning.  But conditions have improved as public security personnel  have
taken over interrogations from the military, and three meals and exercise are
now given. Prisoners are kept eight to a cell measuring 9 feet by 15 feet and
not allowed reading material. There are daily interrogations.

    The  several  thousand  people  held for other  crimes  in  local  police
stations  for demonstrating and blocking the progress of troops have begun to
be dealt with as well.  Many  have received labor education sentences.  Under
those, the accused are sent to farms around Beijing for two-year labor stints
and will be released without a criminal record, the sources said.

|  Executive Editor:  Deming Tang          E_mail:  Tang@ALISUVAX.bitnet    |

News    Transmission    chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca   (or)
--------------------    ---------------------
Local Editor: Bo Chi    chi@vlsi.waterloo.edu    
send out time: Mon Nov 19 14:30:27 EST 1989
Note: This package was bounced back once.

chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca (Bo Chi) (11/19/89)

               |          +---------I     __L__  ___-     i \ ------I
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             * C h i n a   N e w s   D i g e s t *

		    (ND Canada Service)

                       -- Nov. 19, (III), 1989

Table of Contents
                                                                # of Lines
1.  From ISU: Panel Discusses China Crackdown  ................... 60
2.  Grad Student Sees Hope for China ............................. 70
3.  Recent Activities of Former Student Leaders from Beijing  .... 24

1. Panel Discusses China Crackdown

From: Tang@alisuvax.bitnet (Deming Tang)
Source: Iowa State Daily, 11/17/89

1. Panel Discusses China Crackdown

by Jennifer Gates

   A pannel of witnesses and experts discussed last summer's government
crackdown in Beijing, China, and how it affected the role of Chinese
media and its impact on development.

   Key speaker Madame Yang Ge, teh editor of a Beijing pro-democratic
magazine was closed following the student massacre in Tiananmen Square.

   Ge told an audience of about 200 people through an interpreter that
the Chinese government has tried to censor information received by the
Chinese people by controling the media. However, this effort has not
succeeded, she said.

   Information is now circulated in China by what Ge called "back-alley"
news. Back-alley news is information that is passed by word of mouth.

   "The most effective way is word of mouth -- that is, from one person
to another. It moves faster than newspapers," Ge said.

   There are still newspapers operating in China. However, she said,
these papers are controlled by the government. Ge said these papers can
still provide the peole with useful information.

   "In China, people are very careful reading the newspaper. Read
between the lines," Ge said.

   Before the massacre in Tiananman Square, there had been 10 years of
relaxed control over the mass media, Ge said. She said this period of
available information helped promote the pro-democratic movement.

   "Had there been no mass media... it would mot have been possible for
China to form the mass democratic movement," Ge said. "In China, if there
is no media there is no freedom and democracy, and if there is no freedom
and democracy there is no mass media," Ge said.

   Another member of the panel, John Wong, said he questioned whether or
not the students in Tiananman Square truly understood democracy. Wong was
in Beijing when the massacre occurred.

   Wong said he believed the students do want more personal freedom, but he
doesn't think they understood it as applied in the West.

   He said Chinese students do not understand the responsibilities that go
along with the personal freedom of democracy.

   Wong said students he talked to believed one of two things. He said they
believe, "with democracy, all these evils(of society) will go away," or
they believe democracy will give them an economy like Japan or the United

   Most members of the panel agreed the China is headed for reform. De-Ming
Tang, representative of the Iowa State Chinese Students Association, said
his family in China has already heard about reforms in East Germany. He
said such information will keep the democratic movement going in China.

   Ge ended the discussion by saying, "Without reform, there is no hope in

2. Grad Student Sees Hope for China

From: Tang@alisuvax.bitnet (Deming Tang)
Source: Iowa State Daily, 11/17/89   by Renee Zirk

   Business Graduate Student Hong Wei Li is optimistic about China's future.

   "A lot of students here(in the U.S.) say they won't go back to China
because it's hopeless. I think it's hopeful, I want to go back," she said.

   Li, who has been in the U.S. since July 21, 1989, was teaching English
at Shanghai International Studies University during the student uprising,
which started in April in Beijing.

   She said students in Shanghai were eager to support the students in
Beijing, and some of her students joined the hunger strike. Although
students didn't attend classes during this period, authorities told Li
to remain in the classroom.

   Buses in Shanghai didn't run for five days because students and civilians
let the air out of bus tires. People had to walk to work. Some walked
two to three hours, and many couldn't get to work at all, she said.

   Because of this, she said, production was "greatly affected." Trans-
portating rice and getting electricity was a problem too, Li said.

   Li said she would like the Chinese government to change, but she said
this will take time. She said it took more than 100 years to gain an
open-door policy in the country and students should be satisfied with
changes are occuring.

   "I don't think there was much killing in Beijing, just in the outskirts,"
Li said.

   However, Newsweek reported that approximately 1,000 to 2,500 unarmed
civilians were killed in the pro-democratic movement.

   An ISU business graduate student, who preferred not to be identified,
was in Japan during the uprising. She said, according to Japanese newspaper
there were about 3,000 civilians killed, whereas the Chinese newspapers
reported about 300.


Note: Ms. Li, Hong-Wei is a student majoring in Bussiness Management.
      She came to U.S. on July 21, 1989 with F-1 Visa. She now lives in
      ..., U.S.A
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 89 10:18 EST


1. On Nov.14 and Nov.15, Uerkesh, Shen Tong and Li Lu were invited to
Washington D.C. to receive the "Kennedy Human Rights Award" for Fang Li-zhi
(Fang's son was there as well). In DC., they met Polish Leader Walesa and
submitted a congratulation letter to him.

2. In the Nov. 15 Morning, Shen Tong was on ABC's "Good Morning America" from
New York to have a live conversation with East German Student leader Jacob
Hein in East Berlin. Hein said that they learned about Chinese Democratic
Movement this year through western media and were very sympathetic to us.
Shen Tong said,"I wish I could stand on the Berlin Wall to fell the wind of
freedom." The effect of our long-term struggle will be visible in China.

3. Today (Nov.17), Shen Tong will meet activists of East German opposite party
"New Forum" in Boston. Those former student leaders are starting to establish
relationship with East European democratic forces.

|  Editor: Gang Xu (NDUS)         E-mail: gxu@kentvm.bitnet                 |

News    Transmission    chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca   (or)
--------------------    ---------------------
Local Editor: Bo Chi    chi@vlsi.waterloo.edu    
send out time: Sun Nov 19 14:31:20 EST 1989
Note: This package was bounced back once.