(Bo Chi) (12/11/89)
| +---------I __L__ ___/ \ -------I +----+----+ | ___\_\_ | \./ | | -----+- | | | | | __ \/ | --+-- |--- | |---| | I----+----I | I__J/\ | __|__ | | | |---| | | | _____ \ | /| \ | | | L__-| | I I---------J / J \/ | | V | J * C h i n a N e w s D i g e s t * (ND Canada Service) -- Dec. 11 (I), 1989 Table of Contents # of Lines 1) New Regulations To Keep CCP From "Six Evils" ................ 26 2) Caution On US Student Moves Urged .......................... 74 3) Village Life Falls Into An Economic Pit (Analysis) ......... 78 4) (AP) Two High Level US Officials Arrived In China .......... 51 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. New Regulations To Keep CCP From "Six Evils" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "J. Ding" <IZZYQ00@UCLAMVS.BITNET> Source: BEIJING (AP) December 07, 1989 CommunistParty members involved in prostitution will be expelled from the party, according to new regulations announced Thursday. The party's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said any party member who sells sexual favors, patronizes a prostitute or forces or instigates others to do so will lose his or her party membership. The official Xinhua News Agency said the rules also stipulate that any member who harbors a prostitute, shields related actions or obstructs the investigation or punishment of a prostitution case will receive punishment more severe than removal from party posts. Prostitution is one of the "six evils" that have become the target of a nationwide anti-crime campaign. The others are gambling, drugs, the selling of women and children, pornography and superstition. The "evils" have been linked to the Western tendencies the current hard-line leadership has sought to eradicate since suppressing the pro-democracy movement in the spring. Prostitution is believed to be most prevalent in Canton and other free-wheeling southern China cities and in other cities such as Shanghai, where contacts with foreigners are on the increase. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Caution On US Student Moves Urged --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: hkucs! Source : South China Morning Post, 12/8/89 [By Daniel Kwan] Beijing should find out what steps Washington will take with regard to Chinese students studying in the US before taking drastic action such ass freezing academic exchanges between the two countries, an expert on Sino- American academic exchanges said yesterday. "The longer Beijing can postpone taking (drastic) action, the better," said Mr Glenn Shive, director of the Institute of International Education in Hongkong. "Chinese leaders should also let the dusts (of the June 4 Tiananmen Square crackdown) settle," he added. The United State President, Mr George Bush, last week vetoed a bill that would allow about 40,000 Chinese students now in the US to apply for a change of visa status, allowing them to stay on. However, Mr Bush approved administrative arrangements that would accomplish the same goals as the bill. Mr Shive said whether Congress will over-ride Mr Bush's veto would depend on what action the Chinese authorities adopt before Congress resumes in January. Mr Shive, she was giving a talk at the University of Hongkong yesterday, said Beijing would like to have its students returned home and contribute to its modernisation programme. Although the bill had taken care of those who had entered the United States before June 4, those in China would now not be as lucky because the Chinese authorities would close the door to stop them leaving, Mr Shive said. "Not all of the 40,000 Chinese students in the United States now are real political activists. If the bill is passed and made into law, those who are not will get a windfall of American passports," he said. Although the September intake of Chinese students in most American universities remained roughly at the same level as in last year, Mr Shive expected there would be a decrease next autumn when new provisions were implemented by Chinese officials across the country. New provisions which had made overseas education more difficult for ordinary people were already being put into force in China. Approval of applicants by unit heads was required and unit heads would be held responsible if they failed to return after graduation. Despite the souring of relationships between the United States and China, Mr Shive believed the Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc countries would not be able to replace the United States in the area of academic exchanges. One reason is that China had benefited financially as a result of the academic exchange programmes it carried out with the United States. "Students from Eastern Bloc countries and the Soviet Union cannot provide the revenue that the American students have generated," he said. Mr Shive pointed out that if the Unired States bowed to Chinese pressure and made it harder for Chinese students to stay after graduation, it might create problems in academic circles in American universities. A large number of Chinese students in the United States are holding J-1 visas and are engaged in research for post-graduate courses. Under existing rules, they are required to return home for two years before applying to the United States for a change of visa status. If they were made to leave the US, their research would be disrupted, Mr Shive said. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Village Life Falls Into An Economic Pit (Analysis) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: hkucs! Source: South Morning Post, 12/8/89 [By Daniel Kwan] When Dr Anita Chan and Dr Jonathan Unger of Australian National University firat started their research on Chinese villages in the 70s, they could never have imagined the changes that would happen in the years to follow. To avoid reprisals from the authorities, the real names of the villages were avoided and they were called the "Chen village". Dr Chan and Dr Unger's research findings were summarised in a book Chen Village: The Recent History of a Peasant Community in Mao's China published in 1984 when China's economic reform was in its heyday. Since then, significant changes have taken place in Chen village. In 1984, Chinese farmers witnessed the best harvest they have seen in decades, foreign businessmen talked enthusiastically about the "billion China market", and shiploads of Hongkong compatriots made their journey back home and set up factories in the Pearl River delta. But in late 1987, economic reform measures initiated by senior leader Deng Xiaoping and carried out by his proteges, the late Hu Yaobang and the now disgraced party chief Zhao Ziyang, hit rock and the economy was in serious trouble. Inflation was more than 30 per cent in most urban cities. Corruption was rampant and profiteering by "unauthorised officials" was serious. "Now, all the industries, or 90 per cent of them, are factories belonging to Hongkong businessmen," Dr Chan said. Besides the inflow of capital from Hongkong, millions of peasants who came from outside provinces have also changed the landscape. Paddy fields were filled with rubbles and mountains were levelled. People's livelihood there has become completely dependent upon Hongkong and if the territory goes down, they go down together, Dr Chan added. Rapid social change has created many problems. People are being classified into different social groups, ironically, not according to ideologies as in the 60s, but by their origins. People who have relatives in Hongkong belong to the first group. The second class are local people who had moved out of farming and worked in factories or some private business. The third are outside peasants hired to do manual labour for local people. According to the two professors, many of the peasants who came to Baoan County from such poor provinces as Sichuan, Guangxi and Hunan cannot speak the local dialect (Cantonese) and live separately. They do not have the right of residence but are required to pay taxes to the local authorities and their wages are lower than what local people earn although they may be doing EXACTly the same job, Dr Chan says. "In one particular case, a Hongkong businessmen hired 300 Sichuanese to work vegetable field. They all live in the middle of the field and we saw people sleeping on planks. "But they are happy in a sense that life even then is better than where they come from." An orange farming fever swept through the Pearl River delta area this summer. "Suddenly, the peasants in the delta area around the southern part of Guangdong thought that they could make a killing by growing oranges," said Dr Chan. "They turned their paddies into orchards. Now they have about one million catties of oranges which they can't sell as they have no outlet." As for the impact of the June event in the Chen village, they said: "This issue is too sensitive and we have avoided a sking about it." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. (AP) Two High Level US Officials Arrived In China --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: BEIJING - Two of President Bush's top advisers arrived Saturday for talks with Chinese leaders. They are the highest-ranking U.S. officials to visit since the military crushed the pro-democracy movement in June. National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft and Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger were to brief Chinese leaders on the Malta summit. ''The two officials will continue the U.S. practice of keeping the Chinese leadership informed of major developments in U.S.-U.S.S.R. relations,'' White House spokesman Marline Fitzwater said in a statement issued early Saturday. The two arrived by special plane, the Foreign Ministry said. Scowcroft was scheduled to meet with Foreign Minister Qian Qichen later Saturday. The U.S. Embassy refused comment on the visit and how it reconciled with Bush's ban on high-level contacts imposed after the Chinese government's violent suppression of pro-democracy dissent. Fitzwater said that while Bush, a former ambassador to China, ''deplores the tragedy of Tiananmen Square last June, China nevertheless remains part of the world around us. The president views China as an important country in world affairs. ''The president has concluded that it is appropriate and in the long-term interest of the United States to inform the Chinese leadership of his discus- sions with the Soviet leader,'' Fitzwater added. There was speculation in Beijing that the two sides may discuss how to resolve the situation of astrophysicist Fang Lizhi, the pro-democracy dissident who has been hiding in the U.S. Embassy with his wife, Li Shuxian, since the June crackdown. The Chinese side has branded the couple as counterrevolutionaries and issued warrants for their arrest. The Chinese government says 300 people, mostly soldiers, died during the violent suppression of pro-democ- racy demonstrators in Beijing June 3-4. Witnesses and Western sources say hundreds or even thousands died, most of the victims unarmed civilians. Following meetings in China, Scowcroft and Eagleburger will travel to Japan before returning to Washington Monday, said Fitzwater. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Executive Editor: Yaxiong Lin E_mail: aoyxl@asuacvax.bitnet | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ========================================================================== News Transmission (or) -------------------- --------------------- Local Editor: Bo Chi -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 11 09:05:37 EST 1989