[ut.chinese] Nov. 27

chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca (Bo Chi) (11/27/89)

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             * C h i n a   N e w s   D i g e s t *

		    (ND Canada Service)

                       -- Nov. 27 (I), 1989

Table of Contents
                                                                # of Lines
 Headline News  ..................................................  21
 1) China Excecutes Pair For Selling Women  ......................  36
 2) China's Threat  ..............................................  45
 3) Yang set for Middle East visit   .............................  25
 4) Plan To Ask 40 Countries To Back `Safe Exit' Scheme  .........  63

Headline News

(1) Communist Party chief Milos Jakes,  the  Politburo  and the rest of the
    Communist leadership resigned  Friday,  the  state-run  media said. The
    resignations follow a week of massive pro-democracy protests. Alexander
    Dubcek returned to  Prague  Friday,  urging  250,000 chanting Czechs to
    unite to improve the nation.
                                  From: yawei@rose.bacs.indiana.edu
                                  Source:  AP News

(2) Radio Beijing News 7pm PDT  (in  manderine)  Nov 25 1989 - Chinese vice
    miniter of foreign affairs Mr Liu  Huaqiu met with US deputy ambassodor
    in Beijing and strongly  protest  that  US  congress passed the bill to
    loose the 2 years  home  residence  requirement to Chinese students who
    hold J-1 visa.   Chinese  government  requests president Bush to refuse
    this bill.  Otherwise,  Chinese  government  will  have  to take strong
    reaction  and  US   government   must   be   responsible  for  all  the
                                  From: rzhu@violet.waterloo.edu
                                        Rupert Zhu
                                  Source: Radio Beijing, 7pm PDT, 11/25/89

1.  China Excecutes Pair For Selling Women
From:    "J. Ding"  <IZZYQ00@UCLAMVS.BITNET>
From:    ASUCPS::YAOM "M. H. Yao" 25-NOV-1989
Source:   BEIJING (AP)   November 24, 1989

Two  brothers  were  executed  and  a third was sentenced to life in prison
for kidnapping and selling 51 women, it was reported Friday.

Wang  Zhong and Wang Hong  were  executed  Nov. 10 after being convicted in
the  northern province of Shanxi of abducting women in other provinces, the
newspaper Legal Daily said.

Two  men  in  southwest    China's    Sichuan province were put to death in
September for heading a ring that kidnapped and sold 24 women, including 22
who suffered mental disorders.

The  government,  in   its    latest   anti-crime  campaign, has listed the
kidnapping of women and children as one of the "six evils" to be combatted.
The  others  are  prostitution,  pornography, drugs, gambling and swindling
people through superstition.     The Legal Daily said kidnap gangs of up to
100 members are operating in every  Chinese province,  with  90  percent of
their victims being peasant girls.

The  measures used to  entice  women  include  offers of jobs, marriage and
free  travel. "They use sweet words and talk of love to seduce young women,
and  then  kidnap  and sell them. They kidnap women who are dull-witted and
suffer from nervous disorders. They use violence to kidnap and sell women,"
the newspaper said.

Many women are resold several  times  and  raped,  it said. In some places,
mostly  remote  rural regions, where women are bought, "the evil phenomenon
of the taking of concubines and polygamy occurs."

An  earlier  report    said    that in coastal Shandong, China's third-most
populous  province,  more  than 3,000 people have been imprisoned in recent
years for abducting and selling 30,000 women and 1,000 children.

2. China's Threat
From:    "J. Ding"  <IZZYQ00@UCLAMVS.BITNET>
Source: The Washington Post, November 25, 1989,

CHINA'S  government  is  now threatening the United States with retaliation
for  a bill that Congress has  passed. But the greater outrage is President
Bush's  apparent  intention  to  give  in  to  that  threat. Administration
officials  have  suggested  that Mr. Bush will accommodate China by vetoing
the bill.

More  than  40,000  Chinese  students  are in this country, most of them on
visas  that  require  them   to  return home  when they have finished their
studies.  Many of  these  students vigorously supported the movement toward
democracy  earlier  this  year,  taking  part  in  demonstrations and other
political  action  here,  which  brought  them to the notice of the Chinese
authorities.  Some  of these   students have good reason to be apprehensive
about  returning  to the jurisdiction of the government for whose overthrow
they  were  calling.  Congress  has sent to Mr. Bush legislation that would
suspend the American requirement forcing them to  go back.    Under  normal
circumstances,  that kind  of  requirement is reasonable enough.  It  slows
down the  brain  drain.  It  says  that  students  trained  here  have   an
obligation  to  go  home  to their native countries. But after the massacre
in    Beijing    last  June,  circumstances  are  not  normal.  The Chinese
government  has  said  that  it will deal leniently with those students who
demonstrated  against  it  in  this  country  last  spring.  But there is a
re-education  campaign in  progress  in the Chinese universities, and those
who  return  are  not  likely  to find that their past activities have been

Mr.   Bush's  inclination  to    accommodate   the  Chinese  government  is
incomprehensible.  To  defend it, people in his administration explain that
otherwise  China may cut off the exchanges of students and teachers between
the two countries.

Too  bad.  If,  in   other    words,  the  United States doesn't send these
students  home for political correction, China will refuse to send any more
of  its  young people  here to study computer science, medicine, electrical
engineering  and  molecular  biology.  It  will  refuse  to  allow American
professors to go to teach in Chinese universities. That's some threat.

China  needs  to   understand    that,  with its crackdown on democracy and
dissent,  it has done enormous damage to the spirit of cooperation that was
growing  between it and the United States. As long as that regime is in its
present  vindictive  state  of mind, Mr. Bush needs to think very carefully
before forcing  anyone  to  return   there.  To  veto this bill would be an
astounding acquiescence in Chinese repression.

3. Yang set for Middle East visit
From:    "J. Ding"  <IZZYQ00@UCLAMVS.BITNET>

[by David Chen]

President Yang Shangkun, who  played  a  key  role  in the Tiananmen Square
crackdown in June, is to visit Egypt, Kuwait and Oman next month, according
to reliable sources.

This will be his first overseas trip  for  2 and a half years as president.
He visited Canada and the  United  States  in  May 1987 - shortly after the
anti-bourgeois liberalisation campaign.

The trip is in response to  the  visit to China by President Hosni Mubarak,
as well as those by senior officials of the two other countries.

It is intended to show China's interest in and concern for the situation in
the Middle East, particularly  the  relations  between the Israelis and the
Palestinians, as well as developments in Lebanon.

Chinese sources said that in  the  next  two  months, and before the coming
annual session of the Seventh  National  People's Congress expected in late
March, more  overseas  visits  by  senior  Government  officials  are being
planned, both to project  China's  image  and  to seek further economic co-
operation, particularly with Third World nations.

4. Plan To Ask 40 Countries To Back `Safe Exit' Scheme
From: hkucs!kwchan@uunet.UU.net
Source : South China Morning Post, November 24, 1989

[By Jacqueline Lee]

A civil servants' group has called  on the international community to grant
Hongkong people passports which would become valid in an emergency.

The plan is to  ask  about  40  countries  to  back  the scheme which would
require them to open their doors  to  a  fixed number of Hongkong people in
the event of:

-   An imminent threat to their lives or liberties.

-   China abrogating the Joint Declaration.

-   The Joint Declaration not working as intended.

-   A radical change in the social and economic system of the territory.

-   China  changing  its  policy   towards  Hongkong  resulting  in  living
    conditions deteriorating intolerably.

The Association of  Government  Information  Officers  has urged Britain to
seek support from  the  European  Community,  Commonwealth  nations and the
United States to arrange a "safety exit" for Hongkong.

Quotes for different countries would be  allocated by a points system where
people at the top end of the  scale would more likely get passports for the
country of their choice.

The proposal was drawn up as a "practical alternative" to securing right of
abode in the United Kingdom  for  all  5.6  million people in Hongkong, the
association says.

"The British Government should  work  out  a  scheme to encourage locals to
remain in the territory and the  scheme  should be effective in providing a
good safety  exit  for  the  people  on  the  one  hand,  and the necessary
confidence to stay in Hongkong and  work for the territory's prosperity and
stability on the other," it said.

The association has also designed a  "Span  of Safety", of SOS, scheme that
would ensure Hongkong people  seeking  refuge  in  Britain  would move in a
regulated stream.

Under the SOS scheme, British  subjects  would be offered British passports
valid for 6.5 years from July 1, 1997 to December 31, 2003.

The holders would be divided into seven  bands in the order of priority and
passports for each of the groups  would  take effect one year after another
from July 1, 1997 when Hongkong reverts to China.

The first group to be allowed into the United Kingdom would be the smallest
consisting of about  20,000  professionals,  technicians, entrepreneurs and

Subsequent groups would  grow  progressively  with  the points system being
used to classify  people  into  different  priority groups, the association

"The objective of the  SOS  scheme  is  to  give  confidence to all British
subjects here to stay on, with  priority  given to the backbone of Hongkong

|  Executive Editor:  Yaxiong Lin          E_mail:   aoyxl@asuacvax.bitnet  |
News    Transmission    chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca   (or)
--------------------    ---------------------
Local Editor: Bo Chi    chi@vlsi.waterloo.edu    
Mon Nov 27 10:37:58 EST 1989

chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca (Bo Chi) (11/28/89)

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               |          | _____ \ |      /| \  |  |     |  L__-|  |
               I          I---------J     / J  \/   |     | V    | _/

             * C h i n a   N e w s   D i g e s t *

		    (ND Canada Service)

                       -- Nov. 28 (I), 1989

Table of Contents
                                                                     # of Lines
Headline News ........................................................... 7
Urgent Call for family reunion .......................................... 100
China, a Car Exporter by 1995

An official news report in China said a US$1 billion of fresh capital will
allow Panda Motor Corp., the country's largest foreign-funded investment
project, to start car production by the end of next year. American Panda
Motor Co., which is affiliated with South Korea's Unification Church is
making the investment. The project will produce 300,000 cars a year, all for
export, by 1995.

                       source: THE FINANCIAL POST  Nov 27, 1989


                            A group of people concernd
                            Dec. 26 at U. of Manitoba

 Recently, the Canadian Embassy in Beijing seems to have taken abnormal
 measures to tighten the control on issue of visa for visitors who
 plan to go to Canada to join their family members.

 The new threatening development has shown that:  the many   Chinese
 people's fear has become fact. On Dec. 24, a Chinese student studying
 at the University of Manitoba received a phone call from his wife who
 just had finished her interview with immigration officer in Canadian
 Embassy in Beijing. According to her, there were 15 people received
 interview for visa application, only one was given a visa, the rest
 were refused, which means almost 95% of applicants were refused.

 During these interviews, the immigration official asked every
 applicant the same question:
       Has your spouse apply for PR in Canada ?

some people answered
some answered  
       Don't know.

 For both the immigration official's response was the same: Because most
 Chinese people entered Canada before June 4th have apply for PR, I
 guess your spouse also have, therefore you have to wait until your
 spouse's matter has been settled down then you should apply for PR to
 enter Canada instead of being a visitor.

       From above conversation, it is very clear that if the Canadian
 Embassy in Beijing handle this kind of visa application cases this way
 continualy, it will be a big disaster for many Chinese people who are
 trying or going to try to let their family members join them here.

       For the people with the passport of private affairs, this means
 at least one year and half painful waiting with large uncertainty. For
 the people with the passport of public affairs, this means either they
 have to go home facing a high risk or suffer a long separation from
 their family. Because in the News Release from Chinese Embassy in
 Ottowa in Sept., which is mailed to Graduate schools   in  many
 universities from the Chinese Embassy,  it stated that all the Chinese
 people here sent by government are "duty bounded" and should go back
 to China. Obviously, it is impossible for Chinese Government to allow
 the family members of  such people to emigrate to Canada as PR  to
 join their "defected" spouses in Canada!!!

       In view of this serious situation, we call all Chinese people
 facing or are going to face the problem to take action immediately. We
 should request the Canadian government that:

       Based on the special program carryed in the past few monthes in
 helping Chinese people here, to give a special consideration to their
 family member's visa application and allow these Chinses people come
 to Canada to reunite with visitor status.

       The proposed actions are:

1)  Contact local LYH leaders and FCSSC representatives ask them
    for help. FCSSC and local CSSA could set up a task force to
    FIRST get information, collect individual cases, and prepare a
    file. Then they can probably do the following STEP BY  STEP,

     a) contact the  Minister of Employment and Immigration of Fede.Gov.
        present the files and ask their reply. Try to solve the
        matter behind closed door.
     b) Probably(?) at the same time contact MP's, parties' leaders,
        powerful persons for help.
     c)  -------   IF THE ABOVE TWO NOT WORK   -------
        Contact news media.

2) FCSSC is our own organization and FCSSC is for, by and of all of us.
   This issue will mean normal work for the current FCSSC and CSSA
   voluuneer officials. So dont just 'report' to FCSSC then sit and
   wait but do nothing. Since it concerns our own lives we should
   join CSSA and FCSSC by devoting our time to  related work, such as
   collect cases, prepare letter and materials etc.. *AND*
   Everyone concern about this matter write a personal letter to :

  the  Minister of Employment and Immigration of Federal Government,

  the  Minister of External Affairs of Federal Government, Joe Clark,

  the local MP, the local Chinese Community leaders.

  Visit the international Center in your campus or city.

       It is estimated that at least several hundred people  facing or
  to be facing this problem in Canada. . If everyone join his/her voice
  into calling, the effects will be considerable, otherwise no miracle
  will happen, our own will suffer from the consequences.

News    Transmission    chi@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca   (or)
--------------------    ---------------------
Local Editor: Bo Chi    chi@vlsi.waterloo.edu    
Tue Nov 28 11:29:10 EST 1989